Winter Project
Mrs. Schmidt
Due: Wednesday, 1/6
Assignment: Students will listen to an interview between Ira Glass and Nikole Hannah-Jones about race and education in American schools. Here is the link to the interview.
Important steps:
1.)Research the following important terms related to education and race relations. Provide a definition for each term:
❖Busing (forced)
❖Achievement gap
❖No Child Left Behind Act
❖Brown v the Board of Education
2.) Listen to the podcast from This American Life. (See link above). The podcast has been divided into 3 segments; altogether, it is 55 minutes long.
3.) Write a summary of what was discussed in the podcast. The summary should be at least 400 words. Explain the main ideas that are discussed in the interview.
4.) Write an analysis of the podcast. What are your feelings, reactions about what was discussed? How do you think it relates to education and race relations in America? Did this podcast have any personal importance to you and your education? The analysis should be at least 200 words.
Be sure to:
●Format your paper.
○Size 12, Times New Roman font
○1 inch margins
●Provide a citation for the website(s) used for your definition.
●Use correct grammar and spelling.
●Organize your thoughts into well-constructed paragraphs. Rule of thumb, one idea = one paragraph.
Grading Scale:
Excellent / Acceptable / PoorDefinitions
(10 points) / Definitions are thorough and make sense contextually / Definitions are acceptable, and make sense contextually / Definitions are inadequate, or do not make sense contextually
(15 points) / Summary is clear, discusses all the main ideas covered in the interview, and is the appropriate length. / Summary makes sense, discusses most of the main ideas, and is close to the appropriate length. / Summary is confusing, does not cover the topics discussed, and is not near the appropriate length.
(15 points) / Analysis is thoughtful, engaging, meaningful, and is the appropriate length. / Analysis is somewhat interesting and shows effort, and is close to the appropriate length. / Analysis does not show understanding of the material, and is not near the appropriate length.
(10 points) / Directions were followed, formatting was correct, no spelling or grammatical mistakes. / Directions were mostly followed, only a few spelling or grammatical mistakes. / Directions were not followed, several spelling or grammatical mistakes.