Hamlet Group Project

In your group you are responsible for teaching the rest of the class your assigned act from Hamlet. As such, you must do the following:

Ø  Construct a plot summary for each scene in the act. 15 points

Ø  Describe each of the characters in your act. Who are they? Who are they related to? As far as you can tell, what are the motivations for their actions throughout the act?

15 points

Ø  Answer the discussion questions both individually and as a group.

20 points for individual responses, 15 points for group responses.

Ø  Pick out the most important scene in the act and be able to explain why it is so important – not only as it relates to your act, but also as it relates to the play overall.

15 points

Ø  Act out some or all of the most significant scene, using the Hamlet Dramatization format. 25 points

This is a group effort. All group members must work as a whole. Your grade will be based on the manner in which all group members demonstrate a shared knowledge of the work. You will present your information to the whole class as a lesson. Remember, no one knows your act like you do. YOU ARE THE EXPERTS. Keep that in mind on the day of your presentation.

Grading rubric is on the opposite side. DO NOT LOSE THIS PAPER.

Hamlet Group Presentations

Grading Criteria

Plot Summary

Group gives a detailed, scene-by-scene summary of the action and plot of the whole Act.

______/ 15


Group describes in detail the characters, their relations and friends, behavior and reasons for behaving as such.

______/ 15

Significant Scenes

Group is able to talk about what it believes is the most important scene in the act, and give the reasons as to why it is so important.

______/ 15


Group’s dramatization is well-rehearsed and the breakout reflects both the main theme of the scene and its relationship to contemporary issues and themes.

______/ 25


Information is presented in a polished and creative manner (PowerPoint, posters, Prezi, film clips, etc) Group does NOT simply read the information to the class.

______/ 15

Group demonstrates shared knowledge of ALL material

______/ 5

______/ 90

Individual discussion question responses ______/ 20

Group discussion question responses ______/ 15

TOTAL ______/ 125