Basic Biology B – Ms. Mapp

West Ranch High School


661.222.1220 ext. 201

West Ranch High School Mission Statement

WestRanchHigh School is committed to challenging and motivating each student to achieve excellence

and become a responsible and valuable member of society. Through relationships, rigor, and relevance,

West Ranch High School promotes integrity, distinction, and vision.”

Dear Students and Parents:

Please subscribe to my page so that you can get up to date information on what the students are doing in class each day and what they have been assigned for homework. Follow these directions:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “About Us” and then “Staff Directory”
  3. Locate and click on “Kanika Mapp”
  4. Click on your student’s class
  5. Click “Subscribe”

Welcome to Basic Biology! This class is a year-long Biology course and will coverCalifornia Science Standards – covering Biology at the cellular and sub cellular level. This course meets the requirements for graduation. There will be homework each class as well as lecture notes which are mandatory for the course.

Course Outline

This semester we will be covering the following:

  • Ecology - the biosphere, ecosystems and communities, populations, and humans in the biosphere
  • Evolution - Darwin’s theory of evolution and evolution of populations
  • The Human Body - nervous system, circulatory and respiratory systems, digestive and excretory systems, and the immune system and disease

Class Materials

Students would benefit from bringing the following to class everyday:

  1. 3 Ring Binder with FIVEtabs
  2. Looseleaf notebook paper
  3. Sharpened pencilsand/or pens
  4. 1 2-pocket paper folder
  5. Student Planner

** The Textbook used in this course is Biology by Miller and Levine. The replacement cost is $84. If damaged a monetary value equal to the damage will be required.

Materials Donation:

  • $25 please make check payable to West Ranch ASB
Classroom Behavior Expectations and Academic Integrity

Classroom Management Policy:

  • Each student is to be in her/her seat before the tardy bell rings.
  • Pencils are to be sharpened before class begins.
  • Each student is to come prepared for class with the materials listed above.
  • NO food or drinks (water is the only exception) are allowed in the classroom.
  • All electronics (including cell phones) must be turned OFF and kept in your backpacks.
  • Each student is responsible for keeping the area around his/her desk clean.
  • No talking when the teacher or another student is addressing the class.
  • When in doubt about behavior, consider the rule that “Every student has the right to learn, and every teacher has the right to teach.”
  • NO EXCUSES!!! Own up to your actions and accept your consequences.
  • West Ranch High School’s “Behavioral Standards” will be enforced.

Should I interpret your actions as a failure to comply with these policies, I will…

  • Warn you
  • Call home or ask you to call home
  • Request a parent/student/counselor conference
  • Refer you to the StudentResponsibilityCenter/ Saturday Opportunity Class
  • Refer you to an Administrator/ 2 day suspension

Extreme Behavior may result in any and/or all of these consequences

Keep in mind that these are school and district guidelines and are in place to foster a healthy and positive learning environment.

Academic Integrity Policy:

WestRanchHigh School will consistently enforce the William S. Hart Union High School District Board Policy on Academic Integrity which is based on Educational Code 44806.

The following actions will be deemed violations of Academic Integrity and/or Board Policy:

  • When a student takes credit for work that is not their own or allows someone else to copy their work, this will be deemed a violation of our Academic Integrity Standards.
  • If a student looks at another student’s paper or sends or receives test data during or before a quiz or test or uses materials on a test or quiz that has not been approved, this is a breach of Board Policy.
  • If a student plagiarizes someone’s work, whether it is another student’s or reference material, this will be a violation of Board Policy.

The following consequences will be enacted if a violation occurs:

  • The parents of the student who has been academically dishonest will be notified of the event and a report will be filed in the student’s permanent record
  • The student will receive an automatic zero (failing grade) on the assignment or test; no make-up work will be offered to compensate for the zero.
  • The student will be dropped from the National Honors Society (NHS) if the student is a member of that organization.
  • The student will be dropped from the California Scholarship Federation (CSF) if the student is a member of that organization.

The following consequences may be enacted if a violation occurs:

  • The student may be removed from the class for one day at the teacher’s discretion, according to the California Educational Code.
  • The student may serve a four hour Saturday School.
  • The student may face suspension from extra-curricular activities, including sports programs.

Grade Breakdown: Grading scale:

Homework 5%A=90-100%

Tests/Quizzes 35%B=80-89%

Labs/Activities 30%C=70-79%

Classwork 20% **D=60-69%

Final Exam 10%**F=below 60%

** Earning a D or F in the course may result in retaking the course.


Students are assigned homework on a daily basis (homework assignments can be found on my website). Homework is due the following class period.

Quizzes and Tests:

Students will be held responsible on exams and quizzes for the material covered in the readings, on homework, and in the classroom. Major assignments may include labs, research, projects, collaborative teamwork, oral presentations and exhibitions. Students absent on the day of an assessment will be expected to take the assessment during the next class in which they are present.

Extra Help:

Parents and Students, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for us to communicate at the first sign of a problem (e.g. your child is unable to understand the assignment, your child does not have the resources required to complete the assignment, etc.). Please do not hesitate to contact me via phone or e-mail with any questions, suggestions, or concerns.

I am available for extra help every day from 8:00-8:25 a.m. Also, West Ranch offers a variety of extra help opportunities, including weekly review sessions and Open Library Nights. You can check the school website for the most up-to-date list of dates and times.

Attendance is important and is directly related to your success. To be successful, students need to be in class, on time, and ready to learn. The school tardy policy and district attendance policy will be enforced in this class. Students have 2 days to make-up an assignment due to an excused absence. Tests must be made up immediately upon return.


At West Ranch High School our goal is to create a diversity sensitive environment for equitable results. Each of us is unique and will be respected as such. Every student is given the opportunity to learn math and succeed within this classroom.

As your teacher, here is what you can expect from me to help you succeed in this course:

  • I will be prepared to teach each day.
  • The content standards, daily objectives, and agenda will be written on the whiteboard daily.
  • I will teach the district-approved curriculum.
  • I will prepare interesting and engaging lessons.
  • I will be available during tutorial, during brunch/lunch and after school if you need extra help.
  • I promise not to humiliate you, embarrass you or put you down.
  • I promise to listen to you and respect you.

Here is what I expect from my students:

  • Come to class on time, prepared to learn each day.
  • Complete your homework on time.
  • Identify a study buddy that you can contact if you are absent from class to get assignments or extra help.
  • Use the student planner/calendar that was given to you at summer check-in to organize your learning and keep track of your assignments.
  • Come to see me if you need help.
  • Take responsibility for your learning and take your learning seriously.
  • Try your best and take risks.
  • Be honest, be yourself and be a good team player.

As parents you can help your child by:

  • Taking an interest in your child’s studies.
  • Talking with your child each night about what they learned in school and ask to see their notebooks.
  • Helping your child develop good time management strategies.
  • Working with your child to set realistic goals for success.
  • If you see that your child is having difficulties in a class, please intervene immediately – contact me and encourage your child to come see me for help.
  • Attending Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meetings and other school events.


I look forward to working with you this school year. I am dedicated to helping you succeed. If there is ever anything that I can do to help you succeed please feel free to let me know so that we can work together to accomplish a successful year of Biology. I look forward to seeing you at Open House on March31st!

Ms. Mapp