CASC Ontario Council
December 1, 2011 (teleconference)
PRESENT: Mike Chow(SW), Kathy Edmison(OC), Janeta Kobes(NE), Marvin Shank(SW), Merv Wilson(NW), Ciaran McKenna - chair(SW), Rebekah Hackbush – vice chair(NE), Cindy Elkerton - secretary(OC).
REGRETS: Doug Longstaffe(NE).
- Meeting called to order by Ciaran at 1:05 PM.
- Agenda – accepted with addition of an item # 9. 2012 Conference workshop proposal.
- November minutes – one correction to item 9 to change 2010 to 2012.
- business arising from minutes
- item 6 – vote conducted and passed; the Terms of Reference are now on the CASC website under the CASC ON Council section
- item 7 – vote conducted and passed; we now have the new name of CASC Ontario Council
- Archival of our minutes and other documents are not kept by National Office. We are to keep everything here. We will store all minutes and other documents on a USB stick and in 2 other locations (secretary’s home and secretary’s work). This will be the secretary’s responsibility and the USB stick will be property of CASC Ontario Council and will move from secretary to secretary.
Action: Cindy to buy USB stick and keep files on it.
3.1.4.item 11 – Rebekah was asked by Ciaran to be our Vice Chair, all accepted and she is now our new Vice Chair!
- Letter to Non-CASCers on membership/recruitment
- With the changes made previously, the letter is now ready in content. A communications expert will have a look at it for presentation and best form.
- Some questions were raised; who is the letter for and what is its purpose? AMrvin commented that it is to reach out to other groups to tell them of the benefits of CASC membership in Ontario at this time in history.
- Concernwas raised that we may not want just anyone to join our Association. Associate members can be CASC members with a National vote but no training at all.
Action: Merv, Ciaran, Mike (lead), Mike will ask Bob Bond as well. Will meet to identify 4 or 5 key groups to send this letter to;report back via email before our January meeting.
- Report from PP Commission meeting (Oct 28-29)
- Scopes of practice document was presented and it will come out CASC wide in the new year
- Regional boundary change was discussed
- Nomenclature, title decided on. Spiritual Care Practitioner and Pastoral Counselling Practitioner.
- Ontario Day in Spring to walk members through preparing for College Registration
- Bob Bond has put forward a proposal for the 2012 Conference to present just this!
- What should we do at this time? Another “Tyndale” type event with onsite and webcast. When should this take place? Perhaps by March? Both an Ontario Education event and a meeting of Ontario members at the 2012 Conference will help capture more members. We have to make sure to have the College registration documentation is available before our event day to make it at all useful.
- Regarding an Ontario gathering, a new location, or several locations are needed. How much money do we have? Can we set up a multi-site weblink? Concern was raised about the expenses of such technology for an Education Day –
Action: Rebekah volunteered to work on setting up the education day.
Action: Marvin will investigate dates and timeline.
Action: Ciaran will investigate the technology needed to do this being hosted from his site and what’s needed at other sites to hook in two-way visual and two-way audio as well (OTN, Webinar/live telecasting).
- Filling role of Treasurer on the CASC ON Council and funding issues in Ontario
- Marvin’s research shows that a designated amount from the total membership fees is divided equally by the 8 Regions. This was historically to help the small regions. We are concerned about this and we want to investigate some change to this.
- Marvin’s research also found that the $50 that is collected as a voluntary payment in Ontario is sent to Ontario. There was $3400 collected and sent in 2011, this means that 68 members of 497 members in Ontario.
- There is currently a bank account in Ottawa called PPCommittee account; used by the College Working Group. Consensus arose that a move of the account to the Toronto area would be a good idea.
Action: Janeta will locate the account and details about location and balance to-date.Action: Cindy volunteered to help to move the account to the Toronto area; Cindy and Janeta will work on this.
7.4.We wondered about the governments funding and if there is any to assist in the roll out of College
Action: Marvin will investigate.
- Council’s goals for April 2012 Conference/AGM
- Our goals do depend on the number of Ontario members who are attending;we can have a working lunch, in a private space but concern was raised that we are accountable to all members and not only those at conference so we will focus on have a time at the conference as well as a gathering in Ontario in the spring.
- Communiqués from CASC Ontario council would also be a good way to communicate with ALL Ontario members
Action: Ciaran will write up an email to update members about the work of this Council.
Action: Cindy will send it out once it’s ready
- Conference workshop proposal
- Marvin has put forward a proposal regarding registration regulation in the College and how CPE and PCE training programs might meet these new regulations. Council were all supportive of Marvin’s work.
Action: Cindy and Mike volunteered to join Marvin on this.
- Third rep from OCR
- We still require a third representative from the Ontario Central Region who resides in Central Ontario.
Action: Kathy will raise this issue with OCR Executive again and report back by email before January meeting.
- How do we help ONE reps to be able to attend
- According to ONE reps present, this should no longer be a problem
- Staff person in Ontario
- Depends if membership will increase in Ontario. Need at least $20,000 to fund this position.
Action: Leave this item on Parking Lot
- Parking lot
- Succession planning - can the founding members stagger leaving the council so history and experience is maintained.
- Staff person in Ontario – Develop job description over next year
- funding from government for roll out of College in Ontario
- NEXT MEETING: January 13, 2012.
PHONE NUMBER: 1-866-512-0904 CODE: 4181537 #
Suggested Agenda for January Meeting
- Which Non-CASCers should receive the membership recruitment letter?
- Ontario Member’s Gathering in “Spring” to help members prepare for College Registration
- Council’s goals for April 2012 Conference/AGM
- Filling role of Treasurer– moving account, balance of account, etc…
- Funding from National office – transfer amounts/formula
- Letter from Ciaran for Communiqué to Ontario members
- Conference workshop proposal
- Third rep from OCRstill required
- College Development money available to the Regions from the Professional Practice Commission ($3000 per region)
- Etc…
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