A regular meeting of the Timberon Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors was held on January 21, 2006 at 10:00 AM in the community center. Board members present were Joan Schug, Tom Tannehill, Betty Phillips, and Sid Benson.

Joan Schug reviewed the agenda and asked to move the board vacancy to the beginning.

Minutes of the December 17th, 21st and 28thof 2005 meetings wereread.

The Treasurer’s Report for December of 2005 was approved.

Bill Gideon presented the General Manager’s Report.

Minutes of January 10, 2006 were read and all of the minutes were approved.

Bonnie Starr, Glenda Gentry, William Curtis and Scott Millar have expressed an interest in filling the vacancy on the board. Tom Tannehill nominated Scott Millar. Sid Benson seconded the nomination. Tom Tannehill, Sid Benson and Joan Schug voted in favor and Betty Phillips abstained from voting.

Old Business:

Betty Phillips moved to accept amended Resolution 05/06-008 with the changes to meeting procedures. These changes will make the resolution match the attorney general’s Open Meetings Act guide. Sid Benson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Betty Phillips gave a status report on property foreclosures. It was agreed that TWSD should proceed with the foreclosure of properties that have not complied with the demand letters already sent.

New Business:

Bill Gideon recommended that the board designate Gary Goss as the delegate and Debbie Goss as the alternate delegate for NM Rural Water Association. Discussion was held about the cost to TWSD. Debbie Goss will pay for the NMRWA conference herself. She cannot run for a position on the NMRWA board of directors unless she is a delegate. Betty Phillips motioned to send Gary Goss as delegate and Debbie Goss as alternate delegate. Board members who want to, can go on their own. Sid Benson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Betty Phillips reported that a review of the budget showed most line items were okay but pool repair money would be used for attorney fees and equipment repairs. The pool can be opened this season with minimal repairs. Debbie Goss read budget adjustment Resolution 05/06-011. Tom Tannehill moved to accept Resolution 05/06-011, third budget adjustment for fiscal year 2005/2006. Sid Benson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Betty Phillips moved to have the Chairman or the Treasurer sign all checks along with the general manager or the administrative secretary. Scott Millar seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Committee Reports:

Bill Gideon asked the board to designate a director to head a 40 Year Water Planning Committee. Tom Tannehill nominated Scott Millar to form a committee and Scott accepted the task.

Joan Schug adjourned the meeting.