University of Salford Travel and Fieldwork Code of Practice v1.2
Travel and Fieldwork Code of Practice
Effective from 18 June 2012
Version Number: 1.2
Author: Safety/Fire Safety Officer
Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Status and reason for development
Status: / Revised to update previous version
Reason for development: / This document was developed to support the Travel and Fieldwork Policy implementation
Revision History
Date Date / Author / Summary of changes / Version No.
Update to include details of the Finance Department Travel Office and removal of Key Travel references. / V1.2
January 2015 / Claire Whittaker / Document transferred to new / V1.1
June 2012 / Claire Whittaker / Document developed / V1.0
Code of Practice Management and Responsibilities
Owner: / Associate Director of Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Author: / The owner has delegated responsibility for day to day management of the Code to the Safety/Fire Safety Officer
Others with responsibilities
(please specify): / All subjects of the Code will be responsible for engaging with and adhering to this policy.
Assessment / Cross relevant assessments / Cross if not applicable
Equality Analysis
Information Governance
Academic Governance /
Consultation / Cross relevant consultations
Staff Trades Unions via HR
Students via USSU
Any relevant external bodies
(please specify) ………………………………….. / Consultation of the original policy took place through the Health and Safety Committee.
Authorised by: / The Executive
Date authorised: / 14.5.12
Effective from: / 18.6.12
Review due: / Every 2 years from date authorised
Document location: /
Document dissemination and communications plan
The Safety/Fire Safety Officer will circulate to the Health and Safety Coordinators for the Colleges and Professional Services to enable promotion throughout their area of responsibility.
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University of Salford Travel and Fieldwork Code of Practice v1.2
1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this Code of Practice is to support the Travel & Fieldwork Policy by providing practical information on achieving compliance
2.0 Scope
The Code of Practice is applicable to all staff and students involved in the planning, preparing or authorising fieldwork. It supports the University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) approach to managing safety in fieldwork.
It should be read in conjunction with “Control Risks” website as the basis for determining and assessing risks.
The document makes many references to “Control Risks” and relies on this resource as the basis for determining and assessing risks. This is a resource provided by the University’s Insurers and should be used to obtain information about the destination being travelled to.
3.0 Code of Practice Statements
3.1 Planning
Prior to undertaking an overseas trip or fieldwork trip, the Trip Planner or Fieldwork Leader will need to interrogate the “Control Risks” site to determine what level of assessment and precautions is required; whether the trip is permissible; and who can authorise the trip. Where significant risks exist, i.e. Medium Risk destination or hazardous activity, a detailed assessment and trip plan will be required.
The following items should be considered and addressed. Bear in mind that conditions on site upon arrival, or during the trip, may alter and the activities planned may need to be adjusted, etc. and so a new assessment may be required during the travel or fieldtrip.
Where this is likely, the Trip Planner or Fieldwork Leader must ensure that there is someone on the trip with the competency and authority to enable a revised assessment to be completed and approved.
In addition, the risk assessment must take account of the risks presented by the activities taking place; the accommodation provided; the equipment being used; the environment being visited; etc. Some additional information is provided to follow but, if further help or advice is needed, Health, Safety and Wellbeing can be contacted for further assistance.
The document at Appendix 1 can be used to identify the risks and draw up the Safety Plan by using the information provided on the Control Risks site.
Specific areas of Control Risks, which may be of use, include:
· General Security Advice for all Travellers
· Accommodation
· Travel Advice
· World Calendar – dates of significant events
The Travel Insurance Cover Certificate, which will be required for travel outside the UK, and details of the organisation that can assist with medical support or repatriation, can be found from the link to the Finance Intranet site in Section 7.
It is strongly advised that you take a copy of the certificate with you when travelling outside the UK.
3.2 Choice of Trip
The Trip Planner or Fieldwork Leader must consider the choice of destination before authorising, or seeking higher authorisation, for the trip.
Where visits are proposed to remote locations, foreign destinations, areas with the potential for civil unrest – both at home and abroad, developing countries, etc., advice must be sought from the Control Risks site. This information must be recorded and provided to the person authorising the trip, which will enable the person authorising the trip to make an informed judgement about the risk level and value of the trip.
3.3 Accommodation
Where overnight stay is required, the accommodation must be booked through the Finance Department Travel Office. If lone travelling is taking place, the accommodation must be appropriate and avoid the necessity for additional lone travelling, e.g. it should be close to essential facilities, such as places to obtain food, without the need for further lone travelling. The Finance Department Travel Office must advise if this is the case, and provide more detail on request. If this is not the case, alternative accommodation should be arranged.
More information about the Finance Department Travel Office Services and who to contact can be found on the Finance webpages, links can be found in Section 5 of this document.
The Finance Department Travel Office will seek assurances that the accommodation they book is safe. This will include verifying that the accommodation has an adequate means of detecting and raising the alarm in the event of a fire; has a suitable number of fire escape routes; is in an area that is safe and secure, relative to the location being visited; that any gas appliances in accommodation rooms have been inspected and checked to ensure they are safe; etc. Further information on how to ensure your accommodation is suitable and safe can be found on the Control Risks site.
The Trip Planner or Fieldwork Leader must check the accommodation on arrival and ensure they are happy for themselves and their group to stay there. If the Trip Planner or Fieldwork Leader is not travelling with the Travellers or Fieldworkers, they must be given adequate information on what to check on arrival and what action to take if the accommodation is unsuitable or unsafe.
3.4 Catering
The Fieldwork Leader must clearly inform the Fieldworkers whether meals will, or will not, be provided on the field trip and whether they will be required to bring or purchase their own food.
Advice must be provided to all Travellers and Fieldworkers about the precautions to take when selecting food to eat in developing countries and whether the water is potable, etc.
Further information is available on the Control Risks site.
3.5 Transport
Trip Planners and Fieldwork Leaders will need to assess and determine the most appropriate form of travel to, from and during the trip.
If public transport is to be used, determine whether travel to and from stations/airports, etc. presents a risk and whether any delays between transport exchanges will need to be planned for.
Travel to and from airports, etc. in certain countries may present an increased risk and should be planned for in advance.
If the Trip Planner or Fieldwork Leader and Travellers or Fieldworkers are to use their own or hired vehicles, the requirements of the University Policy for Managing the Use of Vehicles must be followed.
Additional precautions will be needed if vehicles are to be hired abroad to ensure the vehicle is safe for use and that seatbelts are provided, etc. Whilst there may be no legal requirement in certain countries for the provision of seatbelts, it is essential that vehicles selected for use by staff or students are provided with them.
Additional Information can be obtained from the Control Risks site.
In addition, it is recommended that the Trip Planner/Fieldwork Leader makes contact with Control Risks by phone or email when developing the risk assessment. Contact details can be found in Section 7.0.
3.6 Equipment
Trip Planners or Fieldwork Leaders must ensure that equipment selected for use on the trip is appropriate. This will include making sure that the equipment is robust and suitable for the terrain; and is of a size that enables it to be handled and carried to and from the destinations without injury.
Travellers and Fieldworkers must be trained in the use of the equipment provided and must be instructed not to use any damaged equipment or unsafe equipment. They must also be instructed to report this to the Trip Planner or Fieldwork Leader.
If equipment is hired in, checks must be made to ensure any necessary safety checks have been carried out prior to supply, and any induction or instruction has taken place to ensure all participants know how to use the equipment safely.
If personal protective equipment is provided, all Travellers or Fieldworkers must be trained in its use and be aware of its limitations. Personal protective equipment must always be selected as a “last resort” and wherever possible more reliable control measures must be identified and implemented.
3.7 Lone Working
Lone working on trips is not prohibited, but the risk assessment must be able to demonstrate that the risk to the lone worker is no greater than if they were not working alone. This may require the need for additional precautions to be implemented to protect the lone worker and reduce the risk to an acceptable level. For example, alternative accommodation may need to be identified, which is less remote and closer to local amenities, better and more frequent communication methods and procedures may need to be introduced, etc.
3.8 Supervision
When determining the level of supervision required for the trip, a number of factors should be considered. For example, consideration should be given to the nature of the work; the environment and country where the trip is taking place; the experience and maturity of the participants, etc.
The risk assessment and planning stage will need to include how any disciplinary issues will be addressed and this should also include maters which might arise during Personal Time and Down Time (as defined in the Travel and Fieldwork Policy).
3.9 Evacuation Requirements
When planning the trip, be aware that the need to evacuate staff or students may arise. Further information on preparing an Evacuation Plan can be obtained from the Head of Security and Community Support in the Estates and Property Services Division.
3.10 Health Requirements
Trip Planners or Fieldwork Leaders will need to ensure that all travellers have been made aware of the specific health requirements and information that is relevant to the travel destination.
Further information on the requirements for the destination being visited can be found on the National Travel Health Network and Centre Website.
4.0 Code of Practice Monitoring and Performance
This Code of Practice will be monitored in accordance with the requirements of the Travel and Fieldwork Policy
5.0 Related Documentation
The Control Risks Website can be accessed via the Travel Safety link on the Safety Webpages:
Details of the Finance Department Travel Office can be found at
Control Risks direct contact details
Tel: +44 (0)20 7939 8658
Fax: +44 (0)20 7970 2234
Finance Pages for Travel Insurance Certificate and Speciality Assist details:
National Travel Health Network and Centre Website
6.0 Training and Support
Risk Assessment training is available via Health, Safety & Wellbeing.
7.0 Appendices
Appendix 1 - Safety Plan Template
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University of Salford Travel and Fieldwork Code of Practice v1.2
Appendix 1 - Using the information on the Control Risks Site, please complete the following for medium and high risk destinations.
Destination being visited / Date of TripClassification from Control Risks / Duration of Trip
Are any of the following identified as requiring precautions on the Control Risks Site? / Yes / No / If yes, please state the precautions or action you will need to take to manage the risks – and/or identify additional useful information
Other means
Cultural issues & Etiquette
Dialling Codes
Emergency Numbers
Working Week
Embassy Details
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