Directorate A: Cooperation in the European Statistical System; International cooperation; Resources
Unit A-6: Statistical cooperation

Doc. MGSC/2013/13

Fifteenth meeting of the

Management Group on Statistical Cooperation

14 - 15March2013

Luxembourg, JeanMonnetBuilding

Room M3

Start: 9:45 am

Status of implementation of multi-beneficiary programmes

Point 9.2 of the Agenda


This document summarises the results of the recently finished multi-beneficiary statistical cooperation programme IPA 2009 and presents the status of implementation of the ongoing programmesIPA 2010 & 2011 and some lessons learnt from their contracting and implementation. The document also describes the future IPA multi-beneficiary programmes.

1.Principles governing multi-beneficiary statistical cooperation

The purpose of multi-beneficiary statistical cooperation programmes is to improve the availability and quality of official statistics of the beneficiaries.

Each annual multi-beneficiary programme defines concrete objectives to be achieved through implementation of pilot projects in various statistical domains; and through statistical assistance activities such as study visits or participation in meetings. The various activities are funded through grants to the NSIs of the beneficiaries (covering for example data collection) or through service contracts (e.g. transfer of knowledge through private experts). In accordance with the progress in the quality of statistics in the recipient countries the tendency over time is to rely more and more on grants rather than service contracts, thus supporting more directly the statistical activities in the countries, increase ownership of the projects by the countries and provide the possibility to learn how to manage EU funds (in a similar way as Member States do).

2. Recently completed programme

2.1IPA 2009 multi-beneficiary cooperation programme (IPA 2009)

The IPA 2009 programme coveredAlbania, BosniaHerzegovina, Croatia,Iceland, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia,Turkey and Kosovo[*]. The total contracted value of the programme was5.9 M€. The major part, 3.5 M€, was implemented via direct grant to beneficiarieswho had the appropriate administrative capacity in place. The beneficiaries contributed to the implementation by 10 % of co-financing. There were also two service contracts to facilitate transfer of expertise (2.4 M€).

The aim of the programme was to upgrade and strengthen the statistical systems in the beneficiaries, thereby improving the availability, quality, comparability and timeliness of statistical data in particular in the following main areas:

  • macro-economic statistics, including government finance, balance of payments and NA
  • price statistics, including HICP and PPP
  • external trade statistics
  • economic accounts for agriculture
  • migration statistics
  • labour market statistics, in particular labour cost index and labour cost survey
  • statistics on innovation
  • education statistics
  • energy statistics
  • dissemination of statistics

These main statistical areas were identified based on the results from previous and ongoing assistance programmes and based on assessments undertaken by Eurostat of the state of the statistical systems in the beneficiaries.

2.1.1Service contracts (lot 1 and lot 2)

Two service contracts were awarded to the contractor ICON Institut. The first service contract for lot 1, worth 2.0 M€, intended primarily for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegroresembled the type of activities as in previous programmes with a mixture of Pilot Projects and Technical Assistance.

The second service contract for lot 2, worth 0.4 M€,was supplementing the grants, for instance by financing workshops common only for Croatia, Iceland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey and Serbia.

Both service contracts were launched in December 2010 for a duration period of 24 months. They ended in November 2012.

The support under the service contract for lot 1 was given both for implementing selected pilot projects and for technical assistance. The support for pilot projects consisted of transfer of methodological advice via external experts and support for the beneficiaries' own work such as data collection and making inventories. The technical assistance part covered participation in workshops, Eurostat working group meetings, study visits, training and secondment of trainees to Eurostat and the NSIs of EU Member States and EFTA countries.

The table below gives an overview of implemented technical assistance activities carried out from October 2011 to September 2012 (the financing started only when the previous IPA 2008 service contract ended, in September 2011):

Activities / No. of activities / No. of participants
Working Groups, seminars etc. / 92 / 277
ESTP Training courses / 1 / 1
Other training courses / 4 / 11
Pilot project workshops / 10 / 119
Study visits / 3 / 20
Traineeships / 19 / 19
TOTAL / 129 / 447

Two rounds of traineeships took place during the implementation period. In total 19 trainees participated: 9 trainees were hosted at Eurostat and 10 were hosted in an EU Member.

The service contractfor lot 1 provided also ad hoc assistance in different statistical areas identified either by the beneficiaries or by experts during missions or by Eurostat. In total 19 different assignments were carried out by 25 experts in 34 missions for 202 working days.

Overall the work has been done in accordance with the service contracts. The draft final report for the service contract for lot 1 was delivered and discussed. The final version was sent at the end of January 2013. However, for the service contract for lot 2 some systematic delays in submitting proper reporting documents and of good quality were noticed. The final report is not yetavailable.

The technical assistance activities were carried out in accordance with the guidelines developed by Eurostat in cooperation with the contractor ICON-Institute. The Code of principles in international cooperation adopted at the 2007 PGSC meeting were also followed in the implementation of the IPA 2009 service contracts.

2.1.2Grant contracts

The IPA 2009 grant contracts were signed in November and December 2010 by the 5 beneficiaries, including Iceland. Implementation started in December 2010 for the 4 beneficiaries - Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey - and in January 2011 for Iceland.

Data collection projects (corresponding to pilot projects under the service contracts) were launched from that date for the 4 beneficiaries - Icelanddid not participate in data collection projects.

Technical assistance was also launched from these dates for Croatia, Iceland and Turkey while technical assistance was launched for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbiaonly in October 2011 after the end of the previous IPA 2008 programme. The technical assistance part covered participation in pilot project workshops, Eurostat working group meetings, study visits, training courses and secondment of trainees to Eurostat and the NSIs of EU Member States and EFTA countries.Three rounds of traineeships took place during the implementation period. In total 21 trainees participated: 15 trainees were hosted at Eurostat and 6 were hosted in an EU Member States.

The guidelines for planning and reporting during the implementation of the IPA 2009 grant contracts developed by Eurostat were applied by the 5 beneficiary NSIs.

Eurostat monitored closely the obligations of the grant countries set in the grant contract and in the guidelines concerning the delivery of the required reporting documents.All beneficiaries fulfilled their obligations. No major issues had to be reported.

The final reports were due by the end of February 2013 except for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia who extended the duration of its grant contract by one month.

3.Ongoing programmes

3.1IPA 2010 multi-beneficiary cooperation programme for Iceland(IPA 2010)

Statistics Iceland is carrying out two data collection projects under IPA 2010 to support the population census and the development of agricultural statistics. The census component consists in preparing administrative registers so that they can be used to produce the tables required under the EU Regulation on population and housing census. In particular, individuals are being linked to the exact dwelling in multi-dwelling buildings in order to be able to compile household statistics. In the agricultural component, a successful Farm Structure Survey was carried out during 2011 and will form the base for agricultural statistics in Iceland. The amount of this grant is 1M€, which has been provided by DG ELARG as an addition to other IPA projects. The implementation of the 24-month projects started in April 2011 and has progressed according to the plan.

3.2IPA 2011 multi-beneficiary cooperation programme

The IPA 2011 programme follows the general approach adopted already for the IPA 2009multi-beneficiary programme. The total contracted value of the programme is8.2 M€. Of this, 5.0 M€ is allocated for grants to Croatia, Iceland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.The beneficiaries contribute to the implementation by 10 % of co-financing. There is also one service contract (3.2 M€) of the same type as in the previous IPA programmes, for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro.

The IPA 2011 Multi-beneficiary statistical cooperation programmecovers activities in the following statistical domains:

  • National accounts methodology, own resources
  • Quarterly National Accounts
  • Regional household accounts
  • Regional gross value added
  • European System of Accounts (ESA) -TP tables T8 annual sector accounts
  • European System of Accounts (ESA) -TP tables T2, T9 annual government accounts
  • Agri-monetary statistics
  • Annual Crop statistics
  • Animal production statistics
  • Waste statistics
  • Water statistics
  • Migration statistics
  • Labour Force Survey
  • Household Budget Survey (HBS)
  • Income and Living Condition statistics (SILC)
  • Business Registers
  • Structural Business Statistics (SBS)
  • Purchasing Power Parities (PPP)
  • Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)
  • International trade in goods statistics

Some of these statistical domains are for the countries benefitting from a grant only. In addition some of those countries proposed one or two ad hoc projects in statistical domains covered by the acquis.

3.2.1Service contract

The service contractawarded to GOPA Consultants was signed in July 2012. The implementation period runs 24 months and will end in June 2014. It is intended primarily for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro. The type of activities resembles those in previous programmes with a mixture of Pilot Projects and Technical Assistance.

The service contract started immediately by financing a few technical assistance activities (mainly traineeships) butits full implementation started only towards the end of the IPA 2009 service contract lot 1 in November 2012. assistance

General technical assistance will allow, where relevant:

  • participation of beneficiaries` experts in technical meetings including working group meetings, task force meetings and seminars organised by Eurostat alone or jointly with international organisations such as UNECE, OECD, etc. or by other Commission services
  • participation of beneficiaries' experts in pilot project workshops
  • training courses (organised within the European Statistical Training Programme or by the contractor upon beneficiaries' specific needs)
  • study visits to statistical offices or other official statistics providers in Europe
  • ad hoc consultancy (ad-hoc expert assistance in areas not covered by the pilot projects but which are important and urgent for a beneficiary i.e. assessments/review of the whole statistical system, support to the development of web site, etc.)
  • traineeships of statisticians from the beneficiaries at Eurostat, EU Member States and EFTA countries
  • translation and dissemination of the relevant documentation

As in previous years the budget for technical assistance is limited. It was therefore decided to give priority to participation in working groups and traineeships. The IPA 2011 service contract allows approximately 355 participants in meetings (working groups, conferences, etc.) and the participation of 21trainees. It also allows the participation of beneficiaries’ experts in 19 workshops, in 7 training courses and in 16 study visits. In addition 140 working days are also available for ad-hoc expert assistance.

From 10 September to 21 December 2012a first round of traineeships took place. In total 9 trainees participated: 7 trainees were hosted at Eurostat and 2were hosted in EU Member States – 1 in Hungary and 1 in Portugal.

From 21 January to 21 June 2013a second round of traineeships is taking place. In total 5 trainees participate: 3 trainees are hosted at Eurostat and 2 traineesare hosted in Hungary.

A third and last round of traineeship will take place from September to December 2013. The selection process is on-going.

Technical assistance activities are carried out in accordance with the guidelines developed by Eurostat in cooperation with the contractor GOPA Consultants. These guidelines are based on previous programme procedures and serve to facilitate and standardise the work process. They provide a full overview of eligible activities and are harmonised with the coding system of different activities used in other MBP programmes. This is also done in view of the future transition from service contracts to grants. The procedures for selection of participants, organisation of participation are described in more detail. These guidelines together with the templates to be used (participant's profile, terms of reference for study visits and consultancies, justification for additional participants, activity report, etc.) were distributed to the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries are asked to follow the instructions given in the guidelines i.e. to keep the deadlines set and to pay particular attention to the quality of the documents provided. Only a proper system of sound management and coordination can ensure smooth and efficient implementation of the activities.

In addition, as it is stated in the guidelines for participation in activities, the beneficiaries are obliged to inform Eurostat in case any participant covered by other funds (other donor, national budget etc.) will participate in an activity financed by IPA 2011.

The Code of principles in international cooperation adopted at the 2007 PGSC meeting have also to be followed in the implementation of the IPA 2011service contract. projects

The principal activities for the 16 pilot projects include:

  • expert missions to the beneficiaries to assess the domains where improvements are most urgently required
  • expert missions to the beneficiaries to give on-the-spot guidance for improvement of areas where weaknesses have been identified
  • organising workshops and seminars for the beneficiaries to disseminate best practices and exchange views among the beneficiaries` experts
  • help desk function to give continuous assistance (e.g. on the use of classifications and statistical methods)
  • finance data collection surveys and methodological reports prepared by the beneficiaries

The implementation of the pilot projects is running in general according to the implementation schedule and a number of activities have already taken place.

3.2.2Grant contracts

The IPA 2011 grant contracts were signed in July 2012 by the 5 beneficiaries - Croatia, Iceland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. The implementation period runs 24 months. It will end in June 2014.

The data collection projects (corresponding to the pilot projects under the service contract) were launched from that date for the 5 beneficiaries. The technical assistance was launched also from that date for Serbia and Turkey to finance traineeship activitieswhile it was launched from December 2012 for Croatia, Iceland and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, when the previous IPA 2009 grant contracts ended.

The technical assistance part covers participation in pilot project workshops, Eurostat working group meetings, study visits, training courses and secondment of trainees to Eurostat and the NSIs of EU Member States and EFTA countries.

The guidelines for planning and reporting during the implementation of the IPA 2011 grant contracts were sent to the 5 beneficiary NSIs. The guidelines developed by Eurostat are based on previous programmes and aim to help the beneficiaries in fulfilling their planning and reporting obligations. They provide a full overview of the different eligible activities through a coding system. They also provide templates to be used (quarterly reports, terms of reference for study visit/consultation, justification for additional participants, activity report, etc.). The beneficiaries are asked to follow the instructions given in the guidelines i.e. to keep the deadlines set and to pay particular attention to the quality of the documents provided.

Eurostat is monitoring closely the contractual obligations of the grant countries and the delivery of the required reporting documents. At the end of 2012 all beneficiaries submitted their quarterly reports for Data Collection Projects. In addition Serbia and Turkey – who financed activities from the start – submitted their quarterly reports for technical assistance.

From 10 September to 21 December 2012a first round of traineeships took place. In total 8 trainees participated: 5 trainees were hosted at Eurostat and 3 were hosted in an EU Member States – 1 in Hungary, 1 in Portugal and 1 in Romania.

From 21 January to 21 June 2013a second round of traineeships is taking place. In total 14 trainees participate: 6 trainees are hosted at Eurostat and 8trainees are hosted in an EU Member States – 4 in Germany, 2 in Slovenia, 1 in Hungary and 1 in Poland. The traineeships in Slovenia will only start on 15 March 2013.

A third and last round of traineeship will take place from September to December 2013. The selection process is on-going.

4. Future programmes

4.1IPA 2012 multi-beneficiary statistical cooperation programme

Annual IPA multi-beneficiary statistical cooperation programmes are foreseen in continuation of the IPA 2009 and IPA 2011 programmes described above. IPA 2012 hasa statistics component like in the previous IPA programmes. The value of the IPA 2012 programme for statisticsis 10.0 M€, in particular because several large surveys will be covered. Of this amount, 4.5 M€ will be reserved for a service contract, mainly benefitting Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro, while 5.5 M€ will be reserved for grants to Croatia, Iceland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.

The service contract and the grants are expected to be signed during the third quarter of 2013. The foreseen start of implementation is December 2013 or January 2014 for both, grants and the service contract. The duration willbe 23-24 months, as the end date of implementation is November 2015.

The call for proposals for the grants and launching the tendering for the service contract are foreseen in March /April 2013.

Below are more details of the planned data collection projects / pilot projects and an indication which countries are expected to be covered in the various projects (if not all beneficiaries):

Macro-economic statistics

Annual and quarterly national accounts are the most significant elements of macro-economic statistics. Due to the importance of national accounts (NA) for EU policies, it is imperative that each country provides updated and detailed description of sources and methods used to compile national accounts data. Beneficiaries need to significantly improve the basis of the NA estimates relating to important conceptual issues and components, like changes in inventories, insurance services, FISIM, dwellings services, and Household Final Consumption expenditure.