Application for FLEGT licence verification
Please email completed form to , along withthe electronic FLEGT licence.
Alternatively, a paper copy of the form can be sent to the following address, accompanied by a paper copy of the FLEGT licence:
Office for Product Safety & Standards
PO BOX 17200
B2 2YT
If you are completing this form by hand please write legibly in BLOCK CAPITALS.
There is a £9.60 fee per licence submitted for verification. The Office for Product Safety & Standards will invoice importers periodicallyto collect payment.
1. Licence submitted for verification by: (please tick which applies to you)Importer Third party/agent on behalf of importer
2. Purchase ordernumber (for invoicing purposes)If you are the importer, and not a third party submitting the licence on their behalf, please skip to section 5.
3. The invoice for the £9.60 verification fee should be sent to:The importer The third party/agent submitting the licence
4. Third party/agentdetailsOrganisation
Named contact
TITLE Please tick
Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other (please state)
Email address
Telephone no.
5. Importer details
Named contact
TITLE Please tick
Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other (please state)
Email address
Telephone no.
6. Exporter details
CountryIndonesia /
Postcode/ZIP code
7. Licence detailsLicence number
Country of export / Indonesia
Licence expiry date / dd/mm/yy
Licensing issuing authority
8. Shipment details
Estimated arrival date / dd/mm/yy
Port of entry
Maritime Rail Road Air Mail Multimodal
Other (please state)
9. Timber products contained in shipmentTIMBER TYPE BY HS CODE
Please enter the HS code, common name, and Latin (scientific) name for each timber product in the shipment.
If the shipment has more than eight different product types, add additional rows.
HS Code / Common name / Latin nameProduct 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 5
Product 6
Product 7
Product 8
OVERALL QUANTITY IN SHIPMENT (total of all timber products)
Volume (m³)Net weight (kg)
No of units