Approved 4-12-16
Regular Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Community Center; 615 School St.
Minutes for Regular Monthly Meeting:
Call to order by Joe Grennell at 6pm
Board attendance: Grennell, Oatman, Listle, and Pomasl
Pledge of Allegiance
Posting of meetings verified by clerk
Motion to approve agenda by Listle/Pomasl, All Ayes; Motion Carried
Motion to approve minutes by Pomasl/Oatman, All Ayes; Motion Carried
Motion to approve bills/financials by Oatman/Pomasl, All Ayes; Motion Carried
Public Comments
- Judy Popelka, asked the board if there has been any progress on the hunting situation on MFL behind her son’s property. Joe reports he has talked with Chuck Sahr, he wants to keep his land in MFL but has no objections to putting up signs on the lot line between the two properties, stating no hunting, no rifles to be fired in this direction. Mr. Sahr is also willing to have a meeting with Joe, Jim, the DNR, and Mr. Renardwho has a jointing land.
- Judy Peterson reported the POPS concert was wonderful.
Unfinished Business
- Youth Center Update –Lori Rowe:She has spoke to the owner of lots 7&8 on Motion Street, he would sell lotsfor $3,000 each. Lori would like to know if board will change the zoning from residential to commercial. Discussion followed on new construction, parking, and volleyball court area. The only change in building plans would be flipping the building so there is a better view from the patio. Questions brought up on taxes, garbage, and parking. Joe asked about sewer lines (2 per lot) discussion followed. Lori states the church will be helping with fund raising money and has a team of volunteers that do some of the work on the construction. Joe gave Lori an April 1, approximate date to get an answer to her on the zoning decision he requested a detailed plan from her architect to be provided.
- LRIP Update- Meeting scheduled for 3/17/2016 in school library, to look over the bids for School Street road project. Scott will work with the electric company to move poles. He also is working on getting the fire hydrant moved. The hydrant job will be the Village’s cost. July 5th is the planned starting date for work to start. Any questions: None.
New Business
- Scott to attend WRWA Conference March 29-April 1, 2016- Joe lead discussion on WRWA Conference details and cost of $235.00.
- Motion was made by Oatman/Listle to have Scott attend WRWA Conference 3/29-4/1/2016 at a cost of $235.00, All Ayes; Motion Carried.
Centennial Citizens Committee
- Reported by Chris Oatman. No board action needed, next CCC meeting 3/9/16. Fishing derby went well Centennial signs were up, also Pops concert was wonderful. He is working on trying to get GovernorWalker or Lieutenant Governor Kleefisch to ride in the parade, on the 2nd of July. He has heard from the Governor’s office, and he will not be able to ride in the parade. He would be willing to have a listening session on the 1st of July. Has not heard from the Lt Governor. Chris prefers to have a rider in the parade. Joe brought up his concerns for the 1st being very busy with set up for our celebration and this might be a conflict with a listening session.
Trustee Reports
- Zoning permits- Chris- removal of tree for Tom Imoehl.
- Troutland- Mary Lou- Nothing to report.
- Fire Dept-Patsy- reported Fishing derby did well this year approximately $9,000.00 waiting on several outstanding bills. There were several mistakes on the Thank you ad, donators and volunteers missing from published Thank You ad in Antigo Journal. She is working on corrections. Left over’s from the derby have been donated to the Food Pantry, school, and 3 on 3 tournament. The Thank you dinner for all volunteers will be held 4/9/16. There was a joint training with Wolf River Fire Department and it went very well.
- Iron Mike- Patsy- Buck will be putting timers and buoy onto Iron Mike soon.
- CCC- Patsy- Magnets have arrived and are for sale $2 in the clerk’s office. The school will start their 100 hours exercise challenge tomorrow. If you sign up you will receive a water bottle and a T shirt if you complete the challenge before the end of the year.
Clerk’s Report by Kym Jaskolski
- George Krupka has made an offer to donate lawn art of a turtle the Village would have to move it if interested.
- The Village office has sold $285.00 in cook books, faces and places books for the Historical Society.
- As mentioned to the Village Board if interested in the League of WI Municipalities is having their 2016 Local Government 101 in 4 different locations, if interested they should let the office know. Paper work in the office.
Public Works Report by Scott Popelka
- Weight limits are posted.
- Fishing derby went well; new door was a good addition to the pavilion.
- Discussion on what is required to comply to renew the WPDES WI State Permit, by August 1, 2016. The Village needs a CMOM program completed. Scott and Skeeter learned all that needs to be done in a class in Rhinelander. Scott has a format to go by, and is working on it. He suggests updated maps also would like to look at the ordinances. Joe offered to look at them with Scott.
- Additional requirement coming up are several more reports will be needed to be completed by January of 2017, also in 2019 Scott will need to take a sludge samples.
- Only 2 loads of sand/salt were needed this past winter.
- Patsy asked Scott if there is any paint available for painting a wall and 2 bath rooms in the FD building.
Motion to Adjourn at 6:45 pm by Listle/Pomasl, All Ayes; Motion Carried.
Kym Jaskolski
Deputy Clerk- Treasurer