St Martin – By - Looe Parish Council


Attended by:

Chair: Robert Henly Vice-Chair: Roberta Powley

Parish Councillors, Barbara Reynolds, Lynne Burt, Michael Elford, John Broad, David Keeble.

Mr Charles Hyde, Clerk and Proper Officer of the Council.

Public Question Time & Councillors Comments on Declared Interests:

Nothing raised.

Agenda Item 1: Declarations of Interest:

None declared.

Agenda Item 2: Apologies for absence:

County Councillor Armand Toms. PCSO Dave Billing.

Agenda Item 3: Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting:

3.1.1: Minutes for the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th February 2016. It was proposed by Councillor Reynolds, seconded by Vice-Chairman Powley and agreed 4 – 0 (The Chairman and Parish Councillors, Elford and Broad did not attend the meeting), that they be taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Agenda Item 4: Planning Applications:

None received.

Agenda Item 5: Planning Decisions received by the date of the meeting:

None received.

Agenda Item 6: Planning Matters:

None received.

6.2: Correspondence – In information pack.

Agenda Item 7: – Finance.

7.1.1: Summary of Accounts.

Reconciled balances date 02/03/16

Opening Bank Balances 1st April 2015 £18,936.81

Income to date £11,669.47

Expenditure to date £ 9,039.46

Balance to date £21,566.82

7.2: Accounts paid in February 2016.

Cheque No / Organisation / Amount
717 / Clerk expenses / 54.78
718 / Clerks January Salary / 442.00
719 / Cornwall Council – Admin fee / 72.00
717 / Simon Hannaford – set up new computer & Windows 10 training / 40.00
Total / 608.78

7.3: Income in February 2016.

None received.

It was proposed by Councillor Reynolds, seconded by Councillor Broad that Items 7.1 and

7.3 are ratified. Agreed 4 – 0 (The Chairman and Parish Councillors, Elford and Broad did not attend the meeting where these items were approved).

7.4: Requests for Funding received by date of meeting.

None received.

7.5: Receipts and letters of thanks received by the date of the meeting.

None received.

7.6: Financial Business.

7.7: Accounts to be paid in March 2016.

It was proposed by Councillor Keeble, seconded by Councillor Broad that the following be

authorised for payment. ALL AGREED.

Cheque No / Organisation / Amount
720 / Clerk expenses / 53.32
721 / Clerks February Salary / 448.00
720 / Mc Afee Internet Security Annual Subscription / 21.99
722 / Cornwall Council Admin fee January Salary / 6.00
Total / 529.31

Agenda Item 8: Reports on Matters arising from the Minutes.

8.1.1: Request for Highway Maintenance Schedule for St Martin by Looe Parish – Request made to Adrian Drake, link sent which was not specific to the parish, and not particularly helpful, however pages 112- 113 attached.

Agenda Item 9: Business received after publication of agenda:

9.1.1: South West Internal Audit – Renewal of contract for Audit Services.

Discussions ensued and it was proposed by The Chairman and seconded by Vice-Chairman Powley that the contract be renewed. ALL AGREED.

Agenda Item 10: Information received from CC and other Authorities:

10.1.1: Cornwall Council.

Localism, Devolution and Town Management Team – Local Devolution Fund. (Looe & Liskeard Network Area).

10.1.2: Other Authorities.

CALC – AGM. 11th March 2016, 7pm, New County Hall, Truro.

Cornwall For Change – Statement February 2016.

Cornwall AONB – Annual Conference, 7th May 2016, 9.30am – 4.15pm, Bedruthan Steps Hotel.

Vital Venues – February 2016 newsletter.

Judith Cook – Invitation to photography exhibition, 8th March, 6-8pm, County Hall Truro.

Cornwall Sports Partnership – February 2016 newsletter.

Devon & Cornwall Police- Guidelines for engagement with Town & Parish Councils.

Clerks and Councils Direct – March 2016 Edition.

G Views – Product catalogue.

Safer Cornwall – March 2016 Newsletter.

Fields in Trust – March 2016 Newsletter.

Minster Parish Council – Call for support of on-line petition for Parish Council’s to have appeal rights against planning decisions.

Agenda Item 11: New Business :

11.1.1: HM Queen Elizabeth II 90th Birthday – Commemorative Medal for Councils.

Discussions ensued and it was decided to order 200 commemorative coins for distribution to all

the children aged 16 and under in the Parish and that any remaining would be made available for

sale. Application details will be published in the Parish Magazine and notices placed on the notice


Agenda Item 12: Around the table:

Councillor Reynolds:

Resurface works on the highway, Bucklawren Farm to Millendreath – Why was such a little used highway resurface to such a high level when other roads in the Parish are in such a poor state. The Clerk will write to Adrian Drake from Cormac asking for his comments.

Councillor Broad:

Hazard Warning signs on the Highways – These signs are more of a hazard than the works themselves, common sense does not appear to prevail when it comes to positioning of the signs.

The Clerk to find out the guidelines for positioning of warning signs.

Councillor Keeble:

Hedge cutting – The hedges have been severely cut, the effects on the wildlife are a concern.

The Chairman pointed out that the hedges alongside the highways are a tiny percentage of the hedges in the Parish and that wildlife conservation is taken seriously by the farmers.

Councillor Burt:

Noting raised.

Councillor Elford:

Pot hole between Bay View Farm and Bodigga Cliff Path – The pot hole caused by land slip is now 4in deep and is a hazard to road users. The Clerk will report to Cormac Solutions.


White Lines on the Highways – The lines have still not been painted following highways repairs many months ago. The Clerk to contact Adrian Drake at Cormac.


Parish Magazine – Please help the Clerk who is struggling to fill the Parish Magazine. Councillors Keeble and Reynolds said they were about to send over some articles.

Date and Time of Next Meeting: Annual Parish Meeting 7.15pm, Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm, Thursday 7th April 2016 at No Man’s Land Memorial Hall.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.10pm.

St Martin-by-Looe Parish Council.

Meeting Dates 2016.

May 12th Annual Parish Council Meeting 7.00pm

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm

June 2nd Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm

July 14th Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm

September 1st Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm

October 6th Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm

November 3rd Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm

December 1st Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm