March 2015
Brother Knights,
This should be short and sweet.
The reason for the early Newsletter is that the Appreciation Dinner has been set for Sunday, March 15th. Fellowship should begin around 4:30.
We will have our regular meeting on March 19th.
When you get this we should have several Fish Fry's under our belt. Round of applause for all the workers.
Also the 5th Sunday breakfast is March 29th. Plan to be there.
Since my term as Grand Knight ends in June and I will not run again (Supreme states the Grand Knights should only be in office for 2 years). There are several offices open. Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, Chancellor, Treasurer and Trustee. It is time for other knights to step up to the plate and take an office. We will vote on the positions in May.
Thank You & God Bless
Jerry Schulte – Grand Knight
Submitted by Charles Lenau, F.S.:
Due to the early request for the newsletter column this submission will be brief, is as much as I do not receive the final numbers until the actual last day of the month and sometimes two or three days later.
In February, I have recorded 26 members as submitted their dues payments. With 94 members having made their dues payments, this places 32 members in arrears.
Currently I am somewhere in the desert southwest away from the freezing weather but phone calls still work, e-mail works and P.O. Box mail is forwarded to me.
I can be reached by mail at the return address of this newsletter,
or by phone at (314) 973-3631,
or e-mail me at
(nothing submitted)
Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Schedule:
Saturdays from 11:00 P.M. until 12:00 A.M.
7th – Charles Peterson,
14th – Harvey Kessler,
21st – Gerald Schulte,
28th – CJ Brown.
4th – Carl Broyles,
11th – Jack Archer,
18th – Phil Ifrig,
25th – Jeff Eisenbath.
Submitted by Kathy Green:
The Ladies Auxiliary met on Tuesday, Feb. 10th.
The Bridal Show will be Sunday, March 1st at our hall. We had four of our members volunteerto work atour table. We will have fliers and menu's available for brides to look over. We will also have a special drawing for someone to win a discount for the food fortheir wedding if it is held at our hall.
We also discussed the Appreciation Dinner, which will be held in March.
As always, wives of all the KC members are invited to attend!
Fish Fry –
March 6th – Teams 7 & 5,
March 13th – Teams 1 & 8,
March 20th – Teams 7 & 6,
March 27th – Teams 5 & 4.
We ask that everyone pay attention to the newsletter and at the meetings for any changes, and do everything you can to help out when your crew is scheduled or trade with someone from another crew if necessary. We have people who volunteer every week to perform certain tasks that ensure consistency from week to week. Work crews are important for bringing dessert items, assisting the weekly workers, working the food line, and cleaning up after, which includes sweeping of the hall, and doing dishes. Praying we have another great year.
Council Appreciation Awards Banquette – Sunday, March 15th. Council Members and Ladies Auxiliary Members are honored for all of their effort throughout the year with an Awards Banquette hosted by the Home Association. All members are invited to this steak dinner and awards ceremony.
Knights of Columbus Family Mass – Sunday, March 29th at 8:00 A.M.
Greeters Ushers Servers Eucharistic Ministers
Jerry Kaiser Charlie Eubanks Bill Fisher CJ Brown
Roger Bickel Frank Baldwin Jerry Huslage John Boland
James Freymuth Jerry Schulte Dan Colbert
Dave Mennemeyer Joe Martin Jerry Zerrer
Rich Mulcahy Larry Fague
Gerald Heitman Dave Belter
Richard Ohmes Paul Orf
Ron Schieffer Tyler Finley
Pete Peterson
Jim Volmert
Cross Bearer Lector Cantor Gift Bearers Rosary
Randy Leitman Jim Volmert Greg Chrismer Schulte Family John Boland
Honor Guard Nick Allen – Todd Mack – Chad Simpson
Rich Mulcahy – Chris Metz – Bruce King – Harvey Kessler
Thanks to all of the Knights who are part of this Fifth Sunday Program. I hope you see this as an HONOR. Please call Harvey Kessler at 528-6063 or John Boland at 528-6352 to get help ASAP if you cannot make the duties assigned. Please come and be part of our celebration.
Fifth Sunday Communion Breakfast – March 29th, immediately following 8:00 A.M. Mass, prepared and served at our Hall by Team 6.
Softball Season – Starting the last week of April.
Friday the 6th – Fish Fry – Teams 7 & 5,
Saturday the 7th – Elk’s Foundation – Team 4,
Friday the 13th – Fish Fry – Teams 1 & 8,
Sunday the 15th – Appreciation Dinner – Home Association,
Friday the 20th – Fish Fry – Teams 7 & 6,
Saturday the 21st – Wedding Reception – Team 5,
Friday the 27th – Fish Fry – Teams 5 & 4,
Sunday the 29th – Communion Breakfast – Team 6.
Saturday the 11th – Wedding Reception – Team 7,
Saturday the 18th – Wedding Reception – Team 8,
Saturday the 25th – 8th Grade Dance – Team 1.
Knights of Columbus 6525
P.O. Box 201
Truxton, MO. 63381-0201