Engineers Without Borders-WSU Constitution

Updated Nov. 3, 2004

Article 1: Title

The following is the constitution of the organization known as Engineers Without Borders at WashingtonStateUniversity and will therefore be mentioned throughout this constitution as EWB@WSU.

Article 2: Objectives

The mission of EWB@WSU is to help disadvantaged communities improve their quality of life, as a non-profit organization, through implementation of environmentally and economically sustainable engineering projects, while developing internationally responsible engineering students.

To further these goals, EWB@WSU strives to provide:

· A base for WSU students to expand their knowledge of international work and develop a respect for all of humanity around the globe.

· Networking between students of all majors and working professionals in order to formulate solutions to problems in communities where a viable standard of living has not been established.

· An understanding of the importance of international citizenship and emphasize the importance of non-profit work.

· Opportunities to make professional contacts in the international community who are interested in the design and implementation of set projects.

· An educational experience open to students of all majors about the procedure involved in carrying out various international engineering projects.

· The learning experience to construction of a systems, which may improve living conditions in a particular intra/international community.

Article 3: Discrimination Clause

WashingtonStateUniversity’s recognized student organizations shall not deny membership to any student on the basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status or disability.

Article 4: Membership

-EWB@WSU membership is open to all current, previous WSU students, faculty, staff, and other pre-approved affiliates.

-There will be 3 different levels of membership which will be determined by the dues paid. Active members, Participating Members and volunteers.

-All members must maintain University standards in performance and conduct. If anyone breaks the rules of conduct they will be warned and dispelled by a majority vote of active members and depending on actions be taken to the student conduct board or officials.

Section 1: Active Members

-To be an active member with EWB @ WSU you must be a WSU student, alumni, faculty or staff

-Attend meetings regularly.

-Pay national and local chapter dues

-Be in good academic standing with the University.

Section 2: Participating Members

-To be an participating member with EWB@WSU you must be a WSU student, alumni, faculty or staff

-Attend meetings regularly.

-Pay local chapter dues

-Be in good standing with the University.

Section 3: Volunteer Members

-To be a participating member with EWB@WSU you must be a WSU student, alumni, faculty or staff.

-To have an active interest in the organization

-Be in good standing with the University.

Section 4: Alumni Members.

-Former members are encouraged to be alumni members. They may not
hold office or vote.

Section 5: Duties of Members

-Active Members: To maintain the integrity of the society, and to aim for the
achievement of the stated objectives, attend meetings, complete
assignments in a timely manner.

-Participating Members: To maintain the integrity of the society, and to aim for the achievement of the stated objectives, complete assignments in a timely manner.

-Alumni Members: To be upstanding role models to EWB student members, to maintain the integrity of the society, and to aim for the achievement of the stated objectives, complete assignments in a timely manner.

Article 5:Positions

-The following positions are open to all qualified student members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising Manager, Public Relations Manager, Webmaster, or any other position delegated by the President.

-Only certified engineering, architecture or construction management students may hold positions in the following offices: Project Supervisor, Project Design Manager, Project Engineering Manager, or any other position delegated by the President.

Section 1: Executive Board

-The executive board will consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, the project supervisors and the Advisor.

- Executive meetings will be held once a week but not less than biweekly.

Section 2:Elected Positions

-Elected positions will be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising Manager, Public Relations Manager, Webmaster, Project Supervisor.

Section 3: Appointed Positions

- Project Manager, advisor and anyone else appointed by the president or project supervisor confirmed by the executive board.

Section 4: Election of Officers

-Students eligible for any vacant position may be nominated by any active member or may nominate themselves.

-Elections are to be held near in September and terms will continue to the following semester. If a person is graduating a temporary person will fill the position until elections.

-Term of any elected position is set as 1 year or until vacation or removal.

Article 6: General Meetings

-To be held weekly but not to be held less than bi-weekly. It is the responsibility of the Vice President to arrange or delegate accommodations for meetings (speaker, place, food, announcements, etc...).

-Quorum for meetings is to be set as 3 executive members or 2/3 of active members at the meeting in order to make a vote.

Section 2: Special Meetings

-Special meetings can be called by any executive officer with the notification of all executive members.

Article 7: Faculty Advisor

Section 1: Qualification

- WSU faculty or staff member with comprehensive knowledge of engineering and project management, and has a strong interest in serving as advisor. It is recommended that the advisor have international experience working in developing countries.

Section 2: Advisor’s Duties

-The advisor is to assist the members of WSU@EWB carry out the mission of EWB-WSU by providing advice, guidance, resources, knowledge, etc.

Article 8: Removal of Officers and Members

Section 1: Basis for Removal

-Officer or member shows considerable lack of effort to achieve
objectives and assignments and goals, stealing, lack of sportsmanship, and lack of behavior unbecoming of a representative of EWB@WSU shall be warned and face removal.

Article 9: Amendments

-This constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of active membership at any regular meeting of the organization after the amendment has been submitted to the membership in writing, with justification, at least one week prior to the vote.