Robert Kennedy
Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Ph.D. Political Science, Georgetown University, 1978
M.A. Political Science, Georgetown University, 1964
B.S. US Air Force Academy, 1963
Professor of International Affairs, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, 2003 to present
Director, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Nov 1997-02
Professor of International Affairs, School of International Affairs, Aug 1989-
October 1997. Co-Director (1997) and Deputy Director (1990-96), Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga.
Professor of Strategy, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle, Pa. Sep 88-Aug 89
Civilian Deputy Commandant, NATO Defense College, Rome, Italy, Aug ‘85-Sep ’88
Professor (part-time), Department of Political Science, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa, 85
Dwight D. Eisenhower Professor of National Security Studies, Department of National Security, US Army War College, 1983-1985
Senior Researcher, Strategic Studies Institute, U. S. Army War College, 1974-83
Foreign Affairs Officer, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1974
Officer and Command Pilot, tactical aviation, US Air Force, 1963-71, Air National Guard and US Air Force Reserve, 1971-86. Retired 1986
Enlisted, US Army, 1958.
Spring 2003
American Government, INTA 1200A, 179 students
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 3110A, 87
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 8803-1, 3 students
Fall 2003
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 3110A, 45 students
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 8803-D, 6 students
Introduction to International Relations, INTA 1110A, 169 students
Spring 2004
American Government, INTA 1200A, 85 students
Introduction to International Relations, INTA 1110A, 165 students
Fall 2004
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 3110A, 50 students
Contemporary Security Policy, INTA 4803-G, 16 students
Spring 2005
American Governments, INTA 1200A, 191 students
Introduction to International Affairs, INTA 1110A, 94 Students
Fall 2005
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 3110A, 47 students
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 8803-I, 2 students
Contemporary Security Issues, INTA 4803-C, 14 students
Contemporary Security Issues, INTA 8803G, 1 student
Spring 2006
American Government, INTA 1200A, 138 students
Introduction to International Affairs, 25 students
Fall 2006
American Government, INTA 1200 Honors Program, 10 students
Introduction to International Relations, INTA 1110A, 107 students
Spring 2007
American Government, INTA 1200A, 202 students
Introduction to International Relations, INTA 1110A, 145 students
Fall 2007
Introduction to International Relations, INTA 1110C, 54 students
Senior Seminar on Strategy and Policy, 24 students
Spring 2008
American Government, INTA 1200A, 173 students
Senior Seminar on Strategy and Policy, 24 students
Fall 2008
American Government, INTA 1200A, 188 students
U.S. Foreign Policy 3110B, 33 students
Spring 2009
American Government, INTA 1200A, 191 students
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 3110A, 49 students
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 6111A, 7 students
Fall 2009
American Government, INTA 1200A, 256 students
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 3110A, 50 students
Spring 2010
American Government, INTA 1200A, 192 students
U.S. Foreign and National Security Strategy. INTA 6111A, 7 students
US Defense Policy, INTA 3111A, 14 students
Fall 2010
Contemporary U.S. Strategy on Foreign and National Security Issues, INTA
4500. 17 Students
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 3110, 47 students
Spring 2011
U.S. Defense Policy, INTA 3111. 17 students
U.S. Foreign and National Security Strategy, INTA 6111, 3 students
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 3110, 50 students
Fall 2011
U.S. Foreign Policy, INAT 3110, 36 students
American Government in Comparative Perspective, INTA 1200, 239 students
Spring 2012
U.S. Foreign Policy, INTA 3110, 50 students
Contemporary Foreign & Security Issues, INTA 4803 RK/8803RK, 17 students
William Edgar, jointly published Atlanta Paper “NATO Enlargement: Two Views. William Edgar graduated with an M.S. circa 1998
Served on thesis committee for Nicholas Smythe 2005, Nicholas Smythe graduated with and M.S. in 2005.
New Course developments:
New instructional materials – lecture outlines, power point presentations developed for all of the following courses
American Governments in Comparative Perspective: 2003
U.S. Foreign Policy 2003
Introduction to International Relations: 2003
Contemporary Security Issues: 2004
Honors Program in American Government: Course materials and instructional methods modified from INTA 1200: 2006
Senior Seminar on Strategy and Policy. Fall 2007
U.S. Foreign and Security Policy/ U.S. Defense Policy, INTA 6111A/INTA
3111A – 2009-10
Pro-Seminar INTA 4500, 2010
Contemporary Foreign and Security Issues, INTA 4803/8803RK 2012
“National Security Reform: 12 Central Questions for Responding to the
Security Challenges of the 21st Century,” in Robin Dorff and Volker Franke, eds., Conflict Management and “Whole of Government:" Useful Tools for U.S. National Security Strategy?(Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, April 2012.
The Road to War: Congress’ Historic Abdication of Responsibility, Santa Barbara, CA.: Praeger Security International, 2010.
“The Elements of Strategic Thinking” in Gabriel Marcella, ed. Teaching Strategy: Challenge and Response (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 2010), 9-45.
“The Complexities of Intelligence,” in George H. Gillian and Cristina Lopez-Gatardi Chao, eds., Intelligence: Gathering, Analysis & Dissemination (Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 2009), 32-51.
Of Knowledge and Power: The Complexities of National Intelligence. Westport, Conn: Praeger Security International, 2008.
“Euro-Atlantic Security Arrangements; What is in Place; Models for the Future: An American View” in H. Feltham, ed. Cooperative Security Arrangements in Europe, forthcoming (Frankfurt: Peter Lang Publishers), 1997.
“Ukraine’s Security and the Atlantic Community,” in Semyen Appatov and David Albright, eds., Ukraine and European Security. London: Macmillan, forthcoming 1997.
Alternative Conventional Defense Postures for the European Theater: Volume 3, NATO Strategy and Force Posture Alternatives. Co-editor and Author with Hans Gunter Brauch. Crane Russak, 1992.
Alternative Conventional Defense Postures for the European Theater: Volume 2, The Impact of Political Change on Strategy, Technology, and Arms Control. Co-editor and Author with Hans Gunter Brauch. Crane Russak, 1992.
Alternative Conventional Defense Postures for the European Theater: Volume 1, The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints. Co-editor and Author with Hans Gunter Brauch, Crane Russak, 1990.
U.S. Policy Toward the Soviet Union: A Long-Term Perspective 1987-2000. Author and Co-editor with Andrew J. Goodpaster and Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. New York: University Press of America, 1988.
"Nuclear Winter, War Prevention, and the Nuclear Deterrent" in Peter C. Sederberg, (ed.), Nuclear Winter, Deterrence and the Prevention of Nuclear War. New York: Praeger, 1986
The Defense of the West: Strategic and European Security Issues Reappraised. Co-editor with John M. Weinstein. Author of Chapters on "The Changing Strategic Balance and US Defense Planning," "The Problems and Prospects of START," and "Soviet Theater Nuclear Capabilities: The European Nuclear Balance in Transition." Westview Press, 1984
"US Security on the Southern Flank: Interests - Challenges - Responses" with Gabriel Marcella in Western Interests and U.S. Policy Options in the Caribbean Basin. The Atlantic Council, Summer 1984. Re-published in Brazil.
Western Interests and U.S. Policy Options in the Caribbean Basin. Report of The Atlantic Council's Working Group on the Caribbean Basin. Co-rapporteur with Richard E. Feinberg. The Atlantic Council, Oct 1983.
"NATO Defense Posture in an Environment of Strategic Parity and Precision Weaponry" in Strategies, Alliances, and Military Power: Changing Roles. Leyden, The Netherlands: Sijthoff International Publishing Co., 1977.
Two Chapters: "International Leadership in an Era of Detente" and "Nonconsonant Detente and NATO" in National Security and Detente. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1976.
“Is One Person’s Terrorist Another’s Freedom Fighter? Western and Islamic Approaches to ‘Just War’ Compared,” Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol.11, No.1 (Spring 1999), pp.1-21.
"SALT: The Problems of Arms Control," Marine Rundschau (West Germany), Oct 1982.
"Soviet Theater Nuclear Forces: Implications for NATO Defense," Orbis, Summer 1981.
"Soviet Theater Nuclear Capabilities," Air Force Magazine, March 1981.
"New Weapons Technologies: Implications for Defense Policy," Parameters, June 1979.
"Precision ATGMs and NATO Defense," Orbis, Winter 1979.
"The Cruise Missile and the Strategic Balance," Parameters, March 1978.
“Unlawful practices sour intelligence,” opinion editorial, Baltimore Sun, November 10, 2005 with Mary Ellen O'Connell
“Neocon policy a source of insecurity,” opinion editorial, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 19, 2004
“Educating Leaders for the 21st Century - A Snapshot of the Marshall Center for Security Studies,” NATO Review, Winter 1998.
The Impact of CNNI on “Influentials” in Asia and Europe, prepared for Cable Network News International, December 1995.
Organizational Seams and the NATO Northern Flank: An Assessment of the Creation of AFNORTHWEST. Co-authored with D. Lousher and D.S. Papp and prepared for the Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Institute for National Strategic Studies, December 1993.
Warning for National Response in the 21st Century. A Conference Report prepared for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the U.S. Army Strategic Studies Institute, October 1993.
The Development of Economic Regionalism and Concurrent Security Institutions Among the States of the Northwest Pacific and Linkages to the New International Cooperative System, Co-author, Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy, Atlanta, Ga., November 1992
Global Media & the National Security Paradigm, Co-author, National Science Foundation, Jun 92
"Perspectives on Helsinki II,” Keynote address at European Parliament Socialist Caucus Conference. Published in Lithuania, 1990
The Future of the TRIAD. Author, US Army War College, 1983.
Alternative Strategies for a Response to Warsaw Pact Chemical Operations. Co-author, Strategic Studies Institute, August 1982.
The Role of the Military in the Caribbean Basin. Study Director and Co-author, Strategic Studies Institute, October 1981.
An Analysis of Key Assumptions Behind Army Force Planning. Co-author, Strategic Studies Institute, August 1980.
"The Strategic Balance in Transition: Interpreting Changes in US-USSR Weapons Levels," Soviet Armed Forces Review Annual, 1980.
"The Evolving Strategic Environment" with Daniel S. Papp, Military Issues Research Memorandum, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Carlisle, Pa., May 1979
"Arms Control and National Security," special issue in Army Strategic Appraisal 1983-1990. Author, Strategic Studies Institute, October 1979.
Central Region Defense Proposal. Study Director and Co-author, Strategic Studies Institute, February 1979.
"The Quantitative Balance: A Qualitative Assessment" with James A. Kuhlman, Military Issues Research Memorandum, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Carlisle, Pa., May 1978.
Potential Tradeoffs for US Nonproduction of Reduced Blast/Enhanced Radiation Weapons. Study Director and Co-author, Strategic Studies Institute, Aug 1978.
"On Measuring the Strategic Balance" in "Essays on Measures of the Strategic Balance," Military Issues Research Memorandum, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Carlisle, Pa., March 1977.
Army Environment 1985-1995. Co-author, Strategic Studies Institute, November 1977.
National Security Review. Co-author and Director of Research on Strategic Issues, Strategic Studies Institute, 1976.
Allied TNF Distribution Analysis. Co-director and Co-author, Strategic Studies Institute, Jun 76.
Army Strategic Appraisal 1979-1986. Co-author, Strategic Studies Institute, March 1976.
Tactical Nuclear Weapons and Precision Weaponry. Co-author, Strategic Studies Institute, September 1975.
An Analysis of International Crises and Army Involvement (Historical Appraisal) 1945-1974. Co-author, Strategic Studies Institute, November 1974.
Projected International Crises and Army Involvement 1975-1985. Co-author, Strategic Studies Institute, November 1974.
Panelist and Presentation: “The Nature and Demands of Smart Power,” at US Army Strategic Studies Symposium on “Conflict Management and Peacebuilding: Pillars of a New American Grand Strategy.” Kennesaw State University, February 2012.
Guest Speaker: “American National Security Since 9/11,” International Issues Forum, Great Decisions program, Atlanta, GA, July 2011.
Guest Panelist & Presentation: “U.S. Defense Budget,” World Affairs Council, Atlanta, GA, May 25, 2011.
Guest Speaker: “Why National Intelligence Often Gets It Wrong” International Club of Atlanta, Mar 2011
Paper: “Preliminary Thoughts on the ‘Whole of Government’ Approach to National Security Planning and Execution,” Strategic Studies Institute sponsored conference on conflict management at Kennesaw State University, February 2011
Radio Interview: “War Powers: Congress and the President.” 91.1 FM, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2011
Guest Speaker: “ The Constitutional Conflict of War Powers: President vs. Congress? Inquiry Club, Atlanta, GA February 2011
Guest Speaker: “U.S. National Security Policy,” Great Decisions program, Dunwoody, Georgia, January 2011
Guest Speaker: “Congress, the President, and War.” Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2010
Guest Speaker: “Pres Obama’s Nuclear Weapons Policies: Implications for U.S. Security.” Atlanta Council for International Relations. Atlanta, Georgia, September 2010
Talk and discussion: “The Road to War,” Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Georgia, August 2010
Radio Interview” Implications of the new strategic arms treaty with Russia.” The Fairness Doctrine, WDIS, Boston, MA, April 2010
Moderator: Panel on “The 21st Century Intelligence Community Enterprise: Challenges and Opportunities,” Colloquium on National Security, Georgia Institute of Technology, February 2010
Paper: “The Elements of Strategy,” U.S. Army War College conference on strategy, April 2009
Talk and discussion: on my book, Of Knowledge and Power, Miller Center Forum, University of Virginia, March 2009
Talk: On the Complexities of Intelligence,” Society of International Business Fellows, Atlanta, February 2009
Talk, “On Leadership,” Sigma Iota Rho - Beta Lambda chapter, Georgia Institute of Technology, March 2008
Paper: “Abdication of Responsibility: Congressional Oversight of the Intelligence Community,” Georgia Political Science Association, Savannah, GA, November 2007
Talk: “Improving Security in Europe, Central Command, East Point, GA, June 2007
Invited to consult with Army Central Command Intelligence, Fort McPherson, East Point, GA, June 2007
Address: “Global and Regional Trends and Challenges,” Romanian National Defense College, Bucharest, Romania, September 2006
Address: “American Foreign Policy,” Carnegie Center Moscow, June 2005
Address: “American Foreign Policy,” Russian Diplomatic Academy, June 2005
Address: ”Russian Foreign and Security Policy at Cullum speaker series, Augusta State College, March 2005
Talks: “American Foreign Policy,” United Methodist Church, Dunwoody, North Fulton Democrats, and the Trinity Presbyterian Church 2004
Keynote Address: Veterans Day celebration, DeKalb County, November 2004
Presentation: “Competing Conceptions of the Post-Cold War World Order,” Southeast Roundtable on Defense, October 2003