Media Release
18 February 2016
Gippsland immunisation rates results show variation across the region
Gippsland has recorded improvements in the percentages of children fully immunised in some local areas in 2014–15, but there are a number of areas where rates remain potentially too low to prevent the spread of diseases.
Gippsland PHN notes the immunisation rates for Gippsland as reported in the “Healthy Communities: Immunisation rates for children in 2014-15’; a new report released by The National Health Performance Authority today. The report contains national and local level data that can be used to develop targeted strategies for specific community needs.
The data for Gippsland show commendable immunisation results for our 5 year olds, particularly for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander 5 year olds at 93.6%.
Variation in immunisation rates, however, exists between the 1, 2 & 5 year old age groups and between the local government areas within Gippsland.
Whilst heartened by the mostly good results recorded, Marianne Shearer, CEO, Gippsland PHN points out that “to achieve the aspirational target of 95% this region will require a continued focus on local community and primary care needs and services.”
“We will work with all stakeholders to support & build upon the excellent work already undertaken by primary care providers to increase childhood immunisation rates in Gippsland.”
“Vaccinations provide young children with protection against serious and potentially life-threatening diseases, and help control and manage public health risks. Immunisation remains one of the most important preventative health measures”, Ms Shearer said.
“Targeting childhood immunisation rates is an essential part of Gippsland PHNs strategy to achieve ‘a measurably healthier Gippsland’”.
Gippsland PHN practice support & indigenous health teams support general practitioners, practice nurses, bush nursing & Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health services to increase rates of and access to immunisation.
Delivery of focused activities to assist providers, facilitation of education programs and materials are examples of the support services provided. Use of data, locally relevant, is an essential component of the childhood immunisation rate improvement work.
Results at a glance:
•Results for Gippsland, children who are fully immunised, 2014-15:
o1 year olds 92.3% (241 children not fully immunised), compared to 91.3% for Australia
o2 year olds 91.3% (276 children not fully immunised), compared to 89.2% for Australia
o5 year olds 93.5% (219 children not fully immunised), compared to 92.2% for Australia
•Results for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander children in Gippsland, who are fully immunised, 2014-15:
o1 year olds 81.8% (25 children not fully immunised),compared to 87.7% for Australia
o2 year olds 85.7% (16 children not fully immunised),compared to 86.7% for Australia
o5 year olds 93.6% (7 children not fully immunised),compared to 93.5% for Australia
In 1993, Australia set a national target of a ‘fully immunised’ coverage rate for children under 7 years at 90 percent. Gippsland had maintained a consistent coverage rate above 90 percent since the early 2000.
In late 2014, the Australian Chief Medical Officers and all state & territory chief health officers agreed to an aspirational target of 95% of children to be fully immunised as per the Immunisation Schedule.
Fully immunised’ is a term defined by legislation and refers to the percentage of children aged 1, 2 and 5 years receiving a specified scheduled vaccination for their age.
Results are measured from the number of children who turn 1, 2 or 5 years of age in the eligible population who are registered with Medicare on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register. It is assumed all previous vaccinations have been administered.
Immunisation rates per LGA can be accessed via the My Healthy Communities report.
More information can be located at:
A short summary of Gippsland data are also on the Gippsland PHN website:
For further inquiries or support on how Gippsland PHN can assist your local community to increase immunisation, please contact Gippsland Practice Support Team Leader, Marg Bogart Mob 0419 895 123
Media contact: Nicolene Harvey, A/Coordinator Communications: 0477 232 312 or