










Stellaluna, a little bat, fell into a bird’s nest when

an owl swooped down and hit her. The mother bird

fed Stellaluna along with her own babies. Will Stellaluna

ever reunite with her mother?

--- Conversation Questions---

(1)  Tell me what animal attacks Stellaluna and her mother.

(Answer) An owl.

(Follow Up) What other enemies might an owl have?

(2)  Imagine how Stellaluna’s mother felt when she didn’t know where her baby was.

(Answer) Any logical answer.

(Follow Up) Tell me about a time when you were lost from your mother.

(3)  Assume why the mother bird fed Stellaluna.

(Answer) Any logical answer.

(Follow Up) Are birds and bats friends? Why or why not?

(4)  Suppose you were Stellaluna, how would you have felt to lose your mother?

(Answer) Any logical answer.

(Follow Up) Tell me what your mother means to you.

(5)  Defined swooped.

(Answer) To fly down upon something or to pick something up.

(Follow Up) Tell me a sentence with swooped in it.

(6)  Tell me what happened to the mother bat and Stellaluna.

(Answer) An owl swooped down and knocked Stellaluna into the air.

(Follow Up) Tell me about a time when you were knocked down.

(7)  Name where Stellaluna fell and who fed Stellaluna?

(Answer) In a bird nest, the mother bird.

(Follow Up) Do you think Stellaluna would have survived without the mother bird?

(8) Look in the book and tell me what Stellaluna found and ate after she found her mother.

(Answer) A mango.

(Follow Up) Tell me what a mango is.

(9) Search in the book and tell me what mother bird fed Stellaluna.

(Answer) Bugs.

(Follow Up) Would a bat really eat bugs? Why or why not?


1.  Draw and label Stellaluna and her mother.

2.  Write the similarities and differences of a bat and a bird.

3.  Make a list of where bats live, what they eat, when they fly, and their enemies.


1.  Show child a toy bat. Ask them where bats live, what they eat and when they sleep. Today we are going to read about a bat named Stellaluna.

2.  Show child cover of the book without the title. Ask them what they think the story will be about. Today we are going to read about a bat named Stellaluna.

3.  Show child some pictures of bats. Ask child to tell you what they know about bats. Today we are going to read about a bat named Stellaluna.

Book Title: Stellaluna

Author: Janell Cannon
/ Illustrator: Janell Cannon
ISBN: 0-590-48379-x / # of Text Pages: 21 AR: 3.5 LEX: 550
Building Oral Vocabulary
2 / swooped / 3 / squeaked / 4 / babble
Prediction Questions
2 / What will happen next?
10 / Will Stellaluna stay with the birds?
11 / Who will Stellaluna meet next?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.