Using 1.5 to 2 pages you are to draft a business letter to your Congressman, Mike Fitzpatrick. You are to provide a clear and concise summary of where our nation stands financially and the direction you think it is headed. Next explain to Mr. Fitzpatrick, what we need to do as a country to solve our fiscal problems. More specifically, you will analyzethree major areas of concern (i.e.; Social Security, military spending, Obama care, Medicare). You will discuss why each is a problem and offer at least one reasonable and detailed solution to each. In addition you will list a well-researched opinion/quotethat one of the Founding Fathers (your choice) may have had with regard to today’s enormous debt. You will conclude your essay with a statement reflecting how these continued deficits might impact future generations of Americans if left unchecked.


1. Summary of U.S.financial standing now/future projections yes no

***2. Analyze/discuss 3 areas of concern/problems yes no

***3. Detailed solutions to each areas of concern/problem yes no

4. Include at least one Founding Father’s opinion/quote on debt yes no

(Include works consulted sheet to document research)

5. Impact of debt and continued spending on future generations yes no

6. Business letter format, 1.5 to 2 FULL pages, single spacing/size 12 font (original to be mailed) and a double space (3 to 4 pages) for grading purposes yes no

7. Proper heading/closing/signatureyes no

8. Works Consulted page attached yes no

Focus - The single controlling point made with an awareness of task about a specific topic.

Content - The presence of ideas developed through facts, examples, anecdotes, details, opinions, statistics, reasons, and/or explanations.

Organization - The order developed and sustained within and across paragraphs using transitional devices and including introduction and conclusion.

Conventions – Grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation.

*** = triple weighted.

Fiscal References that may help:

  1. IOUSA Class movie: (use IOUSA solutions (1-5)
  2. IOUSA Citizens Guide: