Campus Activities Council

The University of Oklahoma

Student Government Association

March 12, 2015

5:30 | Student Life

Huzzah to Tucker for the largest College Bowl ever!

Osda Jess on raising half a mill.

Mid-Spring Elections

·  Next GC meeting (3.26)

·  Presentation questions

·  Please fill out the notecard with discussion questions & interview questions

Sexy Banner

Review the banners and make sure you like them.


Concert Series

·  Payback what they used on the Jack White concert with the money earned from the concert.

·  $8,100

·  From our inside account.

·  Emilye do you want to say anything? Any Questions

·  Yes: 18

·  No: 0

·  Abstain: 0

Community Experience Coordinator

·  Change name of Special Events Coordinator the CAC Constitution.

Therefore, The position can expand their role. and this guidelines will change more than the constitution.

Yes: 15

No: 1

Abstain: 2

Jack White Endowment Money

·  Option 1: Endow the money as well as a portion of the money already in the foundation account and continue to build the endowment and live off of the interest.

·  Option 2: Put the money in an endowed foundation account, build the endowment in the future and live off of the interest.

·  Option 3: Don’t endow money so that we can use it when we want to.

This is not a set list. If you have another option please let us know. I would rank the options in this order of preference. First option, already have money in the account already so we can keep building up on that foundation account. This would allow us to allievate some of the funds we ask for from SGS. More possibilities if we endow it.

Jordan: What money ahs been sitting in their for 10 years?

Quy: Pretend CAC has 4 accounts, Inside, Outside, SGA, Foundation account. The foundation account has two options. Store money and have it at anytime or have money that you live off the interest. Currently we are losing money because it is just sitting there. The problem is we wouldn’t be able to able to touch that pool of money ever again. Keep enough in there just in case SGA doesn’t fund us one year. We can endow it but still have access to the money for emergencies but it would not be as much interest

Jordan: How will the money be used of the interest? Will Exec decide or General Council?

Quy: All of General Council would make the decision.

Kolbi: We have 1,000 why do we lock it up and only get $50. Why would we do that?

Quy: We could get .002 percent interest. Once you commit it you can touch the principle. If you can build it up your making free money.

Delaney: We are allowing that account be forever money. It makes us financially security to gain capital.

Ann: Is it locked forever?

Quy: yes. Think how Scholarship works. This allows them to be continued. They are always guaranteed that scholarship money. This will never need to be replenished.

Kolbi: Are we putting in plans to grow the principle? Other GC can make plans to

Quy: OSU is having every IFC member to put in $5 to allow an endowment to pay for their homecoming. WE would have enough to do $100,000 endowment. But we would have enough that they could still diversifying the funds.

Kolbi: We won’t see this happen

Quy: My ideal would be to have people donate to CAC by putting the money in the CAC. It is more longterm then immediate.


Quy: Kesley has a cool graphic and she can send it out to GC. Jessica will have $1,000 that she could not donate. Mom’s day has $2,000 left over that could help put this it in an account. We have to think about all of CAC because we fund every event here. It cost 50,000 to do homecoming but we only get 5,000 allocated. If we were not responsible with our money. We would have never been able to Jack White or change homecoming if people before us had not saved money then we couldn’t be having this conversation.

Delaney: It is compounding Interest. Our principle amount will be 105,000 the following year.

Quy: If we could put 1 million into this account and get 50,000 that could goto SGA and let them have 50,000 SAF don’t have to pay for it. We could take everyone of . We could pay for every events T-shirt. CAC could be pretty self-sufficent. SGA funds play speakers bureau 80,000 Film series gets 16,000 and

Robert: We could buy gold for super cheap and hide it in the basement or apple stock before they release the apple watch.

Quy: required us to be more longterm thinking. What is best for CAC longterm. The money is there to spend money on events.

Jordan: How much did Jack White make minus the amount of money did we make?

Quy: We technically lost $4,000. WE broke even paid $136,000.

Layne: Would you all feel comfortable voting on this at out next meeting?

Quy: Next week I’ll give you all number of what will go into each account.

Bre: difference between opt 1 is just endowment. Opt 2 is endow and keep some


Kesley: If you make a Facebook event for your event go through your CAC event. Benefit night etc. Use this CAC account to make the event.


TMQuy and A

With CAC elections, we are not allowing people in Student Life to wear promo Tshirts in Student Life. Cover it up or wear it out. It has been a long couple of months. All collogues are being blasted from all sides. Give them some encouragement.

Elvie: Lessons from a Mouse – Number 7. Never ever say that is not my job don’t even think it! Not just at your event but during conversation with people. Think inclusively. Tell people when they aren’t

Lesson 9 – Figure out what ticks your customers – and do something bout it. With climate of campus you all need to be the finders and the fixers.

Kopuzes and Posners

Tucker: Inspired a shared vision. He made his tournament style come to flourishen

Aubrey: Model the Way- She has been at every event. Soonethon all day.


Jordan: 80s Movie Night on March 31st in Meacham at 7pm. The Goonies. FB event going up soon.

Emilye: Must Day interst meeting 2 weeks ago. Lots of volutneers. Hip hop band and waiting on the response.

Kolbi: Meeting with replacements. Excited to see how cool my committee member are

Makenna: Larry Past away. The music director. Found someone new and meet him on the 22nd. Tickets go Public on the 31st. Plan on eating dinner together people.

Robert: Getting money in. Super busy. Cool Shirts. Go NATE!

Madison: Community advisery board meeting. Unheard. Transfer. Ideas on Inclusivity. Group parings. IFC/Pan. Trying to figure out the plan. Theme was chosen. Theme release will happen in hopefuly about 3 weeks as well as pairings.

Emily: Publicity thing coming soon. Exciting stuff.

Bre: Shout out to Shawn on Howdy Week Exec. Shooting Videos. Got first check. Teach me how to Volley. Shout out to pan and IFC. Wish I could honor all the unsung heroes.

Jessica: Shout out to Erica and Sarah on Soonethon Exec. Thanks for all your help this weekend. Try to ask Soonething exec to not put Soonerthon above recent events.

John: Funding interview more like presentation but went well!

Jacob: First & Second Exec meetings. Has 103 temperature second one my voice has been gone. My committee is loving every part of Dad’s Day. A place people love and want to come to. Talking to Using about plans and sharing the weekend.

Delany: Giving the advisers apples and celebrating them so sign the cards before you leave. Probably participating in Class 2015 Games! College Bowl. Potluck dinner at Madison Mansion. Not progressive. Appeteziers.

Anne: Using EXEC! So exicting. Theme reveal on March 31st

Kelsey: Put together a mutlicltrual organixations. It will be in the email this upcoming week.

Aubrey: Vice Chair Interviews this week and selection should be done by tomorrow night!

Tucker: College Bowl is over. I am sleeping again. Thanks for everyone to coming out. Thanks for the new buzzers. Brand new way to do the tournament. Thank you guys for coming.

Joey: Busy with RAOK. March 25th is the next Crew Meeting!!!!

Upcoming Dates

Potluck Dinner at the Madison Mansion (3/29)