The Region 7 Education Service Center Head Start Policy Council met on Monday, October 15, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. at the Region 7 ESC Building, Oak Meeting Room in Kilgore Texas for a regularly scheduled meeting, preceded by a new member training session.

Members present at the meeting included: Marlen Villanueva, Carlisle; Pamela Nash, Chapel Hill-Wise; Cynthia K. Anderson, Elysian Fields; Hollie Dunn, Eustace; Carrie Sprinkle, Fruitvale; Stacey Foster, Judy Moore, Hallsville; Karla Jordon, Harleton; Kristina Tucker, Hawkins; Marisol Torres, Henderson; Jeanne Lustig, Jacksonville-Fred Douglas; Paula Perez, Jacksonville-West Side; Rebecca Llanes, Kilgore; Sara Soulsbery, Laneville; Rebekka Lay, Lindale; LaTuria Nelson, Longview-Johnston-McQueen; Regina Leatch, Longview-Ware; Kathleen Simmons, Longview-Ned E. Williams; Kandi Durham, Martins Mill; Patricia Wright, Mineola; Kristen Anderson, Palestine; Mandie Dunlop, Rusk; Tammy Freeman, Donna Burkes, Tatum; Karmen Bednarz, Troup; Crystal Hartman, Van; Anthony House, Sessina Vandiver, Waskom; Katelynd Fontana, Whitehouse; Velina Martinez, Wills Point; Maria L. Rubio, Cherokee County; Timberly Hall, Gregg County; Nicole Diosdado, Panola County and Tammy Nichelson, Wood County.

Staff members present included:

Susan Blanton, Katie Burnett, Carolyn Choice, Cathy Gaskin, Karen Hurst, Jackie Jones, Laura Lopez, Petra Santana, DeLisa Smith, Tracy Stewart, Deidra Sutton, Gail Thomas, Nancy Welch, Marilyn Williams, and Felicia Woodard-Shaw all of Kilgore; Leticia Quintana, Henderson; Stephanie Stump, Waskom.

Guests present:

Cory Harris, Crystal Pina, Rusk

I.  Welcome and Introductions-Meet and Greet

Nancy Welch, Director of Head Start, welcomed all present and introduced staff present. Each guest introduced themselves and which site they are from. Nancy Welch stated that this will be a training meeting.

II.  Childcare Voucher and Non-Employee Travel Form Training

The Director explained the Travel Reimbursement forms and gave time for them to be completed. All members who drove are reimbursed for travel. Each time they come to the Policy Council meeting they will complete this form and turn it in. Jackie Jones, Assistant Director, clarified regarding carpooling and collected the forms. Those who carpooled are to write the name of who they traveled with on their form so we can be sure no one was left out.

Nancy Welch explained that Head Start will pay for child care for those Policy Council members that come to the meetings. The Childcare Voucher form was passed out and steps for completion of the form were explained by Felicia Woodard-Shaw, Assistant Director. When the form is completed by the parent and the person caring for the child it should be returned to their Family Service Worker (FSW). Marilyn Williams, PFCE Coordinator, discussed that the form must be returned within 14 days from the date of the meeting to be valid for reimbursement.

Nancy Welch restated that Head Start will pay for childcare and travel. A parent asked about the schedule of the meetings and the director explained that this training meeting is scheduled early to allow time for the extra tasks of this meeting, but that the typical regularly scheduled Policy Council meetings are usually 11:30 am-1:00 pm, with lunch provided at 11:30 am. There are at least 8 monthly meetings held during the school year and one during the summer, if needed.

III.  Announcements

Nancy Welch ensured that each member had the binder and packet of information to be reviewed and that all travel was completed and collected. Anyone still needing assistance with childcare vouchers was given individual assistance by Head Start staff.

IV.  Training: Nancy Welch, Head Start Director

Nancy Welch began explaining the way the notebook was setup. Each binder tab was explained, along with a brief description of the document placed behind each tab. After this overview, the location of tabs to place handouts each month of the agenda packets was discussed as a location to organize these documents.

(1)  By-Laws for Region 7 ESC Head Start Policy Council

The Director stated the organization’s name and purpose as she reviewed the By-Laws. She pointed out that the yellow sections of the powerpoint presentation’s content was highlighted to ensure the key points stood out to the group. When the Membership sections were discussed, Parent Representatives were asked to be recognized by a show of hands. Community Representatives were also recognized by a show of hands.

The terms of service limited to a total of 3 years was discussed, as well as the annual selection of members. Voting limitations to only members of the council not employed by the Grantee were discussed. Attendance of staff as non-voting members, was explained. Five or more members must be present at meetings for business to occur. Members may be removed if missing more than 3 consecutive meetings. Offices offered annually for election were listed as President, Vice President, Secretary and Alternate Secretary. Duties for each position were defined as well as the responsibilities of each for residing over the meeting as Chairperson in the absence of other officers. Committees were defined as Budget/Finance and Personnel/Policy groups. There must be at minimum, 51% of Parent Representatives on these committees. The explanation was shared that officers may be part of committees as non-voting participants. Nancy Welch acknowledged that By-laws may be amended, as will be done today, and that amendments will require a 2/3 majority vote to pass the amendment.

(2)  Shared Governance/Roles and Responsibilities of Policy Council Members

Nancy Welch explained that there is a relationship of Governance between the ESC Board and the Head Start Policy Council as way of maintaining a system of checks and balances for the program regarding policy, personnel and budget. The ESC Board develops policies. The Deputy Executive Director, Ronnie Hemann, serves as a liaison between the Board and the Policy Council as a non-voting member. Shared decision making procedures were reviewed to include the processes for personnel hiring approvals, financial status reporting, audit processes, reporting of enrollment, program goals and objectives, program planning processes including the Community Assessment and Self-Assessment data utilized for this planning, grant application and refunding information and planning, determination of site locations based on data, and the documentation of meetings through minutes taken. The previous month’s meeting minutes will be mailed to each member 10 days prior the monthly meeting that follows, as well as an agenda of what will be discussed.

(3)  Dispute Resolution/Impasse Procedure

Nancy Welch discussed the procedures for Impasse or Conflict Resolution. The complaints policy was explained. If the complaint is regarding a teacher, the principal should be contacted. If the complaint is regarding a Head Start staff member, to include Family Service Workers on campuses, it may be presented to the Board. A request to be placed on the agenda for the Board meeting is required. Any decision based on mediation is binding. After Dispute Resolution was discussed, it was noted that this process has not been used in this Head Start program.

(4)  ESC Board Policy UPDATE 2 BED(LOCAL)-ESCA

The Director pointed out the policy regarding public participation in Board meetings. No questions were asked about this policy.

(5)  Organizational Chart

The Head Start Organizational Chart was reviewed by the Director to give the group a visual representation of the scope and flow of the organization’s structure. Positions and names were discussed.

(6)  Policy Council Calendar

Nancy Welch shared the 2012-2013 Policy Council Calendar. She discussed when meetings will be held, and the location as usually being the Dogwood Room at the ESC.

(7)  Confidentiality Policy/Standards of Conduct

Nancy Welch stated that confidentiality is a huge issue in Head Start. This information the organization has access to is sensitive and not shared with others. Medical information, interview information, child records, conversations with staff and schools are among the list of what is to remain confidential. Only people with and educational interest are to have access to child folders. Procedures are in place regarding confidentiality. ESC 7 has a Confidentiality Policy which was distributed to Policy Council members to be read and signed. Nancy Welch reiterated that each member should be serious and respectful of everyone’s privacy. Time was given for parents to read and sign the document. Nancy Welch stated that questions can be addressed individually after the meeting for anyone not comfortable signing at this time.

Nancy Welch did a quick check-in to ensure the pacing was okay up to this point and asked if there were any questions.

The Head Start Standards of Conduct document was read aloud by the Director and discussed. Parents were asked to sign a copy. Jackie Jones stated that the Head Start teachers and teaching assistants also sign this statement. Felicia Woodard-Shaw clarified that the location on the form is for the district the member’s child attends.

V. Robert’s Rules of Order: Marilyn Williams, Parent Involvement Coordinator

The Robert’s Rules of Order training was presented by Marilyn Williams, Parent Involvement Coordinator. The reason for an agenda was explained as a way to keep order within the Policy Council meeting. This is another form of parliamentary procedure. Most of the group are probably familiar with or have had experience with Robert’s Rules of Order. It was established to keep order in a group.

Policy Council is made up of parents and there cannot be any that are family members of Head Start staff. Region 7 is the agency running the Head Start program and the Grantee means Region 7 Head Start. 51% of the Policy Council must be current parents in the program and the remaining membership must be members from the community.

The seven steps of making a motion were presented and then reviewed through a Jeopardy game type of definition and questioning format.

Additional information was shared regarding Head Start Performance Standards as a Federal Government document, Community Assessment for planning based on needs and their locations, and Self-Assessment as progress/report card indicator for how our Head Start program is doing. Some Policy Council members may serve on the committee for Self-Assessment.

Nancy Welch reviewed the Decision Making Guide with the group and encouraged all to read and use this as a resource.

VI. Call to Order of Business Meeting –Seating of New Members – Chairperson

The Policy Council Business Meeting was then called to order by Timberly Hall, Vice President, at 12:00 noon. The first order of business is the Seating of New Members by the acting Chairperson. All of new members were officially seated by Timberly Hall after a motion was made and seconded, and passed by a show of hands.

VII. Approval of Community Representatives – Chairperson

Timberly Hall called for approval of Community Representatives. Tammy Nichelson, Wood County, made a motion for approval and was seconded by Nicole Diosdado. The motion passed by show of hands.

VIII. Election of Officers –Chairperson

Nominations for President were Timberly Hall and Tammy Nichelson. A vote by show of hands elected Timberly Hall as the new President.

Nominations for Vice President were Tammy Nichelson and Nicole Diosdado. A vote by show of hands elected Tammy Nichelson as the new Vice President.

Nominations for Secretary were Nicole Diosdado and Kathleen Simmons. A vote by show of hands elected Nicole Diosdado as the new Secretary.

Nomination for Alternate Secretary was Kathleen Simmons. With no opposing opponent, she was elected unanimously as the new Alternate Secretary.

IX. Selection of Sub-committee Members

Nancy Welch described the sub-committees and expectations for members of each committee. The Policy Council members were given time to sign up for a committee, if they desired. Members were approved as follows:

(1) Personnel/ Policy

Duties: Members may serve on interview committees or meet on policy.

Members signed up as follows:

Patricia Wright, Nicole Diosdado (Secretary), Kristina Tucker, Kristen Anderson, Tammy Nichelson (Vice President), Kandice Durham, Cynthia Anderson, Carrie Sprinkle, Katelynd Fontana, Regina Leatch, Karla Jordan, Rebekka Lay, Maria Rubio

(2) Budget/Finance

Duties: Members will give input on refunding and where money should be spent.

Members signed up as follows:

Karla Jordan, Rebecca Llanes, Nicole Diosdado (Secretary), Kristina Tucker, Tammy Nichelson (Vice President), Marlen Villanueva, Paula Perez, Crystal Hartman, Karmen Bednarz, Kandice Durham

X. Approval of Minutes

Ms. Hall asked the members to review the minutes and if no changes are necessary then a motion should be made to approve. No changes were necessary and a motion to approve the minutes as proposed was made by Cynthia Anderson, Elysian Fields. The motion was seconded by Kristina Tucker from Hawkins. All were in favor of approving the September 10, 2012 Policy Council minutes and the motion carried unanimously.

XI. New Business

A. Action Items:

(1) Personnel

An explanation of the process of approving personnel was made by Nancy Welch. A memo from Ronnie Hemann, Deputy Director, regarding personnel recommendations was reviewed by Nancy Welch, Director of Head Start. Mrs. Welch stated that even though the school districts hire the teachers, Policy Council must approve the hiring. New Teachers and Teaching Assistants presented for approval include: Ashley Hudson, Teacher for Palestine ISD; Delores Garcia, Teaching Assistant for Palestine ISD; Courtney Kiel, EHS Teacher for L& M II.

Head Start staff presented for approval include: Gail Connor, PFCE Administrative Secretary; Lana Hewitt, Education Administrative Secretary.

A motion was made by Tammy Nichelson, Wood County, to accept the personnel recommendations and seconded by Kristina Tucker from Hawkins. The motion to accept the new hires as recommended carried unanimously.

(2) Approval of Amendment to Region 7 Head Start Policy Council By-Laws

Nancy Welch discussed the amendment and reason it was added to the By-laws based on findings from documents reviewed.

A motion was made by Kandice Durham from Martins Mill and seconded by Nicole Diosdado, Panola County. The motion to accept the amendment as recommended carried unanimously.

B. Non-Action Items:

(1) Program Reports and Updates for Head Start and Early Head Start

Tracy Stewart, ERSEA Coordinator, gave an overview of ERSEA and the Systematic Selection process. A map of the Head Start sites and service area was shared by Petra Santana, Program Design and Management Coordinator. All Head Start Coordinators present were introduced. Nancy Welch explained the Program Progress Report regarding attendance and areas covered in the report. Over-income Families was explained by the Director and further discussed by Tracy Stewart regarding funded enrollment reasons these families may be approved, up to 10% of enrollment program wide. Mr. Stewart also explained how over-enrollment totals reflect the program’s ability to count the children for up to 30 days after they withdraw. Nancy Welch discussed the program goals and related monthly and cumulative input columns. After each area of the report was discussed, the Director reminded the members they will receive a copy each month. Months the Policy Council does not meet, these reports will be mailed to the members.