THURSDAY 21st May 2009

NW/223/09 Minutes of the North West Area Committee Meeting held on 23rd April 2009.

ORDER: Approved.

NW/224/09 Questions to the Area Manager (May)

ORDER: Adopted.

NW/225/09 Presentation on behalf of the residents of Finn Eber Fort by Ciaran Gray regarding the FAST planning application at 2A Wellmount Road.

ORDER: Noted.

Planning and Development Matters

NW/226/09 Planning Application 2872/09

Area / Area 4 - North West
Application Number / 2872/09
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Finglas Addiction Support Team Ltd
Location / 2A, Wellmount Road, Finglas, Dublin 11
Proposal / Permission for a new two storey building to replace the existing single storey prefab FAST provides a range of confidential support services to individuals, and families affected by drug and alcohol use and who are in recovery or are drug free, in the Finglas area. The proposed building includes counselling rooms, training/meeting rooms, staff areas and a canteen and has a floor area of 532 sq metres. Planning permission also sought for new 600 mm wall with 1500 mm railing on top along the front of the site; new vehicular entrance, pillars and gate; and new 2.1m high wall with pedestrian entrance to side of site. Development also includes car parking spaces for nine cars and hard and soft landscaping around the building.
Registration Date / 24-Apr-2009
ORDER: Noted.

NW/227/09 Planning Enforcement Quarterly Report.

ORDER: Noted.

NW/228/09 Part 8 proposal for Environmental Improvements at Magenta Hall / Lorcan Road and environs Planning and Development Act 2000 & Planning and Development Regulations 2001.

ORDER: Agreed to initiate Part 8 procedure.

NW/229/09 Correspondence on Planning Information Office.

ORDER: Noted.


Traffic Matters

NW/230/09 There were no Minutes arising from the Traffic Advisory Group Meeting of 16th April 2009 in relation to traffic matters for the North West Area.

ORDER: Noted.


NW/231/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Dessie Ellis

That the Manager looks at the entire footpath along Ratoath Road 801 to 821 and provides a report on its condition and as to whether it requires repairs. Previous requests have said there is no need and I find it difficult to understand.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/232/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Liam Kelly

That the manager arrange for pedestrian lights at the Fitzmaurice Road shops to be erected at the same time as the planned reinstatement of the shop forecourts as part an overall plan. Could he further advise me as to if “ nose to kerb” parking is possible in the area.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/233/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Andrew Montague

That the manager installs double yellow lines on Albert College Park at the junction with Collins Avenue on the east side of the road (adjacent to the gable end of 1 Albert College Park). Cars park at this junction on a regular basis and block the view of traffic coming from the east for cars coming out of Albert College Park, on to Collins Avenue.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/234/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Andrew Montague

That the manager repaints the yellow box on Collins Avenue at the junction with Albert College Park. This box is fading and difficult to see.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/235/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Andrew Montague

That the manager tackles the parking on Shanowen Road that is blocking the road close to the junction with Shanowen Avenue with either single yellow lines or double yellow lines. The manager should consult with the local residents to find the best solution for this ongoing problem.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/236/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Andrew Montague

That a continuous White line is marked on Lorcan Road at the bend in the road, close to 45 Lorcan Road - to encourage drivers to slow down and keep to their own side of the road.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

Roads & Streets Matters


NW/237/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Ray Corcoran

That the Manager outlines as to whether the footpaths in front of shops on Fitzmaurice road have been taken in charge.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/238/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Ray Corcoran

That the Manager in consultation with Dublin Bus arranges for path to be raised at bus stop in front of 33 St Margaret’s Road.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

Environment & Engineering Matters

NW/239/09 Correspondence on drainage issues arising from Flood Update Report.

ORDER: Noted. Further report to issue to future meeting.


NW/240/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Ray Corcoran

That the Manager arranges in consultation with the School for the removal of graffiti on the school hall on Glenaan Road, which is a terrible eyesore and covered in graffiti.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/241/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Andrew Montague

That the manager installs extra gullies outside Nos. 1 and 2 Hampstead Avenue - the houses on Hampstead Avenue that were flooded last year.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/242/09 Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons

That the current provision for sale of Green Waste Tags in the North West Area is inadequate and that the Manager evaluate the current locations for sale of such tags, with a view to increasing their availability throughout the area.

ORDER: Report to Councillor. Councillor Lyons requested clarification. Additional report to issue.

Culture Recreation and Amenity Matters


NW/243/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Dessie Ellis

That the Manager arranges for an inspection of the graveyard wall inside and running alongside the Canices Square apartments and if need be arrange for any necessary repairs to be carried out.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/244/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Dessie Ellis

That the Manager gives an update on the plans for the green area at the back of 1-6 Barnamore Park and outlines as to whether it is also possible to block off this area from people cutting down to Kippure Park.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/245/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Liam Kelly

Could the manager advise me if funds exist from any source to make it possible for a consultation to begin in the Kippure Park area for a playground facility.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/246/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Liam Kelly

Could the manager arrange with Bord Gais for repairs to the grass verges left damaged at the following locations following Bord Gais upgrades.

(a) Glasnevin Avenue

(b)  Willow Park Grove

(c)  Willow Park Avenue

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

Area Matters

NW/247/09 Ballymun Area Office update.

ORDER: Noted.

NW/248/09 Proposal to extinguish the public right of way over laneways at side of 25 Shanvarna Road and gable of 41a Shanvarna Road, Santry Dublin 9.

ORDER: Deferred to July meeting of North West Area Committee.

NW/249/09 Proposal to extinguish the public right of way over the laneway to the rear of 61-66 Cairn Court, Ballymun, Dublin 11.

ORDER: Recommended to City Council.

NW/250/09 Proposal to extinguish the public right of way over the laneway between 33 and 35 McKee Avenue, Finglas, Dublin 11.

ORDER: Agreed to initiate the procedure.

NW/251/09 Correspondence received from the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.

ORDER: Noted.

NW/252/09 Correspondence received from the Office of the Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

ORDER: Noted.

NW/253/09 Correspondence received from the Office of the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

ORDER: Noted.

NW/254/09 Report on Voids to be circulated.

ORDER: Report circulated.


NW/255/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Dessie Ellis

That the Manager outlines where we are in regards to plans to provide railings along the green area at Ratoath Road/Valley Park in front of Westwood Avenue.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/256/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Dessie Ellis

That the Manager outlines whether it is possible to provide a pedestrian way through facing 65-69 Rathvilly Drive and also to indicate as to whether there would be any opposition to such a proposal.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/257/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Ray Corcoran

That the Manager looks at the issue at the back wall at 23 Barnamore grove with a view to raising it or some other security measure to help prevent people getting over it.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/258/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Ray Corcoran

That the Manager arranges for replacement of wall between no 5 & 7 Ballygall Crescent which was damaged by a contractor when restoring house no. 7.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/259/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Liam Kelly

That the manager arrange for the installation of hot water and clean up facilities for local sports clubs who could use the dressing rooms at Cuilin House.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/260/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Liam Kelly

That the manager outline if priority status was given to the proposed Centre of Excellence for the Elderly when applying to the Department of the Environment for funding for City Council projects.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/261/09 Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney

That the manager please investigate and report on central heating problems at 19 Belclare View, Poppintree, say why there has been difficulties with this system for the past 4 years, what solution is now proposed, say why the leak cannot simply be traced and located and why it is suggested that a very expensive cumbersome and what seems like a duplicated heating system is being foisted on the tenant. Can the leak be found and repaired.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NW/262/09 Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons

Given the recent upsurge in anti-social behaviour in certain pockets of the Ballymun area, that the Manager outlines what methods, both short and long term, are Dublin City Council and the Gardai using to deal with this.

Ballymun Regeneration Matters:

NW/263/09 BRL Report.

ORDER: Noted.


NW/264/09 Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons

That the Manager bring forward proposals to deal with the severe lack of parking space for users of the Civic Offices, Ballymun.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.


NW/265/09 The Area Manager informed the members that he had written to the City Manager to request that the Citywide Joint Policing Committee consider what action could be taken against the “U Tube” and “BEBO” Websites regarding inappropriate items appearing on their sites.

NW/266/09 The Manager informed the Committee that the ‘weed spraying’ programme had commenced.

NW/267/09 The Committee was told that an affordable housing viewing was scheduled for Saturday 23rd at Prospect Hill.

NW/268/09 The Area Manager and Eamon Farrelly on behalf of all the staff wished the members well in the forthcoming local elections and acknowledged their hard work over the previous five years.

NW/269/09 The Chair, Vice-Chair and all the members of the North West Area Committee extended their thanks to the current Manager Mr. Michael O’Neill, the past Manager Mr. Damian Drumm and all the staff for the assistance and support afforded them during the lifetime of the committee.



Chairperson: Councillor Liam Kelly.


Councillors: Julia Carmichael, Ray Corcoran, Dessie Ellis, John Lyons, Andrew Montague, Councillor Bill Tormey,

Officials: Michael O’Neill (Area Manager), Ken Hand (Senior Engineer/Deputy Area Manager), Margaret Geraghty (Senior Executive Officer), Steve Margolis (Senior Planner), Mick O’Loughlin (Senior Executive Engineer), Alan O’Mara (Executive Technician), John Downey (Administrative Officer-Planning Enforcement), Gerry Filgate (Area Housing Manager-Finglas), Mick O’Rourke (Area Housing Manager- Ballymun), Bernie Roe (Administrative Officer), Brian Mongey (Act RAPID Co-ordinator), Clare Caffrey (Act Administrative Officer), Wendy Dowling (Staff Officer)

Ballymun Regeneration Limited Personnel

Eamon Farelly, Projects & Contracts Liaison Manager.


Ciaran Gray, Resident - Finn Eber Fort

John Sheridan, Pat Carey’s Office

Councillor Liam Kelly
