Columbiana Music Boosters

Scholarship Application

The Columbiana Music Boosters have established a scholarship to be offered annually for the purpose of providing support and assistance for the continued education of Columbiana High School students. Those students who have displayed leadership qualities and demonstrated good citizenship through their participation in the music department and their community will be considered.

Prepare your application by reading the scholarship guidelines and filling out the application carefully and thoroughly.


The deadline for turning in your application is April 1st at the Guidance Office. Applications can be picked up from the Band Director or the High School Guidance Office.

How to Apply

Complete this application making sure to provide all the information requested. You can drop off or mail your completed and signed application to:

Columbiana High School Guidance Office

c/o CHS Music Booster Scholarship Committee

700 Columbiana-Waterford Road

Columbiana, Ohio 44408


Questions relating to your application can be directed to the High School Guidance Office at (330)482-3818.

Winner Notification

Scholarship winners will be announced at the annual CHS Awards Day.

Scholarship Amounts

There may be up to two Columbiana Music Boosters scholarships awarded each year. Both will be one-year non-renewable scholarships in the amount of $500.00. Priority will be given to music majors. If no applicants are planning to major in music, scholarships will be awarded to two applicants who meet the remaining criteria as set forth in this application.

Revised 3/2113

Columbiana Music Boosters

Scholarship Application


The purpose of the Columbiana Music Boosters Scholarship is to support and assist the continued education of CHS students who have displayed leadership qualities and demonstrated good citizenship through their participation in the music department and their community.


The following criteria are hereby established and shall be used as the framework for determining the award winners:

·  Must be a graduating CHS senior

·  Must have a 2.5 or better GPA

·  Must have participated in any high school music program (grade 9 through 12) a minimum of three years

·  Must have enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program at any college or university

·  Must complete the scholarship application

Selection Procedure

The Music Booster Scholarship Committee with a minimum of five (5) voting committee members will make the selection of the recipients of this scholarship. No member of the Music Boosters Scholarship Committee shall have a student eligible for the scholarship.

Awarding of Scholarships

Provided that the criteria and application requirements are met, there may be up to two $500.00 scholarships awarded annually at the CHS Award Day. The winners’ names will appear on a plaque to be displayed in the Music Department Trophy Case. An alternate or (third recipient) will be selected should one of the first two selected students become ineligible as stated by the scholarship guidelines.

Payment Method

Payment will be made by the Music Boosters upon receipt of a copy of the selected student’s registration or fee slip, up to 18 months of his/her high school graduation date.

Revised 3/2013

Columbiana Music Boosters

Scholarship Application

How to Apply

Send only the document and information listed below.

1.  The completed application form signed and dated.

2.  A short essay describing your involvement in the CHS Music Department to include the following:

·  The performance group(s) in which you were involved and the number of years involved in each group

·  Instrument(s) and or parts performed

·  The reason for your interest and participation in the group(s)

·  How you plan to involve music in your college career

3.  A brief recommendation by someone other than a family member.

Revised 3/2013

Columbiana Music Boosters

Scholarship Application

The applicant should carefully complete this application form remembering to sign and date the application.

Application should be typed or neatly printed.




Date of Birth______

Social Security Number______GPA______

Area(s) of leadership displayed during your high school career and other awards received. (Use back of page for additional detail)


College Name______Major______

Expected Date of Enrollment______

Please check the statements below to be sure the application is complete.

( ) The information included in the application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

( ) I have included a short essay on my involvement in a high school music program.

( ) I have included a brief recommendation n\by a non-family member.


Signature Date

Revised 3/2013