Exam Practice con. Part 1

  1. Organs are characterized by

a. specialized cellsb. at least 2 types of cells and functions

c. being the basic unit of living organismsd. cells with a common functions

  1. Tissues that serves to form glands and gametes as well as covering and lining structures is

a. muscular tissueb. nervous tissuec. connective tissued. epithelial tissue

  1. The structural organization of animals include

a. tissuesb. organsc. systemsd. all of the above

  1. Heterotrophs

a. include all animalsb. make their own food

c. must ingest other organisms for foodd. a and c

  1. Food is used for

a. fuelb. essential nutrientsc. carbon skeletons for moleculesd. all of the above

  1. Essential nutrients are

a. nutrients the animal needs to surviveb. nutrients the animal can’t make

c. nutrients from carbohydratesd. nutrients that provide large amounts of ATP

  1. All of these are essential vitamins except

a. Ab. Pc. Kd. B

  1. Extracellular digestion is

a. carried out in the animals tissuesb. carried out outside of the animals tissues

c. involves phagocytosisd. is carried out by sponges

  1. Arteries

a. carry blood back to the heart b. carry blood away from the heart

c. allow gas, nutrient, or waste exchanged. have valves

  1. Coronary circulation pumps blood to

a. the heartb. the brainc. the lungsd. all of the above

  1. Erythrocytes

a. carry oxygenb. fight pathogensc. are mostly waterd. aid in clotting

  1. Blood clotting involves

a. just plateletsb. many clotting factorsc. exposure of collagend. a and ce. b and c

  1. At the alveoli

a. carbon dioxide enters the blood streamb. oxygen enters the blood stream

c. carbon dioxide leaves the blood streamd. oxygen leaves the blood stream

e. a and df. c and b

  1. Oxygen is captured from the air by ______

a. hemolymphb. chemoreceptorsc. hemoglobind. mitochondria

  1. Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system

a. transport of fats from the GI tract to the bloodb. drain tissue spaces of interstitial fluid

c. defensed. all of the above are functions of the lymphatic system

  1. Which of the following is not a lymphatic organ

a. thymusb. erythrocytesc. bone marrowd. spleen


  1. Conductiona. direct transfer of heat
  2. Convectionb. transfer of heat from air or water moving past
  3. Radiationc. loss of heat as water evaporates
  4. Evaporationd. emission of electromagnetic waves
  1. Osmoregulation serves to

a. control body water and solute concentrationsb. conserve water when eliminating wastes

c. all of the aboved. none of the above

  1. Which nitrogenous waste product is most concentrated?

a. uric acidb. ureac. urea acidd. urica

  1. Vertebrate signaling includes

a. secretion of hormonesb. absorption of a hormone by capillaries

c. a change occurring on a target cell d. all of the above

  1. All of the following are hormones that regulate reproduction except

a. Growth hormoneb. Follicle Stimulating hormonec. Luteinizing hormone d.Testosterone

  1. The peripheral nervous system is

a. sensory and motor neuronsb. the brain and spinal cord

c. containsoligodendrocytesd. is composed of astrocytes

  1. The autonomic nervous system affects

a. skeletal musclesb. controls smooth muscles

c. includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systemsd. a and ce. b and c

  1. Schwann cells

a. send and receive stimuli in the PNSb. from the myelin sheath in the PNS

c. form the blood-brain barrierd. send and receive stimuli throughout the whole nervous system

  1. The axon

a. receives stimulib. send impulsesc. regulates cell processesd. all of the above

  1. Myelination serves to

a. speed up signal transductionb. stimulate the autonomic nervous system

c. protect the neuronsd. regulate the membrane potential

  1. Interneurons

a. connect sensory neurons to motor neuronsb. make up most of the neurons in the human body

c. are mostly in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and spinal cordd. all of the above

  1. At rest the neuron membrane potential is characterized by having

a. more K+ outside the cellb. more Na+ outside the cell

c. moreCa++ inside the celld. more protein outside the cell

  1. The opening of Na+ channels causes depolarization, if the threshold is met the next step is

a. more Na+ channels openb. K+ channels open

c. K+ channels closed. neurotransmitters are released

  1. Order the processes of synaptic transmission\

a. diffusion of neurotransmitter across synaptic cleft b. neurotransmitter secreted by presynaptic cell

c. neurotransmitter binds to postsynaptic celld. depolarization or hyperpolarization occurs in postsynaptic cell

  1. Learning is caused by

a. a neuron refractory periodb. permanent changes on the postsynaptic neuron

c. permanent changes in the axonsd. the creation of more action potentials

  1. The cerebellum is important for

a. reflexes b. sensory input c. consciousness and awakening d. motor control and coordination

  1. During sensory reception exteroreceptors

a. amplify signal strengthb. sense external stimuli

c. sense internal stimulid. integrate sensory stimuli

  1. Mechanoreceptors respond to

a. physical stimulus (touch, stretch etc.)b. chemicals released by damaged cells

c. loss or gain of heatd. electromagnetic stimuli

  1. During signal transduction when light hits the protein rhodopsin on the rods and cones

a. the cell becomes hyperpolarizedb. the cell becomes depolarizedc. Na+ channels close

d. Na+ channels opene. a and cf. b and d

  1. Phloem transport is driven by

a. root pressureb. osmotic pressure flowc. all of the aboved. none of the above

Part 2

1. The sympathetic version of the nervous system is ______or ______

2. The parasympathetic version is ______or ______

3. What are the four brain lobes?

4. Postsynaptic cells often contain ______receptors

5. The autonomic nervous system regulates homostasis, has sensory neurons, motor neurons that are ______.

6. The sympathetic and parasympathetic have ______reactions.

7. T or F Hindbrain and midbrain are involved in basal processes.

8. Forebrain is involved in ______

9. Different sensory inputs and motor outputs map to specific regions of the cerebral cortex. Explain how this might effect a change in a violin player.

10. The strength of a stimulus is indicated by the ______of action potentials.

11. An action potential is always the same ______.

12. Hydrostatic systems are one of the ______types of ______and are a combination of ______. These ______occur in ______.

13. I am looking into a microscope at a muscle and I am seeing dark purple spots. What exactly am I looking at?

14. What is the basic contractile unit of muscles?

15. What do polymers have to do with muscles?

16. T or F When a muscle contracts the length of the actin and myosin is changing

17. T or F Calcium is needed to initiate muscle contraction

18. Calcium is stored in the ______