Taylor County Elementary School's s5

Instructional Planning Form
Teacher Name: Lacey Mahaney Grade: 1st
Language / Core Content/
Program of
bullets) / Learning
Targets for the Day:
"I Can"
(from Program of Studies) / Activity:
(congruent to the
Learning Target
of the Day)
/ Formative
(Exit slip, rubric, observation
checklist, pre-assessment,
writing to learn, demonstrate
learning, etc.) / Modifications
Monday, April 29 / Math MAP Test
Tuesday, April 30 / Writing Standards, Text Types and Purposes, 3 / I can understand the purpose of a personal narrative is to elaborate on a moment in my life. / Daily Reading
Personal Narrative Writing
· Explain purpose of personal narrative and compare to previous postcard lesson
· Multiple paragraph personal narrative about field trip to Ralphie’s
· Introduction – Discuss purpose and write
· 4 Square – Skating/Inflatables (focus: transition words) / Verbal Questioning – Given scenario, is this type of writing a personal narrative?
Wednesday, May 1 / Writing Standards, Text Types and Purposes, 3 / I can describe a personal experience through writing for a personal narrative. / Daily Reading
Personal Narrative Writing
· Review purpose of personal narrative
· Multiple paragraph personal narrative about field trip to Ralphie’s
· 4 Square – Bowling (focus: sound words) / Product – 4 Square
Thursday, May 2 / Writing Standards, Text Types and Purposes, 3 / I can describe a personal experience through writing for a personal narrative. / Daily Reading
Personal Narrative Writing
· Review purpose of personal narrative
· Multiple paragraph personal narrative about field trip to Ralphie’s
· 4 Square – Arcade (focus: all capital letters)
· Conclusion – Discuss purpose and write / Product – 4 Square
May 3 / Writing Standards, Production and Distribution of Writing, 5 / I can understand the purpose of an indent. / Daily Reading
Personal Narrative
· Combine 3 4-Squares to compile into final draft
· Indent – Discuss paragraphs and indentations
· Final Draft – Compose
Spelling Test / Exit Slip – Why do writers use indentations?
Instructional Planning Form
Teacher Name: Lacey Mahaney Grade: 2nd
Language / Core Content/
Program of
bullets) / Learning
Targets for the Day:
"I Can"
(from Program of Studies) / Activity:
(congruent to the
Learning Target
of the Day)
/ Formative
(Exit slip, rubric, observation
checklist, pre-assessment,
writing to learn, demonstrate
learning, etc.) / Modifications
Monday, April 29 / Speaking and Listening, Presentation of Knowledge Ideas, 4 / I can understand the importance of clear speech and expression when presenting to an audience. / Program Review Practice
Flat Stanley Around the World
· Review all received Flat Stanley Around the World letter/photographs
· Practice reading Flat Stanley Around the World letters aloud
· Discuss importance of clear speech, eye contact, and expression in reading when presenting to an audience / Performance – Is the student speaking clearly and reading appropriately?
Tuesday, April 30 / No 3rd Block
Wednesday, May 1 / No 3rd Block
Thursday, May 2 / No 3rd Block
May 3 / No 3rd Block
Instructional Planning Form
Teacher Name: Lacey Mahaney Grade: 3rd
Language / Core Content/
Program of
bullets) / Learning
Targets for the Day:
“I Can”
(from Program of Studies) / Activity:
(congruent to the
Learning Target
of the Day)
Spelling Week 2 (New Book)
· Focus:
o Consonant digraphs spelled th, ch, tch, and wh
o Words that begin with spr and thr
· In Context – Students give examples sentences then record the sentences in journal
· Sparkle / Formative
(Exit slip, rubric, observation
checklist, pre-assessment,
writing to learn, demonstrate
learning, etc.) / Modifications
Monday, April 29 / Language, Vocabulary Acquisition and Use, 4 / I can understand the importance of using reference materials when answering open-ended questions. / Daily Read Aloud
· Review vocabulary words from Reading Street books discussing the meaning of the words
· Write it Right – Using sample dictionary page, answer questions regarding word meaning
· Check Write it Right for correct spelling of provided vocabulary words
· Write it Right Redo – Focus on spelling provided vocabulary words correctly / Write it Right – Comparison of original worksheet to recompleted worksheet
Tuesday, April 30 / MAP Test Rewards
Wednesday, May 1 / No 1st Block
Thursday, May 2 / No 1st Block
May 3 / No 1st Block
Instructional Planning Form
Teacher Name: Lacey Mahaney Grade: 1st
Social Studies / Core Content/
Program of
bullets) / Learning
Targets for the Day:
“I Can”
(from Program of Studies) / Activity:
(congruent to the
Learning Target
of the Day)
/ Formative
(Exit slip, rubric, observation
checklist, pre-assessment,
writing to learn, demonstrate
learning, etc.) / Modifications
Monday, April 29 / Writing Standards, Research to Build and Present Knowledge, 7, 8 / I can recognize that the last step of the writing process is to share my work. / All About Book
· Discuss steps of the writing process
· Share All About Books / Participation – Book share time
Tuesday, April 30 / S.S.
S.S. / I can describe Daniel Boone’s contribution to the exploration of the West. / Exploring the West
· Lesson 1 – Daniel Boone
· Student Book – Pg. 2 – 5
· Chronological Order – Place events in Daniel Boone’s life in order accompanied by illustrations / Product - Timeline
Wednesday, May 1 / S.S.
S.S. / I can explain why the Louisiana Purchase was a great deal / Exploring the West
· Lesson 2 – The Louisiana Purchase
· Student Book – Pg. 6 – 8
· Map of the United States – Incorporate cardinal directions when discussing the Louisiana Purchase / Class Discussion – Active, knowledge participation in why the Louisiana Purchase was a great deal
Thursday, May 2 / S.S.
S.S. / I can examine the purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition. / Exploring the West
· Lesson 3 – Lewis and Clark
· Student Book – Pg. 9 – 12
· Map of the United States – Path of Lewis and Clark / Exit Slip – Why did Lewis and Clark go on their expedition?
May 3 / S.S.
S.S. / I can explain how Sacagawea helped the Lewis and Clark expedition. / Exploring the West
· Lesson 4 – Sacagawea
· Student Book – Pg. 13 – 16
· The Story of Sacagawea – Order important events in Sacagawea’s life / Class Discussion – Active, knowledge participation in how Sacagawea helped the Lewis and Clark expedition