Chairman:Cllr Grice.

Parish Councillors: Abbey (Borough/Parish), Barton, Debbie Boote (Borough/Parish), Sam Boote (Borough/Parish), Butler, Cane, Chmara, Erwin, Harding, Kingdom, Oakley, Pinder, Watts, Wells.

Staff:Neil Grocock (Clerk).

Also Present:Borough/County Cllr Cottee; David Mitchell,

Executive Manager, Communities,Rushcliffe Borough Council; Clare Ridsdale, Youth Worker, Young Peoples Service, Notts County Council; Brian Lund; Tom Caven-Atack (Village Plan Development Group); forty-nine others.


Apologies were received from CllrCottee (late arrival).

Cllr Grice welcomed David Mitchell, the Borough Council’s ‘link officer’ for Keyworth Parish Council, to the meeting.

14/8291Declarations of Interest

CllrGrice (chairman’s allowance) and Cllrs Chmara and Oakley (reimbursements) each declared an interest in item 14/8296a below.


a)Annual Parish Council Meeting 13.5.13

The minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting on 13.5.13 were APPROVED and signed by Cllr Grice as a true record.

b)Extraordinary Meeting 10.6.13

The minutes of the extraordinary meeting on 10.6.13 were APPROVED and signed by Cllr Grice as a true record.

14/8293Activity Park Presentation/Proposals

The following items had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting:

-Site plans.


-Letters and emails received: fourteen for, and fourteen against the proposals.

Brian Lund and Clare Ridsdale outlined the background to the proposals, progress to date and the case for an activity park on the Rectory Field as follows:

-Village Plan consultation in 2009 highlighted the need.

-Projected total cost £121k.

-Successful world record post card attempt in 2010 raised some £5k.

-£20k pledged by Rushcliffe Borough Council.

-£50k pledged by Notts County Council.

-Application pending for a further £60k from Veolia, which would also cover cost of CCTV.

-Proposed location: safe, visible, police approved, open access, central.

-Site (inside railings on Nottingham Road side of Rectory field) would be 68m x 25m, occupying 10.4% of the Rectory field.

Cllr Grice pointed out that the decision required from the Parish Council was not whether Keyworth needed an activity park, but whether there should be one on the Rectory field. He added that, in April 2012, the Parish Council had, in fact, already confirmed that it would:

-Support in principle the Village Plan Development Group (VPDG) in its efforts to establish [an activity park] in Keyworth.

-Endorse the application for funding which the VPDG has submitted.

-Consider paying ongoing costs such as insurance and maintenance.

-Consider the possibility of taking over responsibility for the maintenance and management of the [activity] park in the event of the VPDG ceasing to exist.

(Extract from Full Council minutes dated 23.4.12)

Cllr Grice also pointed out that there were a number of potential obstacles:

-The Rectory field is currently leased to the KPFA; the lease is in the process of being surrendered, but, in the meantime, the KPFA will also have a say in the matter.

-The field is subject to a covenant which could mean that the Church would need to be consulted.

-Planning permission would be required, and the fact that the proposed site is in the Conservation Area could be an issue in that respect.

-The proposed site is currently used annually for the Keyworth Show.

Cllr Sam Boote commented that he supported the general principle of an activity park on the Rectory field, but had a number of concerns including size, effect on nearby residents and possible drainage problems.

Cllr Erwin suggested that the “area of intrusion” on the Rectory field would be closer to 20% than 10.4%, and that there would be no room for the Keyworth Show; he added that ongoing costs would be an issue, and suggested that they needed to be quantified.

Cllr Grice queried whether, as confirmed by Tom Caven-Atack on behalf of the Village Plan Development Group (VPDG) at the meeting in April 2012:

-The [activity] park would be managed by a sub group of the VPDG.

-The VPDG would draw up a management plan and carry out a full risk assessment.

(Extract from Full Council minutes dated 23.4.12)

Brian Lund responded that the idea was now that the activity park should be presented to the Parish Council which would then run it.

Cllr Grice also queried whether other possible sites, at South Wolds School and the Leisure Centre, might not be equally suitable; Brian Lund stated that there were problems in terms of planning consent &/or funding as regards these sites.

Cllr Grice invited comments from members of the public, which included:


-Rectory field ideally located and spacious enough to accommodate an activity park along the lines proposed.

-Activity parks ultimately lead to youngsters getting involved in more formal sporting activities.

-More youngsters would mean better behaviour overall, especially with CCTV coverage.


-Proposals being rushed through too quickly; “donkey before the cart”; covenant and views of the KPFA need to be considered.

-Rectory field not policed; current problems (noise, antisocial behaviour) would be exacerbated.

-Rectory field a fine, traditional green space…why change it?

Cllr Grice commented that the Parish Council could not be held hostage to deadlines, pointing out that there was a long agenda to get through, and there was no time for further, fuller discussion at this particular meeting.

Cllr Sam Boote proposed that the Parish Council should resolve in principle to establish an activity park on the Rectory field, subject to further investigations regarding, size, siting, equipping, management and funding, and subject also to approval by the KPFA and the Church. After due consideration, the Council voted AGAINST Cllr Boote’s proposal by a majority of nine to six, but AGREED that the matter should be given further consideration in due course, and that an informal public meeting should be arranged before any final decision was made.

Clare Ridsdale, Brian Lund, Tom Caven-Atack and forty-two others

left the meeting at this point.

14/8294Matters Arising

(14/8272a) In response to an enquiry from Cllr Sam Boote, Cllr Grice reported that the renovation work on the Memorial gates was scheduled for completion prior to the Keyworth Show.


The following items had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting:

-Letter, with plan, from Notts County Council: ‘Proposed Alteration to Parking Restrictions Debdale Lane, the Square, Main Street and Nottingham Road’.Cllr Grice pointed out that the Parish Council had already agreed to “support any proposal for increasing the parking restrictions to one hour on Main Street, in the Square, or on Debdale Lane” (Full Council minute 13/8254c 4.2.13), and it was AGREED that no further observations needed to be made.

-Letter from Cllr Cottee plus other correspondence re bench opposite chip shop on Nottingham Road, to be replaced by the County Council under the Local Improvement Scheme (LIS).AGREED that the Parish Council should assume responsibility for maintenance of the bench, on the understanding that the chip shop proprietors should submit reports and photographs in accordance with LIS requirements.

-Letter from Notts County Council: ‘Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Core Strategy – Post Hearing Consultation on Main Modifications’; consultation period ending 22nd July - NOTED.

-Email from Duncan Collings, Senior Licensing Officer, Rushcliffe Borough Council re Statement of Licensing Policy – NOTED.

-Sundry items re Positive Futures – Rushcliffe – NOTED; several Councillors attending launch event.

-Email re Burial Ground fees:Cllr Grice pointed out that this was a question of interpretation of the Council’s policy in terms of surcharges for non-residents:

The above surcharges will not apply in the case of a person who was formerly a resident of Keyworth within 10 years of the date of death.

After due consideration, it was AGREED that, in this instance, a non-resident surcharge had been appropriate, but that the Facilities committee should, at a future meeting, consider how the above wording might be made more clear.

-Email from Rushcliffe Borough Council re Rushcliffe Community Partnership Community Awards 2013. Cllr Grice asked Councillors to consider possible nominations.

-Report from Cllr Ken Browse, Chairman, National Association of Local Councils - NOTED.

-Correspondence re Firework Display on 18.5.13 - NOTED.

-Email from Department of Communities & Local Government re ‘Our Digital Community’ – NOTED.

-Email from NALC re filming Council meetings – NOTED.

-Email from Public Health Nottinghamshire County re Substance Misuse Consultation – NOTED.

Emails from nearby residents re noise from cars parked in the turning circle of the Village Hall car park were considered, but time did not allow a full discussion, and it was AGREED that the matter should be discussed in more detail at a future meeting; in the meantime, Cllr Grice undertook to discuss the matter with the police.


a)Schedule of Payments/Reimbursements

A schedule of payments and reimbursements, included in the briefing notes for the meeting, was APPROVED – see Appendix 1.

b)Finance & Risk Minutes dated 3.6.13

The minutes of the meeting on 3.6.13 were NOTED and the decisions therein were APPROVED.

Cllr Grice pointed out that the five-yearly electrical inspection of the Village Hall had been completed, and the estimate for remedial work amounted to £6.9k; there was, however, some doubt as to whether recent changes in legislation applied to existing installations; the Facilities Manager, Brian Cullen, was looking into this, and obtaining alternative estimates.

Cllr Sam Boote asked what progress had been made in respect of the Village Hall heating proposals; Cllr Erwin reported that he was waiting for Brian Cullen to obtain a draft contract from the prospective project manager.

A provisional date was AGREED for an additional Finance & Risk meeting: 5.8.13.

c)Amendment to Financial Regulations

Finance & Risk minutes 3.6.13 (14/7375a) refer.

An amendment correcting an anomaly in regulation 11.1f, included in the briefing notes for the meeting, was APPROVED – see Appendix 2.

d)Expenses Claims

The new claim form for reimbursement of Councillors’ expenses had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting; Cllr Grice pointed out that separate forms were required for different claims, and that they must be accompanied by receipts.


a)Minutes dated 20.5.13

The minutes of the meeting on 20.5.13 were NOTED and the decisions therein were APPROVED.

b)Minutes dated 17.6.13

The minutes of the meeting on 17.6.13 were NOTED and the decisions therein were APPROVED.

Cllr Abbey drew attention to the committee’s comments (14/2351) regarding the activity park proposals.

c)Minutes dated 1.7.13

The minutes of the extraordinary meeting on 1.7.13 were NOTED and the decisions therein were APPROVED.

Cllr Abbey commented that the committee had considered two very significant planning applications in respect of the Wrights Garage site on Selby Lane, and land at Willow Brook.

At 9.00pm, it was AGREED that standing order 1y (“meetings shall not exceed a period of two hours") should be suspended for sufficient time to complete essential business.

d)Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Abbey commented on a public exhibition by the Commercial Estates Group at the Church Hall on 12/13.7.13: there would be no input from members of the steering committee at this stage.


a)Minutes dated 10.6.13

The minutes of the meeting on 10.6.13 were NOTED and the decisions therein were APPROVED.

b)Nottingham Road Play Area Proposals

Cllr Grice reported that two parents were liaising directly with the County Council regarding the possibility of enlarging the Nottingham Road play area, and the proposal for enlargement was AGREED in principle, subject to outside funding being available.

The Clerk pointed out that, in the event of the play area being enlarged, a new [County Council/Parish Council] lease would be required.

c)Skatepark Lease Renewal

The following items had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting:

-Renewal lease: Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)/Keyworth Parish Council – APPROVED.

-Licence to carry out works (the renovation of the skatepark, to be carried out by the County Council) – APPROVED.


-Letter from the NERC’s solicitor requesting a contribution of £2k towards his client’s fees.

As regards the solicitor’s letter, it was AGREED that it would be appropriate to make a contribution of £750 in respect of fees relating to the licence to carry out works, but that it would not be appropriate to make a contribution in respect of fees relating to renewal of the lease, given that there had been no indication at the outset that such a contribution would be required.

14/8299Elm Avenue Sports Facilities

Cllr Grice reported as follows:

-Asbestos remedial work at Tennis Club scheduled for later in the month.

-Possibility of grant from Borough Council.

-Cost of electrical remedial work at Bowls Club and in Rectory field pavilion already approved by Finance & Risk committee.

-Surprisingly big electricity bills for Pavilion.

-Groundsman’s contract being renegotiated.

Cllr Sam Boote reported that he had received complaints regarding litter on the Rectory field; Cllr Watts pointed out that two new litter bins were on order.

A draft deed of surrender in respect of the Parish Council/KPFA lease had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting, but the Clerk reported that he would require clarification regarding the reference to the Physical Training and Recreation Act 1937 before he could recommend approval.

14/8300Other Issues

a)Donation Request – Rushcliffe Play Forum

An email requesting a donation towards the cost of a summer play day had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting.

Cllr Grice pointed out that there were no funds left in the 2013/14 Grants/ Donations budget, but, after due consideration, it was AGREED that the Council should nevertheless make a donation of £100 in this instance.

The chairman closed the meeting at approximately 9.15pm; the following items to be carried forward to the next meeting:

b)Good Councillor’s Guide

c)Community Governance Review

d)Future of Monthly Newsletter

e)Future of Parish Council Website

f)Support/Recognition for Local Businesses – Council Policy

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