

Purpose of the Outline Proposal Form

Institutional approval is the formal mechanism through which we satisfy ourselves about the good academic standing, financial viability and suitability of a prospective collaborative partner. This process is adopted irrespective of the nature and source of the initial request to work with us. The process is conducted in two distinct stages:

Stage One: approval in principle by the Corporate Management Team (CMT), achieved via the completion of the Outline Proposal Form and its consideration by CMT. Stage One is a risk assessment/ due diligence process.

Stage Two: formal approval by the Senate, achieved via the conduct of a successful institutional approval event held at the prospective partner’s premises.

Please refer to the Senate Code of Practice on Collaborative Provision for more detail of the institutional approval process.

The purpose of Stage One is to enable the CMT to determine whether:

  • the collaborative academic link is consistent with our educational objectives
  • the partner has an appropriate level of academic standing in the UK or overseas (depending on its location) to merit a collaborative link with us
  • the partner institution’s financial status and funding source(s) are stable
  • the partner institution’s legal status is sound
  • the partner institution’s HR policies are sound
  • the collaborative link is likely to be financially viable.

The Proposer will be the relevant PVC/Dean where the Partnership involves a single Faculty and the DVC (Academic) where more than one Faculty is involved.

Part A of the Outline Proposal Form shouldcompleted and signed by the Proposer and then forwarded to Caroline Watts, Head of Quality Assurance, Academic Office who oversees completion of Part B in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Director of Finance, Director of Human Resources Services, the University Secretary and Clerk and where appropriate the Vice President International and Development. The Outline Proposal Form is then submitted to the CMT which considers whether or not to proceed in principle to establish a formal link with a new partner institution.

PART A: Summary of the proposal
1.Official title of proposed partner institution:
Tel no:
Web address:
Contact details (including role) of key representative:
2.Detail of the nature of incorporation and legal status of the proposed partner:
3. The names, titles and, where appropriate, roles of all Directors/Trustees of the proposed partner:
4.Nature of academic collaboration*, to include:
  • pathway titles (if known) and proposed implementation dates for each (month, year)
  • any plans for staff and/or student exchanges
  • any plans to include collaborative research activity
*select from ‘Franchise, Dual Award, Joint Venture, Outcentre’ (for Outcentres,only Category A Outcentres require CMT approval and only Section A of this form need be completed): see paragraph 1.4 of the Senate Code of Practice on Collaborative Provision for definitions and Appendix 1 of the Code for Outcentre categories
5.Strategic rationale and business case for collaborative link from the perspective of both AngliaRuskinUniversity and the proposed partner institution.
(NB Refer to the vision, values and corporate plans of both partners), and an evaluation of the compatibility of the educational objectives of both partners:
Estimate of the likely minimum gross income to AngliaRuskinUniversity and the associated costs over an initial three year period, ie start-up and ongoing operational costs:
6. Commentary on the level of academic standing in the UK or overseas obtained from QAA reports (or reports from equivalent public bodies such as OFSTED), British Council and/or Foreign and Commonwealth Office information, or from other HEIs previously associated with the proposed partner):
7.Details of the proposed partner institution’s current links with other HE awarding bodies and/or any former links with such bodies which have been terminated, and the reasons for termination:
8. Name of Proposer (either PVC/Dean or Deputy Vice-Chancellor) / Signature:
9. Receipt by Head of Quality Assurance / Date:

Following completion of Part A, the Outline Proposal Form is submitted to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), accompanied by the following documents (or their equivalent as may be the case for some international partners):

a) Most recent three years of annual reports and accounts of the proposed partner

b)Details of the proposed partner’s current liability and professional indemnity insurance policies

c)Details of the proposed partner’s Human Resources policies including equal opportunities policy

d) Details of any current proceedings likely to lead to prosecutions or any prosecutions during the last three years

e)Details of the proposed partner’s Health and Safety policies

f) Details of the proposed partner’s Data Protection Act Registration

g)Details of the proposed partner’s Anti-bribery Policy and Procedures

h)Copies of relevant reports conducted by external agencies, for example:

  • External Examiner reports on other higher education provision at the partner,
  • Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies
  • British Accreditation Council
  • Accreditation Service for International Colleges

NB The Outline Proposal Form will be considered by the

Head of Quality Assurance/Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) only whenall of the accompanying

documentary evidence is provided by the Proposer

September 2011 Academic Office


NB if the proposal relates to the establishment of an outcentre, this section does not need to be completed

PART B: Risk Assessment – to be completed by senior staff at AngliaRuskinUniversity
1. Section to be completed by the Director of Finance
An evaluation of the most recent three years of annual reports and accounts of the proposed partner:
2. Section to be completed by the Director of Human Resources
An evaluation of the proposed partner’s Human Resources policies including equal opportunities policy (or equivalent):
3. Section to be completed by the Secretary and Clerk
An evaluation of:-
(a)the proposed partner’s current liability and professional indemnity insurance policies
(b)any current proceedings likely to lead to prosecution or any prosecutions during the last three years
(c)the proposed partner’s Health and Safety policies (or equivalent)
(d)the proposed partner’s Data Protection Act Registration (or equivalent)
4.Section to becompleted by the Vice President International and Development if the proposed partnership is based overseas or if the focus of recruitment to the UK is on international students
An evaluation of:
(a) the impact of the proposal on any Anglia Ruskin country-specific full cost student recruitment strategy
(b) the impact of the proposal on existing country-specific collaborative partnerships and their capacity to recruit to
existing franchised provision
(c) for international partners only, comment on the political/economic stability of the host country:
5. An assessment by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or the Proposing PVC/Dean of Faculty as appropriateof the level of risk (low, medium or high), based on the above evaluations, in establishing a collaborative link with the proposed partner and a formal recommendation to CMT:
Level of Risk:
Recommendation to CMT:
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Professor Lesley Dobrée
Proposing PVC Dean of Faculty / Signature:

September 2011 Academic Office