TITLE: Assistant Professor, Livestock Economist

NATURE OF This position is an 11-month, tenure track, 75% research, 25% extension

POSITION: appointment.

POSITION The faculty member will be expected to develop a nationally recognized

DESCRIPTION: research program in livestock production and marketing systems and an extension program which positively impacts Oklahoma’s livestock industry. Topics may focus on interaction of livestock-forage production; value-added management-marketing programs; cost-benefits of animal identification-health-information systems; managing production-marketing risk, and cost-benefits of genetic marker and related technology, among others. Specific responsibilities may include:

·  Conduct nationally recognized research with specific application to increasing efficiency and adding value to Oklahoma’s primary livestock enterprises

·  Serve as an advisor and research supervisor for M.S. and Ph.D. students

·  Develop an extension program to disseminate research and information to Oklahoma’s livestock producers

·  Provide curricula, training, and support for state, area, and county educators

·  Contribute to the Second Century Initiative, Animal Enterprises Team

·  Participate in multi-institutional, multi-regional or national research and extension initiatives targeting U.S. and Oklahoma livestock industries

·  Cultivate external support from private and governmental sources

·  Publish in recognized peer-reviewed journals, extension publications, and related outlets for professional peers and livestock industry stakeholders.

QUALIFICATIONS: A Ph.D. degree in agricultural economics or economics with an orientation toward microeconomics of livestock production and management. The successful candidate must be well trained in economic theory and quantitative techniques and have an ability to work with departmental and interdisciplinary university faculty groups, agribusiness firms, and government agencies. Effective communication skills, both written and oral, are necessary. Previous research or extension experience in livestock production or marketing is desirable.

SALARY: Competitive

APPLICATION Review of all applications will begin November 15, 2005 and will continue until

DEADLINE: a suitable candidate is identified. Applicants are requested to submit a letter of

application, resume, name-address-phone number for three references,

and transcript(s) of all university credits. Mail applications to:

Dr. Clement Ward, Acting Head

Department of Agricultural Economics

Oklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK 74078-6026

Telephone: (405) 744-6161


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