Questionnaire forscientific research purposesonly
Sample Questionnaire about :
" Current Practices Of Managerial Accounting Techniques In Arab Potash Company "
I hopeto answerwith precision, objectivityand thank youfor your cooperation.
Researcher :
Zaid Al-Majdalawi
Section (1): Information about respondent person and company:
1) Post title:
Executive manager
Financial manager
Internal auditor
Others (specify) ……………
2) Educational attainment:
Masters and above
High school or less
3) Specialization:
Business administration
Banking and finance
Others (specify) ………….
4) Duration of experience in the present post:
Less than 5 years
Between 5-9 years
Between 10-15 years
More than 15 years
5) The extent of technical knowledge do you have in management accounting techniques listed in the following table:
Knowledge/ Method / Excellent / Good / Moderate / Weak / Very weakActivity based costing (ABC)
Just-in-time method (JIT)
Total quality management (TQM)
Balanced scorecard (BSC)
Section (2): The study related questions (three fields):
Field one: Practicing management accounting techniques in planning process: Please sign in the blank that's more closed to your opinion:
No. / Subject / Strongly agree / Agree / Somewhat agree / Disagree / Strongly disagree1 / The amount of your indirectcosts requires applying ABC method
2 / Your company balances between financial and nonfinancial measures
3 / The management in your company sets the standards that related to:
A / Profitability
B / Market share
C / Productivity
D / Maintain brand in some product or service
E / Social responsibility
4 / According to BSC; your companytranslates its strategy into acceptable and understandable measures amongst staff members.
5 / Thecompany applies (pre-control)
6 / Your revenues go up as you provide products or render services faster.
Field two: Practicingmanagement accounting techniques in controlling process:
No. / Subject / Strongly agree / Agree / Somewhat agree / Disagree / Strongly disagree1 / The amount of your indirect costs requires applying ABC method.
2 / Your company balancesbetween financial and non-financial measures
3 / The management in your company sets the standards that related to:
A / Profitability
B / Market share
C / Productivity
D / Maintain brand in some product or service
E / Social responsibility
4 / According to BSC; your company translates its strategy into acceptable and understandable measures amongst staff members.
5 / The company applies (pre-control)
6 / Your revenues go up as you provide products or render services faster.
Field three: Practicing management accounting techniques in decision-making process:
No. / Subject / Strongly agree / Agree / Somewhat agree / Disagree / Strongly disagree1 / Financial department is required to provide alternatives to the management during decision-making process.
2 / Management accounting information and reports are considered main resource in decision-making process.
3 / Administrative staff in the company has a reasonable opportunity in setting objectives and drawing policies for the company
4 / The company uses ABC in pricing decisions
5 / Team leaders and production line managers are free to exercise their judgment in all routine processes.
6 / The following advantages were developed as a result of management accounting reports:
A / Increased competitive advantage
B / Cost reduction
C / Increased productivity
D / Increased customers' satisfaction
7 / To take strategic decisions; your company make a comparisons with competitors about procedures and policies.
Please write your E-mail (as you wish) to provide you with results and recommendations
later on ……………………..
Thank you for your cooperation .