Chemistry Book Chat 2017
Your Book Chat must be submitted no later than Friday, May 12 to This assignment is extra credit. Your grade on the book chat will be used to replace your lowest grade (except for Science Fair) in the Assessments category.
Title; author; date published; place of publication; number of pages
Before reading the book
Why did you choose to read this particular book? What first interested you in this book and why? What were your initial expectations? (Talk with Dr. Z if you’d like recommendations.)
After reading the book
Consider using these questions to guide you as you write about your reading. Answers should be organized into paragraphs and may be in an order of your own choosing.
· Summarize the story using at least 4-5 paragraphs.
· What makes you wonder? Why? What confuses you?
· What surprised you? Why?
· Has this book helped you in any way? Explain.
· How has this book changed you in any way? Explain.
· What questions would you like answered after reading the book?
· Which is your favorite character? Why is this character your favorite?
· What would you and favorite character talk about in your first conversation? Write dialogue for the beginning of the conversation.
· Describe four chemistry related events and tell whey they are important to the story. (Use 1-2 paragraphs per event.)
· What are the best parts of the book? What are the worst parts of this book? Why?
· What do you feel is the most important word, sentence, or passage in the book? The most important event, character, feeling or decision? Why is it important?
Chemistry Reading List
Title / AuthorA Chemical History Tour / Arthur Greenberg
What’s Cooking in Chemistry: How Leading Chemists Succeed in the Kitchen / Bell, Feuerstein, Günter, and Hölsken
Crucibles: The Story of Chemistry from Ancient Alchemy to Nuclear Fusion / Bernard Jaffe
A Short History of Just About Everything / Bill Bryson
The fly in the cathedral: How a small group of Cambridge scientists won the race to split the atom / Brian Cathcart
Thomas Edison, Chemist / Byron M. Vanderbilt
The Glass Universe / Dava Sobel
Longitude / Dava Sobel
The Planets / Dava Sobel
Galileo’s Daughter / Dava Sobel
A More Perfect Heaven / Dava Sobel
Degrees Kelvin: A Tale of Genius, Invention, and Tragedy / David Lindley
Botzmann’s Atom: The Great Debate that Launched a Revolution in Physics / David Lindley
The Hidden Half of Nature: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health / David Montgomery, Anne Bikle
Rain of Ruin: The stirring account of a young woman’s life as a clerk for the Top Secret Manhattan Project / Donald K Goldstein
Genius on the Edge: The Bizarre Double Life of Dr. William Stewart Halsted / Gerald Imber
Modern Death: How Medicine Changed the End of Life / Haider Warraich
Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life / Helen Czerrski
What the Corpse Revealed / Hugh Miller
A Short History of Chemistry / Isaac Asimov
Atom: Journey across the Subatomic Cosmos / Isaac Asimov
Stuff: The Materials the World is Made Of / Ivan Amato
Cooking for Geeks: Real Science, Great Hacks, and Good Food / Jeff Potter
Corpse: Nature, Forensics, and the Struggle to Pinpoint Time of Death / Jessica Sachs
Radar, Hula Hoops, and Playful Pigs / Joe Schwarcz
Genie in the Bottle / Joe Schwarcz
That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles / Joe Schwarcz
The End of Plenty: The Race to Feed a Crowded World / Joel K. Bourne
The Elements of Murder: A History of Poison / John Emsley
Molecules of Murder: Criminal Molecules and Classic Cases / John Emsley
The 13th Element: The Sordid Tale of Murder, Fire, and Phosphorus / John Emsley
Absolute Zero and the Conquest of Cold / John Shachtman
Science Fair Season: Twelve Kids, a Robot Named Scorch . . . and What It Takes to Win / Judy Dutton
The Radioactive Boy Scout / Ken Silverstein
Atom: An Odyssey from the Bing Bang to Life on Earth / Lawrence Krauss
Hidden Figures / Margot Lee Shetterly
Why things Break: Understanding the World by the Way it Comes Apart / Mark Eberhart
Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces that Shape the Universe / Martin Rees
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers / Mary Roach
Packing for Mars / Mary Roach
Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life / Matin Durrani & Liz Kalaugher
The Pain Chronicles: Cures, Myths, Mysteries, Prayers, Diaries, Brain Scans, Healing, and the Science of Suffering / Melanie Thernstrom
Chemical History of a Candle / Michael Faraday
Five Equations that Changed the World: The Power and Poetry of Mathematics / Michael Guillen
Oxygen, The Molecule that Changed the World / Nick Lane
Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood / Oliver Sacks
The Periodic Kingdom: A Journey into the Land of the Chemical Elements / P. W. Atkins
Story of Alchemy and the beginnings of Chemistry / Pattison Muir
Napoleon’s Buttons / Penney Le Couteur and Jay Burreson
The Periodic Table / Primo Levi
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks / Rebecca Skloot
Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman / Richard Feynman
Last Sorcerers: The Path from Alchemy to the Periodic Table / Richard Morris
Deadly Feast / Richard Rhodes
Old Wine, New Flasks: Reflections on Science and Jewish Tradition / Roald Hoffmann
What Einstein Told His Cook: Kitchen Science Explained / Robert Wolke
The Disappearing Spoon and Other True Tales / Sam Kean
Fire / Sebastian Junger
Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Most Terrifying Epidemic / Steven Johnson
The Invention of Air / Steven Johnson
The Bells of Nagasaki / Takashi Nagai
Letters from the End of the World: A First-Hand Account of the Bombing of Hiroshima / Toyofumi Ogura
Hacking Matter: Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, and the Infinite Weirdness of Programmable Atoms / Will McCarthy
Thieves, Deceivers, and Killers: Tales of Chemistry in Nature / William Agosta