Good Afternoon Hawk Ridge Parents!
Hopefully the Winter Weather is Gone!
Attached you will find the most updated version of our A-F Day Specials Schedule. This schedule has really served us well as classes have not missed multiple specials classed for being out of school.
There are a growing number of parents who are driving into the parking lot in the morning and letting their children out to walk across the cross walk by themselves. This is not permitted as it is a safety risk for the students and the volume at the crosswalk actually holds up the carpool line for everyone else. Only parents who have parked and walked their children to the front door of the school are permitted to use the crosswalk. Please expect to see me out in the crosswalk area enforcing this policy.
Hawk Ridge Dads Prayer Group Mtg.
Thursday night (3/5/15) a group of Dads will be meeting to lift up our schools and our community.The meeting will be at 8:30pm in the Morrison YMCA community room. The community room is located off of the lobby at the front entrance (off of Bryant Farms).
This is an opportunity to meet with other men who want to make an impact in our community through prayer. It will alsobe a good time of encouragement.
Spring Field Hockey!
In the Fall, Hawk Ridge students participated in learning the game of Field Hockey during PE Class. The Charlotte Ambush is pleased to offer several exciting Field Hockeyprograms coming to our area! There will be a "Beginner and Intermediate Clinic" offered this March (4 Saturday mornings) at nearby Elon Park. There will be a similar clinic also offered at Matthews Sportsplex on Wednesday evenings in March. Ages for these programs are typically grades 2 and up.
In addition to the clinics, a Spring Rec League is also being offered. Dates are March 28th thru May 17th. Practice days, times, and locations may be chosen during registration.
Charlotte Ambush is our local club team who oversees and supports our teams at Community House, JM Robinson (new team this Fall), and Ardrey Kell.
Please visit the website for details and registration. Select Club Programs then click on "Spring". Check the website regularly, as programs are offered year round. Beginners are welcome!
Please email Ardrey Kell coach Jenell Davis with any questions:
The Hawk Ridge Community Can Help One of Our Staff Members Conni Branscom and Her Son Kyle!
Our buddy Kyle will be celebratingWorld Down Syndrome Day on Saturday, March 31 with a Carnival and the 3-2-1 Dash for Down Syndrome 5k & 1 mile Fun Run.Please join teamKyle's Korner for this fun event.Attached is a flyer with all the informationwhich includes thewebsite to register at Last year, several staff members and parents from Hawk Ridge ran to support Kyle. It was such a GREAT event!! Join us this year!!
In addition, Kyle has been nominated for a specialized bike that would meet his needs. Below is the link for the Giveaway and you can help Kyle win by voting for him. Kyle goes to school at Elon Park, so between Hawk Ridge and Elon Park we should have this in the bag for him!!! Check out his profile! All you need to do is enter your email address under Kyle's profile(multiple emails can be used for votes), submit and confirm through the link sent to you.Here is the link: