Community Advisory Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


1. Welcome

2. Approve minutes from last meeting

3. Discussion with Deb on recent updates

4. Boards vision for WTIP in 1-5 years

5. Community Issues Focus

Attending: Thelma Hedstrom, Jennifer Schulz, Sue Hakes, Mike LaVigne, Dave Seaton, Bill Hansen

Motion made to accept minutes from last meeting by Mike, 2nd by Thelma


Community perspective on WTIP

Is WTIP missing or not representing aspects of our community?

What features/projects are well liked?

What more can WTIP do around community engagement?

On what other local issues can we focus?

The board met for 2 hours and discussed the questions above as well as space issues for WTIP. Talked at length about the property next door to WTIP and what potential development may happen there. Also discussed were local education issues, broadband and the opportunities it may present for the community, WTIP and Boreal Access, strategic and succession planning for WTIP.

Discussed Youth Radio at length – issues with keeping them engaged. Deb told board the history of the project and teachers involved. Suggestions made were to add a youth on our board of directors, engage them with live music, work towards getting local school to offer classes in the future for radio skills and aspects, create and offer podcasts produced by youth.

CAB responses

WTIP is much beloved by our community. No CAB member has heard anything negative about WTIP in some time.

Continues to be a positive presence in our community

The Associated Press awards for our local features are a huge success

Earlier concerns about inclusiveness have dwindled

People appreciate the focus on localism in news, features, issue programs

Some people don’t listen to radio, period, or just listen to commercial rock

We are lucky to have MPR for world and regional and WTIP for local

Lake Superior Project and Anishinaabe Way are world class features

WTIP is a great station anywhere

WTIP is a miracle of goodness

Enjoys the fact that WTIP does not make people uncomfortable on air and that we are not confrontational

Appreciate WTIP journalistic integrity with interviews

Amazing interviews with well thought out questions

Like Frankens interviews

More could be done around county board meetings – much is missed by not attending

How would a full time reporter benefit WTIP? How could it happen? funding

Our presence has made local newspaper more honest

Boreal future – partnership with WTIP could create more synergy

Succession plan for leadership needs to be deliberate

Local music engagement – more can be done for burgeoning community of musicians,

Need to be a way to break out to larger area, audience

Political forums – some do not believe candidates should have questions prior to forum

Work with CCHigher Ed for accredited radio training classes:

Non profit management


Broadcast skills


Suggestions for interviews/features:

Local priest on Pope Francis

Spearfishing – different perspectives. History needs to be told

Karen Diver – tribal chair-FonDuLac, Shawn Perich, DNR, John Morris.

Fishing guide

Focus on Book groups or their books – librarian, Drury Lane


Hill side development

Local education issues