3¼mm, S.S. Erin Road, Debe, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Tel:(868) 647-3218, Fax:(868) 647-6087, Website:

Invitation for Pre-qualification for theSupplier of Goods & Provision of Works & Services

NAMDEVCO invites applications from suitably qualified companies and individuals who are desirous of pre-qualifying for the provision of goods and services in the following categories:

  1. Accounting Services25. Microbiological Testing
  2. Advertising 26. Office furnishings
  3. Agricultural Storage Facilities27. Packaging Material for Fresh Produce
  4. Audio/Visual Creative Content28. Pest Control
  5. Blinds & Drapes29. Pest Testing
  6. Catering Services30. Pest/Termite Control
  7. Chemical Cleaners31. Pesticide Testing
  8. Consultancy Services32. Printing and Publishing
  9. Corporate Promotional Items33. Project Management Consultancy
  10. Décor 34. Project Management & Consultancy Services
  11. Diaries/Calendars35. Pump Supplies, Services & Maintenance
  12. Electrical Consultancy36. Quantity Surveying Services
  13. Electrical Fixtures & Fittings37. .Quantity Surveyors Services
  14. Event Management38. Safety & Health Consultants
  15. Food Processing39 Security Services
  16. Garbage /Waste Disposal Services40. Servicing of RefrigeratedSystems (Chillers, Cold
  17. Glazing-glass supply framing Storage Facilities/Refrigerate Vehicle)
  18. Grocery and Household Items41. Tailoring Services
  19. Human Resource/Industrial Relations42. Signage
  20. Human Resource /Industrial Relations Consultants 43. Tents/tables/chairs supply & rental
  21. Insurance Brokerage44. Training and Development Consultant
  22. Janitorial Services45. Vehicle Repair and Maintenance
  23. Labour Supply Skilled/Unskilled46. Waste Disposal Services (Septic Cleaning)
  24. Legal Services47. Painting of Buildings

48. Stationery and Office Supplies

All interested applicants are asked to note the following:

They must apply on a separate application form for each category.

Pre-qualification forms can be collected Monday to Friday between 8am-4pm at Namdevco’s Head Office, 3¼ mm, S.S. Erin Road, Debe for a non-refundable payment of $100.00 (cash or certified cheque).

Applications must be placed in sealed envelopes addressed to:

The Secretary

Pre-Qualification Committee

National Agricultural Marketing & Development Corporation

3¼ mm, S.S. Erin Road


The envelope must be deposited in the box marked Pre-Qualification Box located in the lobby of NAMDEVCO’s Head Office at the above address.

Collection of application forms is from Wednesday3rd July, 2013 to Friday12th July, 2013..

Deadline for submission of Pre-qualification Forms isFriday 26thJuly, 2013 at 10.00 am.

Late responses will not be considered. Incomplete applications may be rejected.

All providers who were previously qualified prior to 2011 are asked to re-apply and those who submitted applications in 2011, 2012 and 2013 are not required to re-apply.

For further information kindly contact: The Director, Corporate Servicesat 647-3218/3467 ext. 265 or email: .