RCC Central Ontario Regional Specialty

November 25th & 26th

Caledon Kennel Association (at the International Centre)

6900 Airport Road at Derry Road

Mississauga, Ontario


President……………………………………………………………………………………...... Adele Foley

Vice President…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Joe Panaro

Secretary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Kim Samis

Treasurer……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Caroline Swirsky

Booster Chairperson………………………………………………………………………………………………Tricia Barrett

Specialty Chairperson…………………………………………………………………………………………… Tricia Barrett


Confirmation Boosters

Saturday, November 25……….…………………………………………………………………………………..Judge: Michel Chaloux

Sunday, November 26……….…………………………………………………………………………………….Judge: Joan Beech

Prize List

Prizes and Rosetteswill be offered for:

Best of BreedBest of Winners

Best of Opposite SexBest Puppy in Breed

Winners Dog Winners Bitch

Rosettes will be awarded for 1st through 4thplacement in each regular class.

Specialty Show

Saturday, November 25th……………………………………………………………………………………………Judge: Martin Doherty

Prize List

Prizes and rosettes will be offered for the following:

Best of BreedBest of Opposite Sex

Best Puppy in Breed Best of Winners

Winners DogWinners Bitch

(Non-Regular Classes)Stud Dog Brood Bitch

Award of MeritBest Canadian Bred

Best Bred By Best Veteran

and 1st in each Regular Class.

Rosette only for the following:

Reserve Winners Dog Reserve Winners Bitch

Winners Altered Dog Winners Altered Bitch

Best Altered and 2nd through 4th in each Regular Class.

(Un-official class)Prizeonly for Best Tailed Rottweiler

Prize for H.Q. Rottweiler in each CKA Trial(4).

Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes

Judge:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Pat Major

Rosette for:

Specialty Sweepstakes Veteran Sweepstakes

Prize for:Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes

Rosette only for 1st through 4th in each class.

Obedience Trial

Judge:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Barbara Scott

Prize and rosettes for H.I.T. and First in each Class. Rosette for 2nd through 4th in each class.


Please visit for the official Premium List and Entry forms

Show Secretary - Dawgs

c/o Colleen Oglestone

15696 Airport Rd.

Caledon East

ON, L7C 2W8
Tel: 905-584-1906

Or visit to access Entry Line services

**Entries close Tuesday October 31st @ 10:00pm**

2006 - Central Ontario Regional Specialty
Class / Sponsor / Price
Best in Specialty show / Cheryl Carruthers / $60.00
Best Puppy in Specialty Show / Johnna Glover – Eirian Rottweilers / $50.00
Best of Opposite Sex in Specialty Show / $45.00
Best of Winners / $40.00
Winners Dog / $35.00
Winners Bitch / $35.00
Award of Merit / $35.00
Best Veteran / $35.00
Reserve Winners Dog / $20.00
Reserve Winners Bitch / $20.00
Best Tailed Dog / Donated Ribbon, Suzanne Eikanger-Stoops / N/A
Stud Dog / $30.00
Brood Bitch / $30.00
Canadian Bred / $30.00
Bred by Exhibitor / $30.00
Best Altered / $30.00
Best Altered Dog / $20.00
Best Altered Bitch / $20.00
Puppy Sweepstakes
Best in Sweeps / $25.00
Best of Opposite Puppy in Sweeps / $20.00
Veteran Sweepstakes
Best Veteran in Sweeps / $25.00
Best of Opposite Veteran in Sweeps / $20.00
Obedience Trial
High In Trial / Tricia Barrett / $35.00
High in Novice A / Tricia Barrett / $20.00
High in Novice B / Tricia Barrett / $20.00
High in Open A / Tricia Barrett / $20.00
High in Open B / Tricia Barrett / $20.00
High in Utility / Tricia Barrett / $20.00
Confirmation Booster
Best of Breed / $30.00
Best Puppy / $20.00
Best of Opposite Sex / $20.00
Best of Winners / $20.00
Winners Dog / $15.00
Winners Bitch / $15.00