13 December 2007

Present: Morningstar, Colton, Driscoll, Fuller, Hosek, Sturm, Leslie, Mortazavi,

Schoen, Talley Fisher

Absent: Biberica, Bird, Gibson, Holmes, House, Wilson

WebEx: Dr. Sturm

Dr. Sturm discussed what will be necessary for the use of WebEx in the future (for example, email addresses and so on). These will need to be sent to Dr. Lozon. Will use WebEx to help the group develop the 2008 work plan.

HP/DP: MCRP: GPRA: Other Issues: Dr. Blahut


The recent IHS / ADA summit meeting on access to care was reviewed for NOHC members. Seven workgroups were formed at this meeting. A summary report of the meeting will be published by the ADA in February, 08.


A brief overview of the Federal Tort Claims Act and issues associated with the review of incoming malpractice claims was presented for the benefit of new NOHC members


GPRA computer logic (the program that mines RPMS data for data pertinent to specific, individual GPRA objectives) was revised slightly for 2008. Code #1351 (dental sealant) will now be accepted only twice per year for the same tooth in the same patient.

Other Issues

Drs. Denucci of NIH and DeRouen of Univ. Washington presented information on their “Practice Based Research Networks” on the December ADO conference call. They are willing to open this opportunity to IHS, tribal, and urban programs in either of two ways:

  • An individual clinic can join an existing network. However, if the perceived research needs and researchable questions are different from the private sector members, it’s likely the individual IHS program may find the network to be of limited value.
  • IHS can form it’s own research network, utilizing the infrastructure and experience of existing networks.

What is needed is an IHS “champion…” someone to take the information from NIH and aggressively promote it within our organization.

Dr. Troyer reported that individuals on loan repayment must have a DUNS and a CCR number.Dr. Troyer stated that the EDR is “on-schedule.”He also stated that last year Dr. Lozon recruited 5 CC officers while recruiting 25 civil service dentists.

Should ADO conference call minutes will be sent to NOHC members? Will the ADO’s have their own web site where they will post their minutes? Do we want to continue to discuss some of the information from the ADO call on our conference calls? The majority of members wished to continue to receive both a written and verbal summary of the ADO calls.

Combined Councils- Dr. Sturm

Dr. Sturm called for a vote on continuing to meet at the Combined Councils Meeting. All members (except 1) voted to continue meeting with the Combined Councils.

Web Site Development-Dr. Driscoll

Currently at somewhat of standstill. Consideration should possibly be given to having Mary Beth and Tallie on a WebEx to discuss possibilities. Some members indicated an interest in going with a private sector web developer (Dr. Sturm mentioned KAT). Cost for this would be, approximately, $5-7500. It was suggested that perhaps they coulds also do a WebEx presentation for the group.

Work plan Development- Tabled until next call

Please mail work plan ideas to Dr. Sturm (Dr. Troyer suggested GovTrip and its associated costs)

Member Orientation- Tabled until next call.

Other Items:

Dr. Katrina Leslie volunteered to be the secretary

Please review the Charter for the next Conference call.

NEXT CONFERENCE CALL; JANUARY 10TH 2008 at 1:00pm (1300) ET