Request for Information (RFI) – Alternative Assessment Options leading to a Montana State High School Equivalency Diploma, effective January 1, 2014
The Career Technical and Adult Education (CTAE) Division of the Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI) is issuing this Request for Information (RFI) to solicit data from vendors of educational assessments that could be used as a Board of Public Education approved pathway to a Montana State High School Equivalency Diploma.
The assessment will be used by candidates as a pathway to obtaining a Montana State High School Equivalency Diploma beginning as early as January 1, 2014. In 2011; about 3,600 people sat for the currently available assessment (i.e. GED® test) in Montana.
This RFI is not a Request for Proposal (RFP): This RFI will also be used by the Montana High School Equivalency Panel to determine which assessments will be presented for BPE approval as the pathway to the Montana State High School Equivalency Diploma. Montana will not reimburse vendors for any costs in connection with their response to this RFI.
Background: Montana School Law establishes the standard for the issuance of a High School Equivalency diploma in Montana. Currently the GED® test is the primary method to achieve a Montana State High School Equivalency Diploma. The OPI is exploring alternative pathways to the Montana State High School Equivalency Diploma which may include assessments which are currently available, those which could be adapted, or those under development for this purpose.
Information being requested: The response to the RFI should address the following through narrative and supportive material:
- Provide an overview of the assessment by addressing the following:
- If assessment currently exists, describe its current use.
- Describe how the assessment is aligned to the Montana Common Core Standards and Assessments, which are outlined at
- Describe whether the assessment is norm or criterion referenced.
- Describe how the test is normed to those who recently obtained a high school diploma, and whether out-of-school youth and adults are included in the norming process.
- Describe how the assessment can meet the needs of adult students.
- Describe how the assessment can accommodate individuals with disabilities.
- Describe the ability of the assessment to be delivered in languages other than English.
- Overview of Test Components; Include Whether, or How, They Will Be Aligned With Measures of College and Career Readiness
- Science
- Math
- English Language Arts
- Social Studies
- Other
- Overview of Test Administration
- Describe delivery methodology (paper, computer based or a combination of the two).
- Describe the technical requirements, i.e. hardware and software.
- Describe the credential and training requirements to administer the test.
- Overview of Scoring
- Describe all methods available for scoring the assessment, including any required essays.
- Describe how results are reported and the timeframe for receiving results.
- Describe how cut scores could be used to identify proficiency level that would equate to standards for the issuance of a Montana High School Equivalency Diploma.
- Describe the ability to set multiple proficiency levels.
- Overview of Data Exchange with Montana
- Describe the file types and other data exchange requirements.
- Describe whether the assessment results can or will provide diagnostic guidance to test takers, including test summaries and test item analysis, and skill builder guidance.
- Describe any demographic information that is collected by the assessment.
- Describe the ability of the state to own and control the data collected.
- Overview of Professional Development Materials which are Available for Test Preparation Instruction
Include whether professional development materials will be available prior to January 1, 2014 test implementation and how will this information be disseminated? - Overview of Student Test Preparation Materials including Practice Tests
Include whether student test preparation materials will be available prior to January 1, 2014 test implementation and how will this information be disseminated? - Overview of Cost of Assessment Implementation
Describe the pricing structure/method for providing access to the assessment. This may include cost per student, cost per site, cost per seat, cost per license, and any other associated cost. Take into consideration the assessment and any preparation materials may be used by over 3,500 test takers annually. - Overview of Cost of Training for Assessment Implementation
Please include the number of hours/days of training; methodology of training, e.g. webinar, online, in-person. Costs should include materials, stipends/trainer pay, travel and site costs, as necessary. - Overview of Options Program
Montana is interested in providing a High School Equivalency Options program (similar to the current GED® Options Program) for a limited number of enrolled high school students who are credit deficient. Describe your ability to support an Options program, and your vision of a state high school equivalency Options program.
To the extent not covered by the items above, describe any other useful features/functions.
Questions regarding the RFI may be submitted to the Montana OPI by December 5, 2012. The email address to submit questions is
Responses to questions will be posted by December 6 , 2012 to the following website:
Instructions for Responding to the RFI
Vendors are asked to transmit their response by December 10, 2012 via electronic mail to
The electronic copy should be in MS Word, WordPerfect or Adobe PDF format.
The reviewing group may seek further clarification on selected areas of the response or may invite the vendor to make an oral presentation.
Thank you for your participation.
Margaret Bowles
(406) 444-4443
Issue Date: November 19, 2012