If you are interested in doing the Honours Award or Blue and Gold Award this year, please read the following carefully!

To receive an Honour Award,you need to:

  1. complete and submit a Nomination Form by Week 4 Term 1
  2. be in the top 10% of your Year/Subject in Semester 1 AND Semester 2
  3. be involved in a Co-curricular activity with 90% participation OR by representing the school in a sporting team. See examples of Co-curricular Activities
  4. complete 90% participation in anInternal School-based Social Justice activity within the school. See examples of Internal School-based Social Justice Activities
  5. complete 50 hours in a Community-based External Social Justice Activity in the wider community.See examples of External Community-based Social Justice Activities
  6. complete a Principal’s Task
  7. record all activities and involvement in an Online Journal signed by relevant staff
  • NB## if you do not meet all the criteria of an Honour Award, you may still be able to receive a Blue and Gold Award

To receive a Blue and Gold Award,you need to:

  1. complete and submit a Nomination Form by Week 4 Term 1
  2. be involved in a Co-curricular activity with 90% participation OR by representing the school in a sporting team. See examples of Co-curricular Activities
  3. complete 90% participation in an Internal School-based Social Justice activity within the school. See examples of Internal School-based Social Justice Activities
  4. complete 50 hours in a Community-based External Social Justice Activity in the wider community. See examples of External Community-based Social Justice Activities
  5. record all activities and involvement in an Online Journalsigned by relevant staff

Students in Year 7 to 12 who are interested in either of the above Awards, or want more information, or want to see suggestions for Co-curricular or Social Justice Activities, or see a past Principal’s Task, or want to download Nomination Forms and/or Student Journal to record Activities and Involvement, please go to the Mercy Chatswood Careers Website at

or email Mr Regoli at


Mr Regoli