3pm-5pm on Monday 22 May 2017

Angel Room, Waterfront 4

Present: / Ruth Andrews, Northern England Clinical Networks / RA
Claire Braid, Health & Justice, NHS England / CB
Richenda Broad, LA Advisor, Northern England Clinical Networks / RB
Emily Henderson, Northern England Clinical Networks / EH
Lynne Howey, Northern England Clinical Networks / LH
Yasmin Khan, Specialised Commissioning, NHS England / YK
Dan Maddison, HAST/Darlington CCG / DM
Robin Mitchell, Northern England Clinical Networks / RM
Jo Phillipson, Northern England Clinical Networks / JP
Jill Raeburn, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS FT / JR
Elaine Readhead, AHSN (:by telephone) / ER
Tom Sedgwick, Schools North East / TS
Jill Smith, Health Education England / JS
In Attendance: / Naomi Tinnion, Northern England Clinical Networks / NT
Apologies: / Chandra Anand, North Durham CCG / CA
Andrew Cairns, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS FT / AC
Julie Dhuny, Health and Justice Team, NHS England / JD
Guy Dodgson, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS FT / GD
Gregg Everatt, Cumbria CCG / GE
David Gardiner, Public Health England / DG
Jo Heaney, HAST/Darlington CCG / JH
Mike Parker, Schools North East / MP
Will Smith, NHS England / WS
Suzanne Thompson, Northern England Clinical Networks / ST
Rachel Tomlin, Northern England Clinical Networks / RT
Debbie Wade, Northumbria Healthcare NHS FT / DW
1.1 / Welcome & Apologies
LH welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table. The above apologies were noted.
1.2 / Declarations of Interest
There were none.
1.3 / Minutes of the last meeting
These were agreed to be an accurate reflection of the meeting.
1.4 / Matters arising
Multi-agency data dashboard: this remains ongoing as a discussion still needs to take place with commissioners on timing, relevance etc.
Parent peer support: JR agreed to take this to the next IAPT meeting to discuss possible ways of offering support to the Parent Group. LH agreed to contact Wendy Minhinnett to advise her that this Group is seeking advice and would be in touch as soon as possible.
Action Plan: LH had discussed this with parents at a recent Rollercoaster Group meeting. The Group are keen to remain involved and Wendy Minhinnett has agreed to be their point of contact. It was agreed that as this plan is more strategic than the Group had expected that future discussions with the Group would be topic based to ensure meaningful conversations can take place.
Rollercoaster Group: it was agreed that NT would approach Michelle Wren at the Network to ask about reimbursement of expenses for their attendance at the March meeting. / RB/EH/ DG
2.1 / CYP MH Network Action Plan review and progress update, including National Must Dos
CYPMH01: support CCGs and providers to achieve access and waiting times targets for children and young people with an eating disorder: a follow up event had taken place at the end of April, the feedback from which had now been evaluated. Two main issues were raised:
·  Information received by the DCO on clinical teams meeting targets varied across organisations.
·  The data issues identified at the November event were the same as those identified at the April event. The Group agreed that the issue is with the 18-19 year old data as it can cause some conflict.
It was agreed that a brief event involving Amanda, Chris, the CCGs and Clinical Leads should be held to delve deeper into these issues and that a broader clinical event be held in about six months’ time. EH agreed to contact Amanda to identify dates for these events. EH/RA/LH agreed to discuss the collection of data with Amanda to prepare for the next event. It was agreed that this should remain as ONGOING in the plan.
CYPMH02: increase awareness of the THRIVE model and support implementation: this had been paused by the Network. The Group discussed the pros and cons of the THRIVE model and whether it could be adopted or adapted. It was agreed that this item should remain PAUSED and put on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting to discuss adopting a whole systems approach.
CYPMH03: Workforce – understand capacity to deliver evidence-based treatment and understand how this is measured: initial discussions had been held with partnership leads no decisions taken as yet.
It was agreed that there were two strands to this work area. This first is around access to CPD and associated salary costs to provide support especially as the national review is currently underway and funding cannot be guaranteed from next year. It was agreed that this issue should be flagged up as a risk on the workplan.
It was also agreed that the Group would like the Network to continue facilitating discussions around ongoing training. As part of this it was suggested that the Network look at the content of each area workforce plan although JP advised that it may be worthwhile checking whether the assurance team had already done this to avoid duplication of effort.
The second strand is Recruit to Train which CCGs have to prove is happening. JR advised that a request has gone out to let her know how many people the CCGs would like to recruit so that planning can begin to support new starters over the next two years. She also advised that a review had been done of those who have already been trained and where they are now. This has shown that although most do move on they do stay within the NHS.
CYPMH04: support localities eg CCGs/LAs/STPs to implement refreshed CYP MH local transformation plans. Support commissioners and providers with improving access to CYP MH services, in line with national standards: as the next refresh is due in October it would be good to get some clarity around what is to be refreshed to look at the key elements of the original plan and determine whether everything is on track to achieve targets. It was agreed that this should be raised with the national team. NECS did undertake the last review but it is unknown if a report has been produced.
It was suggested that a halfway review of the Five Year Forward View event be held to measure progress. EH agreed to make contact with the appropriate people to remind them that work is required on this ahead of the next refresh in October. It was agreed that these reminders be issued in early June for completion by early September. EH/JP agreed to discuss this further outside of the meeting.
CYPMH05: ensure the needs of CYP are embedded into ongoing crisis work: the Urgent and Emergency Care information cannot be published at the moment because of Purdah. However it will be possible to publish the initial CDDFT findings post-election as this has been running longer. The next event is due to be held on 20 July and the outcomes from this on crisis pathways will be shared with the Group.
Next steps: it was agreed that planning should begin on a Crisis and Home Care event to be held later in the year and that this event should focus on the clinical pathway based on the Vanguard work already done in the Durham, Darlington and Tees areas. It was agreed that Steve Jones should be invited along to the event. It was agreed that RA/LH/EH/JR would have a separate discussion outside of this meeting to takethis forward.
CYPMH06: Promote quality through robust data collection and involvement in development of quality dashboard: RB advised that she had begun to look at the next reiteration of the dashboard with a view to making it smarter before being launched by Yorkshire and Humber. She agreed to share what Y&H had developed to date to get thoughts from the Group on what should be included/ amended in the final version.
It was agreed that as more input is needed from Health and Justice that the Group would involve CB in this piece of work. It was also agreed to get the opinion of CCGs on the dashboard as and when appropriate.
CYPMH07: facilitate and promote the use of appropriate outcome measures to measure improvement at a service level across the Network geography: it was agreed to take this forward as part of the halfway review of the Five Year Forward View event. It was also agreed to have a rethink about the suggestion to hold a Masterclass as it may be more appropriate to weave this into other things rather than holding an awareness event.
CYPMH08: Support Health and Justice colleagues with engaging with CCGs to ensure the needs of this Group are fully met: CB reported that her secondment to the Health and Justice team was going well. She is arranging an event on
14 September, the theme of which will be collaborative commissioning. She agreed to arrange to speak with EH/JP about the content of this event.
CYPMH09: facilitate engagement and shared learning among primary care practitioners and CCG leads: JP advised that the Primary Care lead post had now come to an end although the Network were looking to establish a Mental Health Commissioners Forum to continue the work undertaken by Johannes Dalhuijsen. It was agreed to keep Specialised Commissioning involved in this piece of work.
CYPMH10: keeping up to date with work in perinatal and infant mental health, through links with the Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) network and relevant clinical leads: EH confirmed that she had spoken with Vicci McGurk and Rachel Tomlin to ensure workplans are joined up. Andrew Cairns has agreed to attend these meetings as and when there are specific perinatal mental health topics to discuss. It has also been agreed that RA and LH will be included on the distribution list for the PMH network to help strengthen links. EH has spoken with Andrew Cairns about the PMH scoping study and its expansion from Newcastle out to other areas.
CYPMH11: provision of a local authority perspective to CYP MH transformation across the network geography: this remains ongoing. RB will push for responses as currently only 25% had been received. She will look at the information she does receive to determine whether the Network can help with the refresh of STPs.
RB agreed to speak with Dominic Slowie about the work the Learning Disability Network has done with schools. She will also look at mental health commissioning to determine whether the information being gathered can be shared with the Group.
CYPMH12: Early Intervention in Psychosis: it was agreed that a workshop would be arranged next year around one of the Sunderland FC fixtures as the key speaker is a fan and has agreed to visit the region to combine speaking at the event and attending a match.
It was also agreed that an additional work area be included covering parents, carers and user involvement. Appropriate wording to be included around inviting parents, carers and service users to events and meetings or form a focus group to concentrate on specific issues they have an interest in. This would be a good way to learn of issues they are concerned about and discuss how to move them forward. There is need to think through the mechanisms to enable this to work.
CB advised that there is a need to understand which parent, carer and user groups are already in place and how the Network can work with them. Young Minds already have a contract with NHSE so the Group need to consider how it can work with them.
It was agreed that RA/LH would include some appropriate wording in the plan to cover today’s discussions.
CV advised that even though all of the national ‘must dos’ have been covered in this plan there is potential that the landscape of services may change. She asked the Group to be mindful of this and the role of the Group to deliver on Network priorities whilst being aware of the bigger picture. / EH
3.1 / Service User and Carer Perspective into Network activity
YK advised that an event is being held on 12 July for providers to come together to discuss Tier 4 bed numbers and the equal distribution of these geographically including repatriation of patients to other areas. A local Steering Group has been set up and membership will be widened as work progresses. RB asked that Local Authorities be kept involved to keep them aware of Tier 4 issues.
3.2 / Schools North East update
TS advised that since the last meeting a Train the Trainer event had been held on 28 April involving around 30 schools. This now means that at least one school from each Local Authority area is qualified to help colleagues. A conference is being held on 8 June at which is it hoped to have representation from all LTPs to enable conversations with schools to take place. More will be happening from September onwards as Schools North East are planning to use the summer months to prepare and get everything in place ahead of the start of the new term. Work on the commissioning website will also be done over the summer months.
It was agreed that updates from Specialised Commissioning, the Health and Justice Board and Trust wide CYPS Transformation (Jill Raeburn) should be included as standing items on each agenda.
It was agreed that YK should be added to the distribution list for the Group. / EH/NT
Monday 17 July 2017 in Cathedral Room, Waterfront 4.