The Rev. Kristine Heckard, Pastor

Choir Director, Ed Dobbin

Organist & Pianist, Mark & Joanne Enders

Acolyte, Brooke Croutharmel

March 3, 2013

Third Sunday In Lent

(*Indicates all those who are able are invited to stand.)


* Passing the Peace Greeting:

All who are able may greet those around them with an embrace or a handshake, accompanied by such words as:

Greeting: “The peace of God be with you.”

Response: “And also with you.”

Greetings and Announcements

* Call To Worship Dave Novinger

L: Let all who worship the Lord God Almighty gather now for worship!

P: For we are a part of God’s family called to share the Gospel today.

L: And we are to take God’s light of truth into all of the world.

P: We are the witnesses that the Good News of Christ is true today.

L: Then let us proclaim the Gospel of Christ in word and joyful song.

All: Blessed be the name of the Lord!

L: Come, let us worship God!

Prelude - “Lonesome Valley” by Eugene Butler

* Praise Hymn - “Come, We That Love the Lord” Pg. 18

* Prayer of Invocation

* Call to Confession

* Confession: (In Unison )

O God, we often show that we have forgotten we are a part of Your family when we fail to love others as You have called us to love. Sometimes we act puffed up and pompous, as if we were actually worthy to be called by Your name. Forgive us, Lord, and help us to remember that it is only by Your mercy and grace that we have righteousness, and we are to share Christ with the world. In Christ we pray. Amen.

* Kyrie: (To Be Sung)

Leader: Lord, have mercy upon us.

People: Lord, have mercy upon us.

Leader: Christ, have mercy upon us.

People: Christ, have mercy upon us.

Leader: Lord, have mercy upon us.

People: Lord, have mercy upon us.

* Assurance of Pardon

* Gloria Patri Pg. 623

* Profession of Faith - (In Unison)

We believe in one God, maker and ruler of all things, Father of all people, The source of all goodness and beauty, all truth and love. We believe in Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, our Teacher, Example, and Redeemer, the Savior of the world. We believe in the Holy Spirit, God present with us for guidance, for comfort and for strength. We believe in the Word of God contained in the Old and New Testaments as the rule both of faith and of practice. We believe in the church as the fellowship for worship and service of all who are united in the Living Lord. This we believe!

Children’s Sermon

Hymn of Preparation - “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” Pg. 183

Prayer cards will be collected during the 2nd hymn.

Morning Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer (Debts & Debtors)

Choral Response - “Hear Our Prayer O Lord” Pg. 614

Anthem - “My Faith Looks to Thee”

Scripture - I Corinthians 10:1-13 Cameron Crum, Lay Reader

(Found on Pg. 285 of NT Pew Bible)

Sermon - “Avoiding Landmines”

Our Morning Offering

Offertory - “The Lord’s Prayer” by Albert Hay Malotte

* Offertory Response - “We Give Thee But Thine Own” Pg. 620

* Prayer of Dedication

* Closing Hymn - Pg. 296

“We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations”

* Benediction

* Threefold Amen

* Extinguishing of the Candles

* Postlude - “Pastorale” by Ignace Leybach

Welcome: Our gracious God has drawn each of us here. It is good to be together to blend our voices in prayer and praise of him whose mercy knows no bounds. Welcome! If you are a visitor, please take time to sign your name, address, and phone number in our guest book before you leave.

Our beautiful Altar Flowers are presented to the glory of God by Dale and Sue Faust in honor and celebration of their 42nd Wedding Anniversary on Mar. 6th.

March Greeters: Brandi Crum and June Gelnett. Announcer: Dave Novinger. Acolyte: Brooke Croutharmel. March Offering Team: Ron Zimmerman, Christopher Maichle, Mike Crum, Aaron Herb.

Lay Readers: Mar. 3 - Cameron Crum; Mar. 10 - Karla Lesher; Mar. 17 - Heidi Erb; Mar. 24 - Ron Zimmerman. If you can not read on the date assigned, please call Pastor Kris at the church (896-3118) or her home (717-422-5788).

Please turn off cell phones, pagers, etc. during our worship service. Thank you for your cooperation.

Giant Gift Cards available to purchase (before/after church)!



If a service or activity has to be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions during the winter, please check the following TV stations - WHTM Channel 27 and WHP Channel 21 to see if Valleys appears on their cancellation display.


The Valleys

Evangelical Covenant Church

Halifax, PA

Church Office Hours: Mon. thru Fri. - 10AM to 3PM

Church Office(717-896-3118)

Web Site & Email -

Pastor’s Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs.; 10:00AM - 1:00PM

Office (896-3118), Cell (717-818-3041), home (717-422-5788)

Email -


Mar. 3 - 9:00AM - Sunday School

10:15AM - Church (Children’s Church)

Fellowship Covered dish Meal following church

Confirmation meets following meal

No Zumba classes today!

6:30PM - Youth Group

Mar. 4 - 10:00AM - Bible Study (Pastor Kris Heckard)

5:30PM - Prayer Team

6:00-9:00PM - Girl Scout Leaders

7:00PM - Elders

7:30PM - Dartball - St. John’s at Valleys

Mar. 5 - 6:30-7:30PM - Girl Scout Troop 10463 (1 & 3 Tuesdays)

7:00PM - Deacons

Mar. 6 - 6:30PM - Worship Committee Meeting

7:30PM - Choir

Mar. 7 - 12:00Noon - Senior Citizens at Valleys (covered dish meal), Dale Hoy of The Manor at Susquehanna Village, speaker 1:00-2:00PM - “In It Together” (“Jesus & The Parables”)

6:00-8:00PM - Girl Scout Troop 10728

7:00PM - Community Lent Service at Faith U. Methodist - Pastor David Layser, Speaker on “Water”

Mar. 9 - Turn clocks ahead one hour!

Mar. 10 - 9:00AM - Sunday School

10:15AM - Church (Children’s Church)

2:00-3:00PM - Zumba, 3:15-4:00PM - Zumba Gold

Mar. 11 - 10:00AM - Bible Study

7:30PM - Dartball - St. Christopher at Valleys

Mar. 12 - 6:00-8:00PM - Girl Scout Troop 10738 (2 & 4 Tuesdays)

Mar. 13 - 6:00-7:00PM - Girl Scout Daisy Trp. 10753 (1, 3, 5 Thurs.)

7:30PM - Choir

Mar. 14 - 1:00-2:00PM - “In It Together” (“Jesus & The Parables”)

7:00PM - Community Lent Service at Messiah Lutheran - Pastor Kris Heckard, Speaker on “Seeds”

Mar. 15 - 7:00-11PM - Stamp Camp (Contact Joanne Enders for info)

Mar. 17 - 9:00AM - Sunday School

10:15PM - Church (Children’s Choir)

Confirmation Class after church (bag lunch)

1:30PM - Dartball Tournament (social hall)

2:00-3PM - Zumba, 3:15-4PM - Zumba Gold (Meeting Rm.)

*PRAYER REQUESTS* *(indicates new)

Please remember all the people on our Prayer List with prayers, thought, and cards: Members & Friends of The Valleys: Navigate Pathway; *Donald Hoke & Richard Hoke; *Holly Landvater & Family; *Baby Elaina Parker; Sandy Zimmerman; Melba Croutharmel; Elvin & Betty Lebo; Pauline Novinger; Marion Etzweiler; Marie Herb; Ed Berra; Allen Goss; Romanie Deitrich, (Gloria Duttry‘s sister); Galen Snyder; Edna Crum; Bob Hawk; Larry Croutharmel, (Dennis brother); Gregg Gelnett; Carley & Paul Enders; Nevin Maurer; Margie Zeigler, (Frey Village).

Missions: Covenant Missionaries: Fred & Kelly Prudek; *Linda Carlson & *Dennis & heather Choate.

Our Shut Ins: Minnie Baker; Anna Portzline; Lydia Peiffer;

Military: Cameron Heddings, (grandson of Bonita Heddings is stationed in Afghanistan). Wesley Eshleman, (grandson of Betty Eshleman, stationed in Kuwait).

Please inform Pastor Kris if you or a member of your family is in the hospital as the hospitals will not inform us unless you tell them to contact us. You may call the church office (896-3118) or Pastor Kris (818-3041).

Church School Teachers (Adults): Mar. 3 - Ed Dobbin; Mar. 10 - Dave Novinger; Mar, 17 - Ed & Peggy Berra; Mar. 24 - Boyd Dimpsey. If you cannot teach on your assigned Sunday, please inform Dave Novinger or Jessie Faust who will teach in your place.

Nursery: Valleys provides nursery care for children ages 5 and under. Nursery Attendants: Mar. 3 - Tracey Cooper; Mar. 10 -Brandi Crum; Mar. 17 - Neva Cichy; Mar. 24 - Ann Hale. If you wish to help in the Nursery or if you cannot be there on your assigned Sunday, please see Donna Novinger.

Senior Citizens will meet at Valleys on Thursday, March 7th at 12:00Noon. There will be a covered dish meal (please bring a meat, or casserole or a dessert to share). Dale Hoy, of The Manor at Susquehanna Village, will be the guest speaker.

Card Shower: Minnie Baker’s 90th birthday is next Sunday, March 10th. Please send Minnie a birthday card (address is in church directory). You are also welcome to attend an open house between 2:00PM to 4:00PM at Minnie’s house on Mar. 10th to extend birthday greetings to Minnie.

Turn your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday, March 9!


Community Lenten Services at 7:00PM each Thursday at the following churches (sponsored by Halifax Ministerium). Light refreshments will follow the service.

Mar. 7 - at Faith U. Methodist Church - Pastor David Layser - Speaker -“Water”

Mar. 14 - at Messiah Lutheran Church - Pastor Kris Heckard - Speaker - “Seeds”

Mar. 21 - at Zion-Stone U Methodist Church - Pastor Mike Petresky, Speaker - “Bare Branch”

Easter Sunday, Mar. 31 - at Camp Hebron (Easter Sunrise Service 6:30AM) - Pastor Ron Reitz - Speaker - “Butterfly” (Breakfast will be served following the service).


Upcoming Holy Week Services at Valleys

Palm Sunday Service, March 24th will be held at 10:15AM.

Maundy Thursday Service, March 28th will be held at Valleys at 7:30PM. More details in upcoming bulletins.

Easter Sunday, March 31st:

Youth Easter Program will be held at 9:00AM.

Easter Communion will be held at 10:15AM.

Mr. Sticky will be at Valleys Monday, April 22nd & Tuesday, April 23rd! White forms are for Mon., Apr. 22nd (personal or individuals) and colored forms are for Tues. Apr. 23rd (business orders). Cost is $3.00 per bun. Buns will be available both days. See Ron Zimmerman for order sheets or sign up sheet to help on either day if sheets are not available in the narthex. (Sponsored by the Fellowship Group, proceeds go to the General Fund.)

Church Attendance for Sun., Feb. 24, 2013 was 81.