MurrietaValley Unified School District : Course Outline

School :VistaMurrietaHigh School Teacher : Coach Ruth

Course Title : PE 9 Year : 2017/2018

Course Emphasis :This class is designed to teach the fitness principles that will enable students to develop lifetime interest in exercise and fitness to promote good health throughout their lives. An emphasis will also be placed on intrapersonal skills such as team-building and encouraging others. In addition, all instruction will be aligned with the California content standards as mandated by the MVUSD.

Materials: A student must wear appropriate movement-related clothing based on the daily activity when they “dress out” for this class. Students may choose to purchase our VMHS package (shorts, shirt, bag, and lock); however, they will not be penalized if they choose to wear other clothes as long as those clothes are appropriate for the class and meet the standards set forth in the school dress code policy. All students must also wear the appropriate footwear in regards to that day’s activities. If a student does not meet these guidelines, he/she will be sent to OCI for the duration of the period and lose all ten points for that day.

Activities:Students will engage in a range of different “units” including, but not limited to, swimming, volleyball, football, pickleball, basketball, and track & field. Students will also engage in fitness activities (dynamic warm-up, sit-ups, push-ups, etc.) in preparation for the California State Fitness Test in the spring.

Grading policy: During each class meeting, the student has the opportunity to earn ten points. If a student is absent, tardy, does not dress out, and/or does not participate in class, then he/she risks losing some or all of those points for that day. Students will be graded on a point system. A percentage will be attained by dividing the student’s points by the points possible. A letter grade will then be determined by this scale: 100-90% A; 89-80% B; 79-70 C; 69-60% D.

NOTE: Any student with a grade below a 60% will receive a fail.

Make-up Work: Make-up work is the responsibility of the student, and all make-up work will only be accepted if the absence wasexcused. Late Start Mondays are our Make-up Days. If a student wants to reclaim lost points due to an excused absence, he/she will need to meet outside of the back locker room doors dressed out and ready to go at 7:45am.

Extra Credit:There may be an extra credit opportunity or two for students each semester. If a student is not able to complete make-up work, extra credit gives them another opportunityto reclaim lost points.

Medical Excuses: A parent note is accepted for one class period to excuse a student from an activity, but the student is still required to dress out that day to earn his/her points. If a student is going to miss more than one class period due to illness or injury, then he/she will need a note from a doctor.

Questions or concerns: If you have any questions or concerns regarding this course outline, or if you should have any questions about the progress of a student in this class, please contact Coach Ruth.

School phone: (951) 894-5750 ext. 6711
