LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool Job Aid And Worksheets
AvayaÔ S8300 Media Server or S8700 Media Server with AvayaÔ G700 Media Gateway

This job aid describes the steps required to use the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool. It also contains the Upgrade Tool Worksheets you need to run the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool. Worksheets appear at the end of this document and should be filled in with actual customer data by the project manager, along with the customer administrator. The project manager should then send a printout of the worksheets to the person running the upgrade. Better yet, since this document is a Word file, the project manager can also type data directly into the file and email the file to the person running the upgrade.

Important: To complete the worksheets in Word, simply tab to the fields and type the data. Then, save the file by selecting File>Save As, then enter a name for the file.

Note: For additional information on the Upgrade Tool, use the online help available on the Upgrade Tool itself.


The LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool allows you to upgrade Local Survivable Processors (LSPs) and G700 Media Gateways automatically from the primary controller. The primary controller can be an S8300 Media Server or an S8700 Media Server. With the upgrade tool, you do not have to physically be at the LSP and G700 locations in order to perform the upgrades. Additionally, you do not have to run the upgrades one by one. You simply type the needed information for all LSPs and G700s into the upgrade tool. You then run the upgrade tool, which automatically upgrades the software and firmware on all LSPs and G700s, respectively, controlled by the primary controller.

Note: You cannot use the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool to do the following:

n  Install a new LSP or G700 Media Gateway. For each new installation, you must be onsite and use the Avaya™ Installation Wizard (for an LSP), the Avaya Gateway Installation Wizard (for a G700 Media Gateway controlled by an S8700 Media Server), or perform a manual installation (see Installation and Upgrade of an S8300 Media Server and G700 Media Gateway).

n  Upgrade LSPs to Avaya™ Communication Manager 1.3. An LSP must already have Communication Manager 1.3 or higher. Thus, the Upgrade Tool is used for upgrades to software higher than Communication Manager 1.3.

n  Apply Communication Manager patches to LSPs. To apply patches, you must telnet into the LSP and use the Linux command line commands for patches.

n  Upgrade P330 Expansion modules.

n  Upgrade the active S8700 Media Server acting as the primary controller or its duplicated server.

n  Upgrade the S8300 Media Server acting as the primary controller.

n  Upgrade an active LSP (one that has taken control of calls because of a problem with the primary controller).

Configurations Supported by the Upgrade Tool

The LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool supports upgrades of:

n  G700 Media Gateways only (Figure1)

n  G700 Media Gateways supported by LSPs

n  A mix of G700 Media Gateways, some that are supported by LSPs (Figure2)

For you to upgrade a G700 Media Gateway with the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool, the G700 Media Gateway must already be administered and registered with the primary controller. To check, use the list media-gateway command in the Avaya™ Communication Manager SAT screen. The List Media Gateway screen will show an IP address next to each registered gateway.

Note: You can also use the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool to upgrade the firmware on a G700 Media Gateway that has just been configured and added to the primary controller.

For you to upgrade an LSP with the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool, the LSP must already be administered on the primary controller. To check, use the display lsp command in the Avaya™ Communication Manager SAT screen.

If there are LSPs in the configuration, the LSPs are upgraded first, then the G700s. This sequence allows the upgrade tool to use the TFTP server capability of the LSPs to retrieve G700 upgrade firmware. An S8300 primary controller can also serve as the TFTP server for the G700 Media Gateways.

Figure 1: S8700/S8300 Primary Controller with G700 Media Gateways Only

Purpose Issue 1, May 2003 Step 7: Warranty 1

Figure 2: S8700/S8300 Primary Controller with G700 Media Gateways and LSPs

Special Considerations for an S8700 Media Server

If you run the tool from an S8700 Media Server, start each upgrade from the active server. The upgrade of each target LSP or G700 Media Gateway begins and ends on the same physical S8700 Media Server. If an interchange occurs such that the S8700 standby server becomes the active server, the originally-active server will continue with any upgrades that had previously begun until they are complete. When scheduling further upgrade jobs, you must log in to the newly-active server to run the tool. The upgrade status on each of these servers will therefore be different.
As a result, if an interchange occurs, you should log in to the physical IP address or host name of the S8700 server, not the alias address or name for the active server, and then access the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool. The status for upgrades that you run on a particular server will be shown on that server only.

Software and Firmware You Can Upgrade with the Upgrade Tool

The LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool allows you to upgrade the LSP software (the S8300 software contained in the tar.gz file) as well as the G700 firmware as described in the following table.

Component / Firmware Version Format / Example
P330 Stack Processor / viisa<version id> / viisa3_12_1.exe
P330 Embedded Web Interface / p330<version id> / p330Tweb.3.8.6.exe
G700 Media Gateway / mgp<version id> / mgp_3_0.bin
VoIP Media Module and Motherboard VoIP / mm760<version id> / mm760v3.fdl
DCP Media Module / mm712<version id> / mm712v2.fdl
Analog Port/Trunk Media Module / mm711<version id> / mm711v4.fdl
E1/T1 Media Module / mm710<version id> / mm710v3.fdl
BRI Media Module / mm720<version id> / mm720v2.fdl

The .tar file for LSP upgrades contains the most recent firmware for the G700 Media Gateway and its components. In this case, the TFTP server capability of the LSP, once upgraded, can be used by the upgrade tool and eliminates the need for separate loading of firmware into a TFTP server.

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Prerequisite Tasks for Running the Upgrade Tool

Note: To use the upgrade tool, both the S8700 or S8300 primary controller must already have Communication Manager Release 1.3 or higher software. In addition, any LSPs to be upgraded must also have Communication Manager Release 1.3 or higher software.

The tasks necessary to prepare for an upgrade of an LSP and/or G700 Media Gateway are similar for manual upgrades and upgrade tool upgrades. For a detailed description of these tasks, see Installation and Upgrades for the Avaya™ G700 Media Gateway Controlled by an Avaya S8300 or S8700 Media Server, 555-234-100.

Table 1: Prerequisite Task List to Using the Upgrade Tool

Task / Description
Get LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool Worksheet and Release Notes from the Project Manager / The Release Notes say what the most current version of software and firmware is available. The LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool Worksheet lists the target software and firmware versions. The worksheet also indicates what TFTP servers the tool must use, along with their IP addresses, logins and password, if any.
Note: The LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool automatically checks the version of software and firmware for each upgrade target (S8300 or G700), and skips the upgrade of a target if the target already has the most recent software/firmware.
However, If you need to check software and firmware, use the following commands/options:
  1. For each of the LSPs, log in with a browser and select View Software Version from the Maintenance Web Pages main menu.
2.  For each of the G700 Media Gateways, telnet to the Avaya P330 command line interface and use the following commands:
3.  At the P330-1(super)# prompt, type configure.
4.  At the P330-1(configure)# prompt, type dir.
5.  Check the version number (ver num) of the EW_ Archive file to see if it matches the Release Letter. If not, you must upgrade the P330 stack processor.
6.  Type show image version
7.  Check the version number of the stack software image file in Band B to see if it matches the your planning document. If not, you must upgrade the P330 stack processor.
8.  Type session mgp
9.  At the MG-001-1(super)# prompt, type show mg list_config
10.  Check the FW vintage number of the G700 and the media modules to see if they are the most recent vintage. Check the VOIP FW column and row for slot V0 to check the vintage of the VoIP firmware on the G700 motherboard.

Prerequisite Tasks for Running the Upgrade Tool Issue 1, May 2003 Step 7: Warranty 5

Get the Serial Numbers of the G700s, If Necessary / To get new license files for an LSP upgrade, you need the serial number of the G700 that houses an LSP. You can determine the serial number by logging in to the media gateway (mgp) with Telnet and using the command show system.
If necessary, complete the RFA Processes and Download Communication Manager Update Software to Your Laptop / For each LSP you are upgrading, complete and download the license file to your laptop. If another technician is supporting a remote LSP, that remote technician should get the license file.
Note: Your project manager may perform the RFA process and send you the license file(s).
Get the CD-ROM that contains the .tar file. The CD-ROM also has all the firmware you need. If not, you may need to download it from the firmware download site at A CD-ROM may be required for each remote site for remote technicians to use.
Download the latest Communication Manager Update Patch to your laptop. The technicians, if any, at each remote site should download the patch. The patch is installed manually onsite after the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool has finished its upgrades.
Connect your laptop to each LSP. / Requires first that, for each LSP, the tech laptop has a cross-connect cable connected to the Services port of the S8300 and the technician configures the laptop for the connection.
Upload the .tar file and license file from you laptop for each LSP. You may also want, at this point, to upload the Communication Manager patch, if any is needed. / At each LSP location, you or another technician must upload the .tar file and license file to the LSP’s /var/home/ftp directory prior to running the upgrade tool. Use the Upload Files to Server (via browser) option on the Maintenance Web Pages main menu.
Note: Arrange for necessary Communication Manager patches to also be uploaded to each LSP. Note, however, that the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool does not install the patches. Patches must be installed on each LSP using Communication Manager commands after the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool completes the upgrades.
If necessary, have the firmware files loaded into the TFTP server(s) / For any G700 that does not have access to an LSP, send the firmware files to the customer and ask the customer to copy the files to their TFTP directory. This is normally the tar.gz file, but may be individual firmware files. If you are sending the tar.gz file, the customer will have to unzip it. For more information, see Installation and Upgrades for the Avaya™ G700 Media Gateway Controlled by an Avaya S8300 or S8700 Media Server, 555-234-100.
If the customer does not have a TFTP directory, the customer can create one using the downloadable TFTP Server software that is accessible at See instructions in the Installation and Upgrades document for the G700 Media Gateway.
Run the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool / See Running the Upgrade Tool on page 6
Prepare for the Upgrade on the Primary Controller / Clear Alarms
Back up system
Check Link Status
Record All Busyouts
Disable Scheduled Maintenance
Check for Translation Corruption

Running the Upgrade Tool

Run the upgrade tool at a time when voice and network traffic is low.

Note: If your primary controller is a duplicated S8700 Media Server, be sure to begin any upgrades from the active server. If there is an interchange such that the duplicated server becomes the newly-active server, any upgrades started on the originally-active server will and should continue to run and finish on that server.

You can access the upgrade tool on the S8700 Media Server or S8300 Media Server with the following steps:

1.  Connect your laptop to the S8700 Media Server or S8300 Media Server. Be sure you have configured your laptop settings for this connection (see Installation and Upgrades for the Avaya™ G700 Media Gateway Controlled by an Avaya S8300 or S8700 Media Server, 555-234-100).

2.  Open a browser on your laptop and connect to the media server’s IP address.

3.  Log in as craft.

4.  At the media server home page, click Launch Upgrade Tool.

The system displays the LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool Home Page.

  1. Click Schedule.

The system displays the Schedule LSP/G700 Upgrade screen. Note that system automatically finds the LSP and G700 targets that are administered and lists them on the screen under LSP Targets and G700 Targets.

Running the Upgrade Tool Issue 1, May 2003 Step 7: Warranty 9

6.  Fill in all appropriate fields. Click the Help button for information about the fields on the screen.

Note: The Start Date and Time fields are required, but the Stop Date and Time fields are not. Use the Stop Date and Time to ensure that no upgrades occur during peak traffic time.
Use the information from the Release Letter and Upgrade Worksheets to complete Software/Firmware fields.
Complete the G700 Global Settings fields if the customer has a centralized TFTP server for multiple G700s to use.
Complete the G700 Targets fields if any G700s require unique TFTP servers. This includes the IP address of the server that contains the TFTP server, the directory of the TFTP server, and any required login information. If the TFTP server is an LSP, enter the IP address of the LSP, /tftpboot as the directory name, and root login and password.