Revolutionary War to Civil War Unit 1 Study Guide

·  Who sided with whom in the French Indian War?- Spain sided with the British

·  Coercive Acts- Intended to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party

·  Why did Colonial farmers like paper money?- Because it lost value, making it easier to repay

·  New Jersey Plan- Congress would have two houses, with members of the first house elected by the people and members of the second house elected by the first house

·  Northwest Ordinance- Excluded slavery from the Northern Territory

·  To whom did the original Bill of Rights apply- To state governments as well as the federal governments

·  Bill of Rights and how many offered rights of individuals- First 8 amendments offered safeguards for the rights of individuals against the federal government

·  Great Compromise- Each state would have equal representation

·  Alexander Hamilton v. Aaron Burr duel- Burr killed Hamilton

·  Jay’s Treaty- John Jay agreed that Britain had the right to seize cargo bound for French ports

·  Sugar Act- Colonists argued that Britain had no right to tax Americans to raise money

·  Albany Plan- Colonists join together to form a federal government

·  Gaspee Affair- Colonists burned a British ship that ran aground

·  Who first formed the Continental Army?- The militia surrounding the British in Boston

·  What did wearing “homespun” mean?- It showed patriotism

·  King George III made a declaration after the attack on British troops in Quebec. What was the declaration he made?- That the colonies were “open and avowed enemies”

·  Where was the Americans greatest defeat?- Charles Town

·  Why was Washington’s attack on New Jersey a surprise?- It was winter

·  Who suggested Committees of Correspondence?- Thomas Jefferson

·  Townshend Acts and Boston Massacre- Britain repealed the Townshend Acts after the Boston Massacre

·  How did colonist protest the Stamp Act- Refusing to buy goods from Britain

·  Intolerable Acts- Both the Coercive Acts and the Quebec Act

·  In the battle for New York city what major mistake did the British make?- Moving too slowly, allowing American troops to escape

·  Understand how people with more $$$ viewed Shays Rebellion- The republic was at risk

·  Know how taxes and restrictions imposed on imported goods affected British merchants- Take their goods to states that had lower taxes and fewer restrictions

·  Know what the news of Shays Rebellion caused Congress to do- Call a convention of the states to revise the Articles of Confederation

·  Who did the Virginia Plan Benefit?- Large Sates with many people

·  Which states sent delegates to the Constitutional Convention & which didn’t?- New Jersey, Maine, and Connecticut went, but Rhode Island did not

·  Know what has to be done to amend the constitution- Proposal and ratification

·  Understand that the Constitutional Convention had to do balance states rights & a strong national government

·  Know why Loyalists could not recover property confiscated during the Revolutionary War- The Confederation Congress could not compel the states to fulfill the agreement

·  Know why the Constitutional Convention was closed to the public- Ensure honest and open discussion free from outside political pressures

·  What is a “federal” government system?- Divides power between national and state governments

·  Why did Sam Adams oppose the Constitution?- It endangered the independence of the states

·  Who made up Antifederalists?- Western farmers not near the coast

·  How many amendments make up the Bill of Rights?- 10

·  Know what the federalists promised to Massachusetts to get support for an amendment- Reserving for the states all powers not granted to the federal government

·  What did the new government do to raise money in 1789-Imposed a tariff

·  Who was Lewis and Clarks guide?- Sacagawea

·  Marbury v. Madison – The Court’s right of judicial review

·  Who won at the battle of Tippecanoe?- No winner

·  What does the last amendment of the Bill of Rights do?- Powers not given to the federal government are reserved for the states

·  What are Bonds?- Paper notes promising to repay money after a certain length of time

·  Some people didn’t think the government had the right to establish a bank

·  XYZ affair- French demands for bribes from the United States

·  What did Jays Treaty do?- Prevented war with Great Britain

·  Impressment- British seized American sailors

·  How did the U.S. get the Louisiana Territory?- Buying it from France

·  Who arranged for the construction of a fleet on Lake Erie during the War of 1812?- Oliver Perry

·  When did Francis Scott Key write the Star Spangled Banner?- After the bombardment of Fort McHenry