
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 15th December 2015 at 7.00 pm at Skellingthorpe Village Office, Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln

Present: Cllrs Goldson (Chair of meeting) Scott, , Snedden, Cheeseman, Shaw

Richardson, Pannell,, Samms, Hauton. Bennett. Marion & Len Seviour. PCSO Sarah Linguard. Clerks: L. Skinner, M. Rouston

1.Apologies for absence and reasons given. Cllr.Pat Jackman. Eye Operation.

2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and

to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests.


3. To Inspect the Parish Council Insignia


4 Approve Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 24th November 2015 as a true record of that meeting

Proposed to be a true record by Cllr Sneddonl Seconded by Cllr Cheeseman

5. Chairman’s Report

Cllr Goldson Said he thought the Childrens Christmas Event went very well and the entertainment was very good. Perhaps, to consider a change of programme for next year. Have entertainment first then school choirs, as this year, after the children had performed their programme, most of them went home and did not stay for the rest of the party. This is to be discussed nearer the time. Thanks were given to Cllr. Pannell, Cllr Samms , Lynda and Maggie for their help with the food and drink The Santa ride round the village was very wet followed by the blue flashing lights of the police car. Letters to go to Clive Harris, Dave Butler and the Police. Clerk to Write


6. Police Report

PCSO Sarah Liguard gave her report. There were three crimes reported this month. Theft from a motor vehicle – power tools stolen. Theft of a motor vehicle from The Plough Car Park. Theft from a motor vehicle on Saxilby Road.- tools stolen. Vandalism. Email from resident of branches across the cycle path. Police are observing.. Cllr. Sneddon said this was more criminal than vandalism as these people are threatening. Unfortunately nothing can be done unless the police have names or photos of these people who are causing the trouble. Sarah reported that Sgt Hammond was not coming back to village. They are going to be supervised by BB Heath from Jan 2016. By Beat manager Sgt Horswood.

7. Clerks Report

It was reported that a New Handyman/Caretaker had been appointed. His name is Paul Gleadell who has a military and police background, he will also take on the role of dog warden as part of his duties. He will be coming to the office on 23rd December, to meet the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and to bring relevant paperwork in. Cllr Sneddon would also like to be there to take a photo and details from him to report in the chat magazine. Members who are going to the Christmas Dinner at the Stones Arms were asked to pay the balance in full tonight to enable the dinner to be paid for before the evening. Any drinks should be bought by themselves at the bar. A list is on the table for the first 6 months of 2016. Anyone wishing to attend, to let the office know and it will be booked for them.

8. District Councillors Report

Cllr Pannell reported that an Oak tree in Goldfinch Close has been hacked by the new owners. Questions were asked about a TPO on this oak tree, but there doesn’t appear to be one on it. Cllr Pannell checked and there is no TPO on it. Tree Officer coming this week to check on this oak tree, but, if no TPO on it, this tree could be cut down. Cllr Pannell and Cllr Bennett have asked for a list of TPO’s on trees in the village, office to get a list from data base at NKDC. A letter to go to them.

9. Approve December Accounts and Internal Auditors Report.

Auditors report was good, thanks went to Lynda and Maggie Points raised will be completed by the end of financial year. Cllr Scott went through accounts explaining two large payments for SID’s and street lighting maintenance. Proposed by Cllr. Pannell and seconded by Cllr. Sneddon.

10. Ten Year Plan

a) The Hub Design Proofs being looked at by the Architcts. Lengthy discussion regarding the Community Centre lease. Agreed if PC take on the lease it must be in its entirety. Letter required to Charity Commission to clarify their position on this issue. Practical working arrangements need to be clarified, once we have a response from them. Cllr Cheeseman getting in touch with Malcom Smith of Navenby, for his advice. Noted that the Community Centre Management Committee are writing to the Charity Commission but moved that the Parish Council also write. Proposed by Cllr Jackman seconded Cllr Pannell 11 in favour 1 abstention

Set target date of March 2016 to take over Community Centre lease. Proposed Cllr Pannell seconded Cllr Samms 11 in favour 1 Abstention


b) CCTV update

Cllr Goldson expressed his feelings on the current situation on the CCTV cameras on the car park and play areas, with problems looking at back recordings etc Cllr Scott updated on the current situation and problems with the current contractor. Damage occurred on pole and cable feeding back to camera and problems with DVR and response from contractor. Consideration on changing to Lincoln Security to update the system and equipment. Proposed to ask Lincoln Security to do look at our current system with a view to examine costs for upgrade/renewal Proposed Cllr Scott Seconded Cllr Cheeseman, agreed. Cllr Scott to contact Lincoln Security

c) Pavilion

Camera and lights working, but need a time switch. Time switch to be done before the fencing comes down. Cllr Jackman to contact A Sharpe to take the fencing down in two weeks time-Sat 12th December if possible, also to contact Lee Haxby regarding quoting for installation of the time switch

Cllr Hauton had information from the Caravan and Camping Club regarding booking the Field and Pavilion for rallies, paying a max of £160 per rally -4 rallies in total for 2016. They will require to look at Pavilion facilities before agreeing, No expense to P Council. Cllr Cheeseman proposed to give it a try seconded by Cllr Scott, 2 votes against 2 abstentions. Clerk to contact Waddington PC for feedback, as rallies been held there in past

Grant Aid Cllrs Bennett and Snedden to look into pavilion and get together to apply for a grant to help towards cost of renovating Pavilion interior. Copies of Lee Haxby’s invoices and receipts of materials used to be available to support application

Cllr Goldson proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Samms for her kind donation of £200 towards the costs of the Pavilion renovations. Cllr Cheeseman proposed a sign to be made for The Pavilion.

Also discussed a sign for The Village Office, as post had gone astray in the past. It was agreed that the Village Office also needed a Door Bell for when the office is closed but staff are still present.

11.Play Area Maintenance/Repairs

Quotes from Butler and EKM, it was agreed to write to EKM to complete the work as more cost effective. Proposed by Cllr Pannell and seconded Cllr Jackman. All in favour. Quotes from Weston regarding securing the goalpost was rejected as Task Force could do this work Clerk to write to EKM to accept quote


a) Letter from Highways regarding adding to Glendale list of grass cutting for Spring 2016

It was agreed to add to the list a further stretch of grass cutting on Jerusalem Road for 2016 Clerk to write

b) Email re Doctors coverage Clerk to write to Surgery re concerns on the lack of cover of doctors, to ask proposals for residents not able to travel to Saxilby

c)Email re Tree Cutting off Lancaster Way Cllr Jackman advised this was the Drainage Board who had removed self seeded trees. Clerk to reply to Residents Email

d) LCC Closure of Church Road for Road resurfacing Noted

13. Local Plan Update Cllr Goldson had written a comprehensive report as part of the consultation arrangements on the Local Plan. Cllr Scott proposed to endorse the report and make it the Parish Council’s submission also. Seconded by Cllr Pannell All in favour

14. Footpath 15 Nothing to report at this time

15. SIDs Update

Cllr Goldson to meet with Cllr Davies of LCC on the 4th December to discuss the problems on this. Cllr Goldson will report back, but he wants to know from County Highways what we can do and not what we can’t..

16 To approve submission into Chat Magazine Reporting on the surgery, and offering the Surgery going into the Hub.


17. To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960. Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

Proposed Cllr Goldson seconded by Cllr Scott and unanimously approved on a show of hands that council move into closed session.

There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.55pm

Chairman...... Date......
