Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held at Harby Valley Christian Centre on 16th July 2007

The Vice Chairman, Cllr Dames, opened the meeting at 7.04pm. Two local electors arrived during the meeting.

07/43 COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Cllr A Dames in the Chair, Cllr K Edwards, Cllr J Hedley, Cllr B Hiley, Cllr B Seddon, Cllr J Witcomb. Borough Cllr B Rhodes

07/44 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr J Machin & Cllr J Rackstraw.


07/46 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 18TH JUNE. The Minutes of the Ordinary meeting were approved unanimously and signed (Proposed Cllr Dames, seconded Cllr Seddon)


07/47a Planning Decisions

Permission granted: - Noted

i R Lee & S Donnelly 07/00320/FUL (Holm Farm, 19 Melton Rd, LC)
Convert farm buildings to 2 x dwellings, realign access, demolish buildings & new walls/fences

ii R Lee & S Donnelly 07/00321/FUL (Holm Farm, 19 Melton Rd, LC)
Convert farm buildings to 2 x dwellings, realign access & demolish non historic buildings

iii Mr & Mrs Bursnall 07/00360/FUL (land adjacent 10 West End, LC)

Erection of new dwelling, alter access & off road parking

iv Mr J Bradley 07/00365/FUL (Old Mill House, Sandpit Lane, LC)

Erection of conservatory

v Harby Village Hall Committee 07/00385/FUL (Recreation area, School Lane, Harby)

Demolish existing Village Hall on adjacent site & construction of new Village Hall

vi Mr E Greaves 07/00415/FUL (Sherbrook Farm, 21 Melton Rd, LC)

New farm access road, levelling ground & construction of new farm barn

vii Mr & Mrs Gookey 07/00417/FUL (Orchard Cottage, 39 Boyer’s Orchard, Harby)

Single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling

viii Mr D Radburn 07/00467/FUL (12 Home Pastures, Hose)
Erection of conservatory at rear of property

ix Ms P Whittard 07/00480/FUL (Plot 2 adjacent Elms Farm, East End, LC)

Erection of detached 1½ storey cottage

x Miss R Stanley 07/00506/FUL (Sycamore Farm, Waltham Lane, Harby)
Erection of porch & car port

xi Mr C Cunnington 07/00530/FUL (7 Pinfold Place, Harby)
Proposed erection of garage

Permission refused: - Noted

xii Stonecroft Country Homes Ltd 07/00160/FUL (Rushland Farmyard, Church Lane, LC)

Erection of 2 No dwellings & garages

xiii Hose PCC 07/00407/OUT (Church Hall, 3 Church Close, Hose)
Demolish redundant Church Hall & outline application for erection of dwelling

07/47b Appeals Lodged/Inspector’s Decisions:

Mr P Harby & Mrs R Bailey 06/00383/OUT (land to rear 64 Church Lane, LC)

Erection of 4 two storey dwellings

Appeal Ref: APP/Y2430/A/06/2032656 – Appeal allowed

07/47c Planning Applications – received prior to the circulation of the Clerk’s Report.

i Mr A Booth 07/00601/FUL (Lodge Farm, Waltham Road, Harby)

Demolish outbuildings, erect extension side & rear & new pitched roof

There were no objections to this application

ii Mr & Mrs T Overton 07/00633/FUL (10 Melton Road, LC)

Lean to storage area

There were no objections to this application

iii Long Clawson Dairy Ltd 07/00635/FUL (LC Dairy, West End, LC)

Alterations to existing building to provide additional laboratory facilities

There were no objections to this application

iv Mr T Tomlin 07/00648/FUL (land to rear 64 Church Lane, LC – Plot 1)

Erection of new dwelling

There were objections to this application on the grounds that:

·  there is no clear site plan showing access to plot from road;

·  the proposed dwelling is too large for the plot;

·  it is a larger dwelling than in outline application 06/00383/OUT which was allowed on appeal

·  the garden extends outside the village envelope

v Mr A Lethbridge 07/00649/FUL (land to rear 64 Church Lane, LC – Plot 2)

Erection of new dwelling

There were objections to this application on the grounds that:

·  there is no clear site plan showing access to plot from road;

·  the proposed dwelling is too large for the plot;

·  it is a larger dwelling than in outline application 06/00383/OUT which was allowed on appeal

·  the garden extends outside the village envelope

vi Stonecroft Country Homes Ltd 07/00654/FUL (Rushland Farm, Church Lane, LC)

2 No new dwellings & garages

To be considered by the Development Committee on 31.7.07

There were objections to this application on the grounds that:

·  the proposed dwellings are too large for the plot with not enough amenity space;

·  the gardens will extend beyond the village envelope

vii Mrs Armitage 07/00674/FUL (6 Home Pastures, Hose)

New conservatory

There were no objections to this application

viii 06/113 Clawson Hose & Harby Parish Council 07/00593/OUT (Land off Pinfold Lane, Harby)

Erection of 2 No one-bedroom bungalows

06/113 It was noted that 5 copy letters of objection to MBC had been received. After discussion a vote was taken on this application. No objection was carried by a majority vote. The Parish Council were doing this for the following reasons:

·  The Parish Council have a duty to protect the Parish Council investments as best they can.

·  Gaining outline planning permission for Parish Council land increases the value for the village.

·  Having outline planning permission would give the village of Harby increased options if funding were needed at any future time.

Agreed the clerk should send a letter explaining the PC position to the objectors.

ix Mrs K Cree 07/00714/FUL (1 Church Close, Hose)

2 storey rear extension

Noted that the Parish Council had received copies of 2 letters of comments sent to MBC. There were objections to this application on the grounds of:

·  the windows overlooking neighbouring properties,

·  over-intensification of the site;

·  the extension would be over-dominant in the street scene;

·  out of keeping with the character of the village centre

07/47d Further Planning Applications - received after circulation of Clerk’s Report.

x Mr T Sadler 07/00524/OUT (1 Dickman’s Lane, Harby) AMENDED PLANS – Proposed two dwellings

There were no objection to this application but the Parish Council preferred the original designs. It requested that these plans be adhered to and not amended in subsequent applications

(The meeting was adjourned for ten minutes for a local elector to address the meeting re concerns about the following applications – the meeting was then reconvened)

xi Hose PCC 07/00739/OUT (Church Hall, 3 Church Close, Hose)

Demolish Church Hall & erect one dwelling

It was acknowledged that this was a difficult site and there were objections to this application on the grounds that:

·  the position of the proposed dwelling in the plot was not specified which is necessary before a decision can be made;

·  the site is an irregular shape and this does not seem to have been taken into account on the available plans;

·  the proposed windows will overlook neighbouring properties;

·  the site is more suited to a single or one and a half storey dwelling to fit in with the street scene

xii Hose PCC 07/00740/CON (Church Hall, 3 Church Close, Hose)

Demolish redundant Church Hall

There were no objections to this application

07/47e Planning Correspondence

i. 06/97e MBC 18.6.07 – letter re land at Loder Cottage, 19 Main Street, Harby. Agreed that clerk should reply to Enforcement Officer that the PC believed it had established that the land was a paddock and should be grateful to know what other evidence was required.

ii. MBC 19.6.07 Development Committee 3.7.07

Mr & Mrs P Clarke - 07/00551/OUT (Little Paddock, 3 Langar Lane, Harby) - Erection of a one and a half storey dwelling & garage noted

iii. Email from Planning Officer MBC 26.6.07

D Haywood - 07/00323/FUL (Hill Farm, Waltham Lane, Harby)

Noted that, as it was an existing agricultural building, materials could not be changed

iv. 07/30e ii. Letter from Traffic Commissioner dated 26.6.07

Application by B & J Wiles & Son for change to Goods Vehicle Operator’s Licence at Brinvale Farm, Broughton Lane, Long Clawson noted

v. 07/30c v. letter from Mr J Worley, MBC 6.7.07 – Amended plans to 07/00535/FUL (Plot 3 Rushland Farm, 10 Church Lane, LC) noted

vi. Email MBC 21.6.07 – Re 07/00650/GDOAGR (Brook Farm, Hickling Lane, LC) Noted that Brook Farm does not have planning permission for an equestrian centre


07/48a Items requiring no further action:

Items in 5a were noted

07/48b Necessary actions have been taken on the following:

Items in 5b were noted

07/17bi Clerk was asked to create badges for Playgrounds Working Group and Handyman for use in the play areas

07/48c Responses are awaited to the following:

06/109fvii Noted a reply had been received from Hose Green Trustees who did not want another bench on the Green. Agreed clerk should ask Hose Village Hall Committee if they were interested

06/109fvii Salt bin request to LCC, for East End, LC

06/133 Further skidding incidents at Hose Lane, LC, reported to LCC Northern Division

07/14eiii Letter to Mr D Clark, LCC Highways re sign & school bus stop, LC. The clerk was asked to request Highways to install approx 17m of pavement on Back Lane, LC to the left hand side of the new Hall entrance to allow paved access for visitors.

07/15dii Request to LCC to clear Lover’s Walk overgrown footpath. Noted that this work had now been done

0715eii. Letter to MBC re Development Field S9284, Melton Road, LC

07/15fvii New street light for Church Lane, LC ordered from ABB

07/17ci Letter to Highways re ‘slow down’ sign on Harby Lane, Hose

07/31c Noted a reply had been received from Paul Evans, MBC re signage of properties/roads in Harby dtd 11.7.07 stating the work would be done mid August. The clerk was requested to add a Canal Lane (LC) sign to the list as it was currently unsigned

07/31c Email to MBC re land at Bridge Farm, Colston Lane, Harby dtd 9.7.07

07/31c Email to MBC re untidy land at ‘Stokes Farm’ Hickling Lane, LC dtd 9.7.07

07/31c Email to Dog Warden MBC re placement of new dog fouling notices dtd 3.7.07

07/33bii LCC Youth Mobile Service – waiting for further details

07/33bvi Email to MBC Housing Policy Officer re affordable housing King’s Rd, LC

07/48d Items awaiting futher action

i. Tasks Outstanding - Clerk

04/80bx Advise St. M Church when decision reached on new location for Harby bench. 04/181 Contact Leicester Records Office re: archive storage and restoration & collect MBC.

Full response to J Howden's letter re: Dovecote Corner residents update – DRAFT CIRCULATED

06/109eii Purchase of litter bin for Coronation Avenue, Long Clawson

07/31fvii Purchase copies of ‘The Parish Councillors Guide’ for all Cllrs

07/31fvii Ask LRAPLC to carry out annual review for Clerk

07/31fvii Quotes for clearing overgrown allotment – Melton Rd, LC. Noted Cllr Seddon agreed to obtain quote from Mr M Seddon & clerk would need to apply for planning permission to prune any overgrown trees.

ii. Items requiring action from Cllrs/third parties

06/126 Cllr Machin to purchase mill waste on behalf of PC to fill holes in Leys car park. Noted that work had been done

07/15dii Cllr B Rhodes agreed to inquire progress re gate Lovers Walk, Harby

07/31f vii New Cllr training session – 14.8.07 MBC 6-9pm. Clerk to check if details would be send beforehand to the new Cllrs

07/31f vii Hose Cllrs & Cllr Machin to meet at Hose allotments re overgrown plots

07/37 Any Cllr who who would be willing to attend Melton Branch LRAPLC meeting on 21.8.07, Warwick Room, MBC, in the absence of both Cllr Dames & Machin

iii. Deferred Items/Reminders for Future Tasks - noted

03/177i Fluoridation - progress publication of new regulations and consultation process.

Nottingham East Midland Airport Exhibition Dates –Cllr Rhodes to keep updated.

06/55d Silting up of The Sands, LC culvert.

Harby Nature Reserve

07/15ei Removal of ivy from LC Churchyard wall & trees after 1/8/07

07/17cii Mr & Mrs H & J Wippich, LC and the Rural, Economic & Environmental Affairs Committee

07/33biv Bequest from the late Mrs P D Shipman of £509.04 for use in Harby

07/35 Regular informal meetings with local electors on Jan 08 Agenda

07/48e. The following matters were noted –

It was agreed Cllrs should pass on to the clerk any minor items eg sign repairs/hedge cutting needing to be brought to the attention of other bodies ie MBC, Highways LCC when identified and not wait for the subsequent PC meeting.

07/48f Reports from Councillors/Clerk

i. LCC Report Cllr Rhodes gave a verbal report on the following subjects:

·  Shortage of affordable housing to buy or rent in Harby the Vale and Melton Borough

·  Cllr Hiley agreed to be second representative for Chester Charity with Cllr Hedley

·  Flats for senior citizens

·  Traffic congestion, ring road & By-pass for Melton Mowbray

·  Regional Assemblies

·  New parking controls in Melton

·  Schools reorganisation in the Vale

·  Success of the NHW

ii. Police Issues – Noted that PC Cunnington had been expected at the mtg. To be invited to next mtg

iii. Date for Risk Assessment Working Group – 12.9.07 7.30pm Cllr Machin’s house

iv. Cemetery and Churchyard Working Group – noted that a 2nd draft had been emailed to Cllrs. Meeting to be arranged for end of August

v. Date for Playground Safety Working Group tba

vi. Date for Finance Working Group tba

vii. Report from Clerk:

·  Allotments - possible division of allotment Hickling Lane, LC. Agreed that this should not be allowed as it would set a precedent and need to be removed at some time

- non-payment for allotment Harby. Agreed it should be terminated wef 31.7.07

·  Report from Mr B Mills/info re insurance cover & request for stepladder. Noted and agreed if under £50

·  PAT test for PC electrical equipment undertaken by Cllr Hiley noted. Cllr Hiley was thanked

·  Hose Village Hall Committee – One rep needed for HVHC & Belvoir Vale Sports Association to replace Cllr Mackley & Ms T Burgess. Should be a non-Hose rep. Clerk to find out how often mtgs are and report to next PC mtg. Clerk to send letter of thanks to Ms Burgess

·  Holiday request 27th-31st August 07 agreed