CSR 309 - Leadership Strategies
Spring 2015 Version 1.0 (changes may occur as mistakes are discovered)
Department of Consumer Science
Precis (look it up) - My wife gave me the best advice I have ever received. Upon a barrage of complaints about this and that in my first job she said these 3 magic words….”Suck it up”…”Don’t Whine.” This class is one of the more unusual classes you will have at Purdue (maybe the most unusual). Some of you will GET IT right away…some of you will GET IT during the semester…some of you will get it in 5 years…some of you may never get it. The responsibility for getting it is yours. If you do not come to class…if you give up…you will not get it. It will be dark…it may be snowing and cold…but this is your life …this is your education…this class can change your life. Whatever the case we will suck it up…we will not whine…and we will have a darn fine time…adventurous, nourishing, and educational….and I say…and so it goes. Do I hear an amen.
* I have tried to make certain that all the links work but I may have missed some. You can find most if not all of the material at our website. If you are working from BlackBoard the links do not work directly from there so Download the syllabus to your computer and then you have a greater probability that if the links work you can get them.
* Oh yes…this is a course in leadership if you are having a problem with a link or a video don’t whine to me…work the problem solve the problem. This is your life stop expecting someone else to save you.
* We have a course web area (outside of blackboard where I will park everything related to the course. It is at www.cfs.purdue.edu/richardfeinberg. (Affectionately called our web area from now on. Look for csr 309 spring 2011 (it is 2011 because I would have to do all the hyperlinks all over if I made it 2013). Downloading material to your hard drive before opening it is always the best way. If you try to get it from clicking on the link and it is not working find it on our web area right click and save.
* As regards video files (and there will be many of them so pay attention). There are basically 6 types you will encounter… .mov (Quicktime) .mp4 (quicktime) .flv .vlc (sort of independent file players), .mpg or mpeg (windows media) or wmv (windows media). …you need to have the proper player on your computer…and they are all free. You just Google the player you want and download for free. Your computer may or may not play the file you download automatically even if you have the player. If it does not you have to choose the appropriate player for the file you have by right clicking on the file and when it asks you what to open it with choose the right player. Some of the video files are quite large and if you have a slow connection it will take a while to download. It might be better to download the files from a PUCC computer to a flash drive and then put on your hard drive. If you simply click on a video file you may not be able to stream. You need to figure it out…it is your life…your responsibility…this is a course in leadership so lead yourself and then lead others by helping them. Apple computers have differing challenges that I do not completely understand. There is a video player for Apple that will play all these file types...just go to the Google. Most of the players have Apple downloads.
Whatever the problem…solve the problem …don’t whine about it.
Look at and always remember the difference one person can make ... watch the “cheering helps” vending and “cheering helps cashier” videos at a folder called cheering helps at our website www.cfs.purdue.edu/richardfeinberg csr 309 spring 2011 (I know it is not 2011 but that is the name of the folder).
For everything that we do in the class it is important to really understand that only a little more effort and practice in anything that you do or for anything that you want in life can make the big difference – watch 212o and 212 2014 edition. Go to www.cfs.purdue.edu/richardfeinberg
Look for a dir called csr 309 spring 2011 and look for a folder called “212 degrees”. You can find these videos also directly on Youtube.

CSR 309 - Leadership Strategies

CEO - Dr. Richard Feinberg (web.ics.purdue.edu/~xdj1)
Room 320 Matthews Hall
Phone: 494-8301
E-Mail: (email all work to this address unless otherwise instructed
President: To Be Announced
Follow me at www.twitter.com/richardfeinberg and #csr309 where I will tweet my feelings about what happened in class that day or other leadership observations. You can add comments and observations and ask questions or comment on other contributions. Keep it clear. All my tweets about csr 309 specifically will have a hashtag of #csr309. So if you want to follow the class tweets, respond to the class, comment or question use the hashtag #csr309 and everyone will see it.
Stop whining…work the problem….solve the problem

Documents to read and videos to watch – You have to ask yourself…what is it that I can read/watch that will change my life? What am I willing to do to learn more and be a better leader?

o  10 Secrets to Success
o  John is the kind of guy you love to hate
o  Read the HSN Newsletter pt 1 and pt 2
o  The pen is mightier than the sword
o  The greatness that cannot be taught
o  Marine leadership
o  Five Great lessons in life; The Important Things Life Teaches You ...
o  Buckingham- Discover your strengths all of it
o  Chet Holmes
o  Mackay Sweet Sixteen
o  The Company Man
o  I may be young but I can make a difference
o  10 Smart questions
o  Powell on Leadership –
o  Wooden on Leadership
o  Watch the HSN Leadership Video leadership 360
o  Watch the GPS leadership in csr 309 spring 2011
o  Lifetime Calculator-How much time do you have left? Go to ( www.cfs.purdue.edu/richardfeinberg look in csr 309 spring 2011 then csr 309 spring 2014 then life time calculator then click on life timer. Based on actuarial tables this is an estimate of how much time you have left (not a guarantee) …e-mail me how many seconds you have left by January 21. Put “seconds” in message subject.
Listen to the Faber extreme leadership series – track 1 to track 8

Required and not required Texts:

Not required but a great book….The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes & Posner,4th edition or later (http://www.kouzesposner.com) http://www.leadershipchallenge.com/WileyCDA/
It’s Your Ship- D Michael Abrashoff - available as an mp3 audio file in our Web area (for educational use only)
Not required but a good one The Difference: How anyone can prosper in tough times- Jean Chatsky
Required Tom Peters- Project04 for educational use only
Read Leadership Graffiti - read leadership graffiti and think of a rock/pop/rap song that has a leadership theme in it. Title…singer and what is the leadership point that the song talks about (due Jan 31)- e-mail with “tune” in subject line
Financial self leadership book – not required but good leadership skill
Corner Office articles- unbelievable insight and advice about life, living, jobs, careers, future. And the world from a column that appears weekly in the New York Times. Briefing summaries of some of the articles. Pick one article in the Corner Office collection (not from the Briefing summaries) and write a one page analysis (dbl spaced 10 point font (3 paragraphs-intro...body...conclusion) based on the point of the article. Email with Subject line “corner” . due 1/19/14 pm
Character Counts- This is a free survey that will tell you about your strengths and weaknesses:
You are what you do. So how frequently are you kind? How often are you a leader?" …"keep track of that and measure it all along so you can track your progress."
The VIA Institute has found that it works best to know your VIA Survey scores. Peterson and the Institute have developed two reports -- one that is free and gives survey-takers a top-down list of their strengths, with a precise definition of each. The top 5 or 6 strengths are a person's "signature strengths" -- which are innate strengths of character. A more in-depth report -- 17 pages of scores, charts, graphs, with thorough descriptions of signature strengths with ways to use them –take the survey at www.viasurvey.org. email me a copy of the results with “via” in the subject line to by feb 8
It's a new year. Perhaps this is the perfect time to spend a year developing your character -- your strengths -- and ultimately your happiness.
Course Philosophy:
Feinberg's Law #1: When the ox bows sharpen the knife
Feinberg's Law #2: Only the lead dog enjoys a change of scenery (Sgt. Preston)
Feinberg's Law #3:
§  experience yourself as being in the center of your own lifetime process.
§  experience life as abundant, filled with expanding opportunities available and appropriate for yourself and others.
§  make experiences and opportunities happen for yourself and for others.
§  recognize that it is all right to exercise your power, to be competent and recognize your competence.
§  not to be afraid of your own power and not to feel guilty about your desire for power.
§  take control of your own life and implement your present and life goals.
§  be at center of your own lifetime processes. (H. Collier, 1979)
Feinberg's Law #4: Your life makes a difference.
Feinberg's Law #5: The formula for success = x + y + 2
x = show up and work hard
y = add value all over
2 = keep your mouth shut
Feinberg’s Law #6 or Tom Peters Law #1: It’s in your hands so quit whining
Feinberg’s Law #7: You have 1,816,473,600 seconds left. Tick tock…tick tock…tick tock.
What are you going to do with them?
Feinberg’s Law #8: Stop whining…solve the problem.
Feinberg’s Law #9: Get Over It (Eagles)
Law #9: If you have a law to share email with law in the subject line by 1/9 11am (5 extra credit pts)
Feinberg’s Law #10- This is “IT”
Feinberg’s Law #10.1 – you never know that what you learn today may be useful tomorrow
Feinberg’s Law #10.2 You have 1,816,473,600 seconds left. Tick tock…tick tock…tick tock. What are you going to do with them?
Feinberg’s Law #11- “I am Borg”…”resistance is futile”
Feinberg’s Law #11- If you blink you might miss “IT”
Feinberg’s Leadership Law #12- “Take us with you”
Feinberg’s most annoying aphorism is Law #13 (and you know how painful an aphorism can be) – When the going gets tough you have a choice…quit or solve/accomplish it…who would you hire?
Feinberg’s Summary Law #15: Yo!
Before you do anything, please read Assignments 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5
Figure it out…stop whining…solve the problem
A) Introduction
I was at a conference recently and heard Jack Welch give his secrets (former CEO of GE and seen by many as a great management/leadership guru) …
1.  keep costs in line…(RAF adds ..be fanatically devoted to saving money
2.  prepare for the worst case (RAF adds always do a premotum)
3.  Cash is king (RAF adds- in business and in life
4.  Leadership has to communicate like hell (RAf adds…what is the point and communicate it like hell)
5.  Love your best people (RAF- hire eagles and let them soar…make eagles and let them soar…hire ducks and hear them quack. An eagle is worth 10x’s a duck…in this metaphor not when they are on a menu)
6.  Buy or bury your competitors
7.  Laser sharp focus
The wisdom and insight of Jack Welch (and Suzy Welch) is captured in an educational book “The Welch Way”…. And a set of podcasts that I have available for you….take advantage of getting an education from one of the great leadership and business educators of the 21st century at Welch
This course is oriented such that you will become aware that learning is not necessarily abstract but a function of application of knowledge to your immediate environment. You are never outside the scope of the course and as you gain increasing understanding of your behavior as a leader and follower you will gain increasing control over the consequences flowing from your behavior.
We will use your experience in the classroom as the basis for learning about the developing leadership skills. To that end you will be part of an ongoing work group faced with the necessity of completing a variety of tasks, allocating work, making decisions, and receiving differential rewards based on performance. Everything that happens in this course is open for analysis and understanding. My objective is to give you practice in making order from chaos by functioning scientifically and using limited data to make decisions. Throughout the course you will make decisions and face their consequences as a way of learning not only about the concepts but also about your own values, willingness to lead and be lead, and the ability to cope with difficulty and uncertainty.
Learning Objectives and Outcome Objectives
1. By the end of the semester you will be a better leader in your own life. Outcome measure- you will be able to articulate 5 instances when a decision was made with awareness of some of the principles discussed in class
2. By the end of the semester you will be a better leader for others. Outcome measure- you will be able to articulate 5 instances when a decision was made with awareness of some of the principles discussed in class
3. By the end of the semester you will write better. Please read all the material in a folder called writing. Pay attention to the Feinberg way, writing rules and the first paragraph.