Section IV/Instruction 1

IV Orange Coast College

SLOs-- Results & Planning2011-2012

Program Name: _DMAD - _Digital Graphics Production Certificate______

Program Lead: ____Lisa Bloomfield, Hillary Mushkin______

Type of Outcome:  CSLO ______PSLO ___x – Digital Graphics Production______(please check type of outcome)

(Identify Course) (Identify Program)

Institutional Student Learning Outcomes: Communication; Thinking Skills; Global Awareness; Personal Development & Responsibility

Program Mission Statement / Intended Outcomes
List all SLOs/PSLOs / Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success / Analysis of Data Collected
(To be completed after assessment of SLOs) / Use of Results
Include any resources on Doc. V
(To be completed after assessment of SLOs)
Cite the departmental or program mission statement.
To provide students who have an interest in graphic design, multimedia, photography, illustration–whether as a beginner or professional upgrading skills with a single class, a course of study leading to transfer, or a vocational certificate program. The certificates offer specialization in graphic design or in multimedia. Students can pursue their interests through a variety of courses which establish technical and critical understanding of visual language. These courses lead to improved personal creative expression or skills for such professional areas as graphic design, web design, pre-press production, typography design, illustration, animation and motion graphics. All necessary facilities and equipment are provided.
We are committed to a broadly defined concept of visual communication and visual literacy. We provide transfer and professional preparation, certificates in career education, as well as instruction in basic visual literacy skills. We serve the developing needs of the graphic design, multimedia and media arts workforces in the local area and develop globally aware citizens. / What will students be able to think, know, do, or feel because of a given educational experience in a course or a program?
This certificate is designed for working professionals who are interested in updating their personal knowledge of the changing trends in the design industry. This program is designed for students interested in earning a certificate for digital technician to use for immediate employment.This program offers training in areas such as digital photography editing, vector graphics design, digital graphic design layout, digital prepress preparation, and other digital graphics techniques. It is intended to prepare students for digital graphics production jobs in the professional digital graphics community as well as provide for the updating of skills for professionals already working in the field but who desire retraining in the ever-changing software/hardware requirements in this productionfield.
Which ISLO is outcome linked to?
Communication, thinking skills, personal development / What are the specific assessment tools that will establish the degree & extent of what is to be achieved?
What is the criterion for success?
SEE BELOW / Summarize findings vis-à-vis outcomes, means of assessment, & criteria for success. Include your process for determining who participated in the assessment and the sample size.
What do the data tell us about your process in terms of goals, outcomes, and means of assessment, defined criteria for success, implementation process, and data collection?
SEE BELOW / What do the data tell us about program improvement:
  • What, if anything, do we need to do at the program or course level to improve student learning or service?
  • What resources are necessary?
Demonstrate skill in design utilizing industry standard graphics software as required for employment in the field. / Hands-on exam, multiple choice exam, and/or assessment of graphic design project / One section each of all active classes were assessed for SLOs – this accounts for 332 students.This information was used to assess these PSLO’s. All courses ranged from 60% to 90% meeting our PSLO goals. / No action is needed – we continually review content of our courses, and meet with advisory board to make sure we are current.
In order to keep this program vital we need both equipment support (up-to-date software and hardware) for our 3 labs as well as continued funding for support staff.