March 8, 2015 – 9:30 A.M.

Prelude: John Bruer, accompanist

Call to Worship

God’s Greeting

Ministry of Music: “I’m Trading My Sorrows” ~ Kingdom Kids

*Mutual Greeting

*Songs and Worship:

“Come, Christians, Join to Sing” ~ Celebration Hymnal #225:1&2

“How Great is Our God”

“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession: (in unison)

God of compassion, you are slow to anger and full of mercy, welcoming sinners who return to you with penitent hearts. Receive in your loving embrace all who come home to you. Seat them at your bountiful table of grace, that, with all your children, they may feast with delight on all that satisfies the hungry heart. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

Congregational Prayer

(Children are dismissed to Junior Church)

Scripture: Luke 15:11~32 (pp. 1624)

Sermon: “The Suffering Father” ~ Pastor Chris


*Song of Response: “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

~ Celebration Hymnal #11:1&3

Offerings: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: New Hope Ministries

Offertory Prayer

* Parting Praise: “Agnus Dei”

* Benediction

*You are invited to stand, if you are able.

With reverence and respect to God, please turn off all electronic devices during the worship service.

Sermon Notes:

+Parable of the Suffering Father+

Renaming the Parable

Parable is about the father’s astounding and extravagant love.

Prodigal is the word of the father (God)

The Younger Son’s Request

The unheard of request to a living father…”You are dead to me.”

Double insult—I want my share of the estate & then sells it off (liquidation).

Coming Home (Well, this isn’t working for me very well.”)

What motivates him? Going home is more practical & sustainable.

A warm welcome by family & community is out of the question!

Grace, Grace and more Grace

Robe, Ring, Sandals and fattened calf=clothed in the father, treated better than he deserves, protected and celebration for all. The relationship is restored.

The Older Brother

The demonstration of this extravagant grace of his father is just not fair.

Older brother is now the one scorning his father.

The Gospel

The younger son (in the beginning) is only interested in the things from his father.

“I’ll take my inheritance now”

The older son lives for his father. He expects a reward.

“I have served you and never disobeyed you.”

To both sons the message is “You can never be my servant; you are my son.”

Life with the Father is the heart of the matter.

Application points

Where are you lacking grace? Where are we as a people lacking grace?

The solution isn’t try harder & do better but simply come and receive God’s love?

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

*If you are a reading person, you must read Tim Keller’s Prodigal God also check Skye Jethani With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God. Both teach the gospel as we encounter in this parable today.


We welcome you to Sunday Worship at Cedar Hill CRC. If you are a visitor, please see the back of the bulletin for information about our church and fill out a Visitor Card found in the pew and place it in the offering plate or leave it at the Welcome Center.


March 8 ~ 9:30 AM: Pastor Chris will give a message on Luke 15:11~32; “The Suffering Father.”

6:00 PM: Joint worship with our sister churches at Midland Park CRC.

March 15 ~ 9:30 AM: Pastor Chris will give a message on Luke 10:30~36; “The Compassionate Samaritan.”

6:00 PM: Joint worship here with our sister churches at Cedar Hill. Pastor Chris will give a message based on Colossians 2:6~7,“Sanctification and Grace.”


This Week – March 8, 2015

OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: New Hope Ministries

GREETERS: Welcome Team #2

USHERS: Marilyn Chickey, Joe Chickey, Henry Schuurman

NURSERY: Infant: Laura Laauwe; Toddler: Jessica Faber

CH/JR CHURCH: Laura Carey/Dana Carey and Samantha Cubias

Next Week – March 15, 2015

OFFERINGS: AM: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: Building Fund

PM: Calvin College

GREETERS: Welcome Team #3

USHERS: AM: Joseph Post, Bill Bushman, Sally Haven

PM: Walter Shurminsky, Bob Dyksen, Michael Steiginga

NURSERY: Infant: Ginny Steensma; Toddler: Jeanne Veenstra

CH/JR CHURCH: Sara Heerema/Nancy and Rebecca Martin



Renewal Lab: Join us for a continental breakfast this Saturday, March 14, from 9 ~ 11 AM in the Fellowship Hall, as we discuss and make plans for our participation in the Renewal Lab. If you are interested in being involved with a ministry team in the area of worship, outreach, discipleship, children, youth, diaconal ministry, hospitality, or prayer, make every effort to attend. Questions, see Pastor Chris, Gary Veenstra or Paul Heerema. Please sign up at the fellowship center.


Cadets will meet this Tuesday at 6:45 PM. Questions? Call Chris at 201-263-9098 or .

Pinewood Derby: Will take place at the Eastern Christian High School on Saturday, March 21, beginning at 6 PM.


Adult Sunday School will meet today following morning worship.



Our GEMS group is having its annual plants sale fundraiser once again. Forms have been placed in your mailboxes, extras are at the welcome center for friends and family. Orders are due by April 7, with May 9 as the pick-up date. Orders with payment can be given to any GEM. Contact Melissa Borduin at 201-263-9098 with any questions. Thanks for your support!


Coffee Break will meet this Tuesday, March 10, beginning with coffee at 9:30 AM. We will view two films on the Exodus crossing. All are welcome!


Save the date: Saturday, June 13. Join us for the NJ Jackals game. More info on tickets to come.


Heirborne (7th & 8th Grades):

Regular Meeting: On March 11 from 7 ~ 9 PM, join us at Cedar Hill for games, worship, and snacks.

LinC (9th through 12th Grades):

Regular Meeting: TONIGHT from 6 ~ 8:30 PM at Faith Community’s Barn. Come for dinner, games, worship, and some conversation about God.

Questions? Go to www.go2yq.org or call Denise Banaag at 862-221-2014 or email .


‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

And pray for us, too . . .” Colossians 4:2

MARCH 8, 2015


Susan Bordonaro has a new address: 367 Sunset Boulevard, Wyckoff, NJ 07481. Her phone number is 862-203-9464. Please update your directories.


Kassie Borduin Ben Kuipers Gert Troast

John Winters Elsie Vander Weit Jean Stonehouse


David De Koek Edie Fylstra Jim Van Wieren

Kathleen Jacobs Min De Witte Margaret Laauwe


Call 201-652-4277, ext. 2, to hear the prayer line, which is updated as needed on Friday afternoons. You can also check our denominational prayer requests at 888-CRC-PRAY or www.crcna.org/pray.

Pray for Mission Outreach:


Local Church Plants – Home Missions – World Missions

Classis Hudson & Hackensack Church Plants: This week, we pray for Love Korean Church in Clifton and Rev. Chung. Also, pray for Restore Church in North Haledon and Pastor Jeremy Mulder.

Special Today Devotional Lent Series: “So, what are you giving up for Lent?” Has anybody every asked you that question? Lent does involve self-denial, but it’s much more. It’s a season to focus on the hope of Jesus Christ. The Today Devotional is offering a special devotion series to help you refresh, refocus, and renew your faith during the season of Lent. Visit LentDevotionals.com.

Cycle to End Poverty! Registration is now open for the 10th anniversary ride of Sea to Sea Bicycle Tour. Join other cyclists this summer for a 6-day ride in Ontario or a 10-day ride in Alberta and raise money for the fight against poverty. Proceeds will fund ministry by World Renew, Partners Worldwide, International Justice Mission, and local poverty initiatives in communities along the route. Volunteers are also urgently needed to assist with both rides. To register, visit seatosea.org.

Read 1 John 4:10~11:

“Sharing God’s love is often nothing more than a smile or a gentle touch offered from our heart.”

Dot to Dot

This week at Cedar Hill Church

March 8 ~ March 14, 2015


9:30 AM ~ Worship Service (Sanctuary)

11:00 AM ~ Sunday School, Catechism, Adult Sunday School

12:30 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall)

4:30 PM ~ Kingdom Kids Choir Rehearsal (Basement)

6:00 PM ~ Joint Worship (at Midland Park CRC)


7:00 PM ~ Deacon Meeting (Deacon Room)

7:00 PM ~ Cedar Hill Stitchers (Library)

7:30 PM ~ Elder Meeting (Council Room)

8:00 PM ~ Barbershop Chorus (Fellowship Hall)


9:00 AM ~ BSF Leader’s Meeting (Council Room)

9:30 AM ~ Coffee Break Bible Study (Deacon/Youth Room)

6:45 PM ~ Cadets (Cadet Room)

8:45 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary)


6:15 AM ~ Wednesday Morning Prayer Time (Youth Room)

9:00 AM ~ Bible Study Fellowship (Entire Church)

7:00 PM ~ Heirborne Youth Group (at Cedar Hill CRC)


7:00 PM ~ Bergen Career Networking (Fellowship Hall)

7:30 PM ~ Worship Team Rehearsal (Sanctuary)


6:00 PM ~ Men’s Homeless Program (Fellowship Hall)

8:00 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary)


6:30 AM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary)

9:00 AM ~ Renewal Lab Meeting (Fellowship Hall)


422 Cedar Hill Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ, 07481

Rev. Christian Pedersen, Pastor

A Family of Christ Where You Belong

~ where everyone is encouraged to grow in their walk with Christ daily,

to live intentionally in the Holy Spirit as they go, and so create a culture

where people are served, invited, and enfolded into the Kingdom.

Sunday Worship: 9:30 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.* (See calendar for location of evening service.)

Church Office: 201-652-4277 Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:45 AM to 2:45 PM

Bulletin Announcement Deadline: Wednesday 12:00 Noon

Prayer Line: 201-652-4277, extension 2; Fax Line: 201-652-3245

Worship Service for Sick & Homebound: 1-855-231-0914, code 218-237-7378 #

Pastor Chris email:

Church office email:

Website: www.cedarhillchurch.org

2014 ~ 2015 Council Members

Elders Deacons

Steve Bruining (HH #1) Harrison Bruining (HH #4)

Henry Rozema (HH #3) Rob Dykstra, Chairman (HH #8)

Keith Post, Clerk (HH #5) Bob Minnaard (HH #7)

Pete Spalt (HH #7) Paul Laauwe (HH #6)

Rick Botbyl, Vice President (HH #8) Mark Anema, Treasurer (HH #8)

Paul Heerema (HH #4) David Den Hollander (HH #2)

Jeff Steiginga, President (HH #8) Craig Faber, Comptroller (HH #3)

Ralph Faasse (HH #2) Robert Storms, Secretary (HH #1)

Bill Heerema (HH #6) Gary Veenstra (HH #5)

Child Care (Year-round)

Ø  Nursery for infants and toddlers available during all services. Main floor, library corridor.

Ø  Children’s Worship (Ages 3 ~ Pre-K) meets on the lower level during the morning service. (Contact Jo-Ann Angelucci at 973-427-5443 with any questions.)

Ø  Junior Church (Kindergartners and 1st graders) meets in the lower level.

Children are dismissed as a group following the Children’s Message in the morning service.
(Contact Katia Faber at 201-612-9605 with any questions.)

Christian Education Hour ~ 11 AM – 12 PM (September ~ May)

Ø  Sunday School (Preschool ~ Grade 8) meets in lower level classrooms.

Ø  Catechism (Grades 9 ~ 12) meets in the lower level classrooms.

Ø  Adult Sunday School meets in the Youth Room, main level.

(Contact Katia Faber at 201-612-8892 with any questions.)

Fellowship ~ Tuesday Night Connection (September ~ April): 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings at 6 PM, begins with a family dinner with various youth and adult activities following.

Worship Aids ~ Tape Ministry: The Tape Ministry Table provides audio/video tapes of all services, main lobby. Assistive-Listening Devices, Large Print Bibles, and Orders of Worship are available in main lobby.

**Our ushers or greeters will gladly assist you with any questions or if you need direction**