Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
Department: nursing / Course Title: Pediatric Health Nursing (theory)
Credit Hours: 3 / Course Number: 0901331
Pre-requisites: / Course Year Level: 3rd year
Faculty Member: / Day, Time:
E-mail : / Office Hours:
Course Website: / Office Phone:
Academic Year: 2015 / 2016 / Semester:
Course Description
This course assists students to integrate knowledge derived from the bio/psycho/social sciences, humanities, nursing and current literature to achieve safe, competent care of pediatric patients and their families who are experiencing normal development and alterations in body systems (common medical and surgical problems). Course content is organized utilizing the nursing process in order to achieve best practice outcomes for pediatric patients and their families experiencing bio/psycho/social/cultural and spiritual needs.
Concepts of growth, development, health, and role of the pediatric nurse are emphasized. Legal and ethical issues related to health care of children will be explored. Guided learning experiences are provided in the laboratory, acute care pediatric sitting (MCH &hospitals).
General Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Utilize knowledge of principles of growth and development, and knowledge of expected transitions in the provision of care of pediatric patients from infancy through adolescence.
2. Analyze how bio/psycho/social/cultural and spiritual needs influence growth and development in pediatric patients.
3.Utilize knowledge derived from the bio/psycho/social sciences, humanities and nursing to achieve deliberative and competent decision-making that is grounded in evidenced based practice to achieve best practice outcomes for pediatric patients experiencing:
·  physiological needs
·  Psycho/social needs
·  Health maintenance needs
·  Health promotion needs
·  Safe effective care environment needs
·  Cultural and spiritual needs.
4. Examine current trends and health protocols that are designed to meet the health promotion, health maintenance, and the bio/psycho/social/cultural/spiritual, needs of the pediatric patient and their families.
5. Apply all steps of the nursing process in the classroom learning environment to manage the care of pediatric patients and their families experiencing bio/psycho/social/cultural and spiritual needs.
6. Explain therapeutic verbal and non-verbal communication techniques that are effective in the care of pediatric patients and their families.
7. Discover community and in-patient resources/services that influence patient care outcomes for pediatric populations.
8. Analyze concepts of cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity and respect for persons when working with pediatric patients and their families.
9. Explain legal, ethical, and cultural issues related to the pediatric patient and their families.
10. Analyze elements of the teaching/learning process applicable to the care of pediatric patients and their families.
Specific Learning Objectives
1.  Discriminate between normal and abnormal children growth and development
2.  Analyze children problems, causes, pathphysiology, signs and symptoms as well as prevention and management.
3.  Integrate knowledge of trends in child health care with the nursing process to achieve an understanding of quality child health nursing care.
4.  Describe required nursing interventions used in the health care of children to aid diagnosis and therapy.
5.  Utilize comprehensive assessment applied on the five dimensions of the child personality
6.  Describe the major methods of pain assessment and management in children
7.  Identify hazards related to accidents in childhood and preventive measures
8.  Evaluate programs for health maintenance of child
1.  Utilize knowledge & comprehensive assessment of the five dimensions of the child.
2.  Apply knowledge of child's growth and development, immediate care needs, and nutritional requirements with the nursing process to achieve quality child health nursing care.
3.  Recognize the need for play in caring for sick children as well as healthy children.
4.  Identify knowledge about the child's response to illness within the nursing process to achieve quality child health nursing care.
5.  Utilize knowledge of congenital physical anomalies with the nursing process to achieve quality child health nursing care.
6.  Examine selected concepts & research findings as they apply to the nursing of children and their families.
7.  Explore the impacts of ethical & legal issues that influence the health of child & his family
8.  Utilize the resources to develop his/her knowledge & performance
9.  Apply the health promotion measures as well as the disease preventive practices on his/her self and significant others as a primary care giver & leader.
10.  Utilize the critical thinking and problem solving skills when encountered with a health problem.
1.  Chang negative behaviors, knowledge and practices of parents in relation to ensuring healthy growth and development of their children
2.  Integrate interpretation of disease to the developmental stage and educational levels of the mothers
3.  Act as a role model in dealing with children at different stages of growth and development
4.  Justify choosing management therapy for every disease
5.  Judge problems and issues that needs instructions to be followed by the mothers
6.  Appreciate parent roles in management of child diseases
7.  Be responsible about the management of gastrointestinal different diseases with cooperation of medical team
8.  Show empathy for mothers and children with their different medical problems , Be aware of consequences of surgical interference for child condition Assist mothers in promoting follow up care after recovery Reassure and support the mother of the child with nutritional problems .
9.  Participate in giving dietary health teaching to the mother
Instructional Resources
§  Selected reading
§  e-Learning System
§  Lectures
§  Journal Articles
§  Study Guides
§  Interactive Educational Activities
§  Interactive video software programs
Teaching & Learning Methods
§  Lectures / Discussion
§  Handouts
§  Audiovisual aids (Computer, DVD, & OHTs ,PowerPoint slides
§  Guest lecture
§  Self-readings.
§  Growth charts
§  Class Discussion
§  Group Presentations/Case Scenarios
§  Critical Thinking Exercises
§  Student Lead Presentation
§  Critical Thinking Exercise
Evaluation Scheme
Expected Date / Percentage
First Exam / 25 %
Second Exam / 25 %
Final Exam / 40 %
Participation and
Attendance / 10 %

Course Contents

Week / Date / Topic / Duties / Tasks
1 / Introduction to Child Health Nursing
Perspective of child health nursing
- The Role of the Pediatric nurse
2 / The newborn:
a.  Health promotion of the NB.
b.  Adjustment to extra-uterine life
c.  Assessment and care of the NB
d.  Minor problems of the NB
3 / Care of the child with G. I. Problems
·  Structural anomalies of GI tract .(!)
-  Clift lip
-  Clift palate
-  Hernia:
§  umbilical hernia
§  inguinal hernia
§  hiatus hernia
·  fluid & electrolyte imbalance (2)
-  acute GI dehydration
-  vomiting and diarrheal disease
4 / ·  Disorders of stomach & duodenum L3+4)
§  Pyloric stenosis
§  Esophageal atresia (EA)
§  Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
§  Intussusception
§  Hirschsprung’s disease
§  Celiac disease
5 / ·  Care of children with respiratory disorder (1+2):
§  Assessing respiratory illness in children
§  Disorders of upper respiratory tract :
ü  Acute nasopharyngitis .
ü  Pharyngitis.
ü  Tonsillitis.
ü  Epistaxis
ü  Sinusitis.
ü  Laryngitis .
ü  Croup( Laryngotracheobronchitis )
ü  Aspiration.
ü  Bronchial obstruction
6 / ü  Disorders of lower respiratory tractL3+4)
ü  Pneumonia
ü  Tuberculosis
ü  Asthma
ü  Cystic fibrosis
ü  Respiratory distress syndrome
7 / Care of the child with Cardiovascular Disorders
ü  Assessing cardiac system in children
ü  Diagnostic procedures : catheterization
ü  Fetal circulation / First exam
8 / }  Acquired Heart Disease
ü  Heart failure
ü  Rheumatic fever
ü  Kawasaki Disease
Congenital Heart Disease
§  Defects with increased pulmonary blood flow
ü  ventricular septal defect
ü  atrial septal defect
ü  patent ductus arteriosus
ü  Atrio-ventricular canal
9 / }  Congenital Heart Disease
§  Defects with decreased pulmonary blood flow
ü  Tricuspid Atresia.
ü  Tetralogy of Fallot
§  Obstructive defect:
ü  pulmonic stenosis
ü  Aortic stenosis
ü  Coarctation of the Aorta
10 / Care of the child with hematologicalDisorders :
§  Introduction
§  Anemia
ü  Iron deficiency anemia
ü  Sickle cell anemia
ü  G6PD deficiency
ü  Thalassemia (minor ,major)
§  Disorders of blood coagulation
ü  Purpuras:
I-  Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
II-  Henoch –Schonlein Syndrome
ü  Hemophilia's:
11 / Care with children’s with urinary tract disorders:
§  Assessing urinary system
§  Structural Disorders of urinary system:
ü  Hypospadias
ü  Epispadias
ü  Hydronephrosis.
ü  Vesicoureteral reflux
ü  Enuresis
§  Urinary Tract Infection( UTI)
§  Nephrotic Syndrome (Nephrosis)
§  Acute glomerulonephritis
§  Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome (HUS)
§  Hydrocele and varicocele
§  Circumcision
12 / Care of the child with Endocrine Disorders:
§  Assessing endocrine system in children
§  Phenylketonuria
§  Diabetes Mellitus DM
§  Diabetic Keto-Acidosis DKA
13 / Care of the children with central nervous system disorder:
§  Assessing the neurological system.
§  Increase intracranial pressure.
§  Pediatric seizure ,convulsions
§  Meningitis
§  Hydrocephalus
14 / Care of the children with central nervous system disorder:
§  Spina Bifida
§  Cerebral Palsy.
§  Autism
§  Downs Syndrome
15 / Care of the children with muscloskeletal disorders:
ü  Polydactyly
ü  syndactyly.
ü  Congenital clubfoot
ü  Osteogenesis imperfcta
ü  Dysplasia of the hip
ü  Pavlik harness
ü  Scoliosis
References, Textbook
Title / Maternal and Child Health Nursing care of the childbearing & child family
Author(s) / Adele Pillitteri
Publisher / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Year / 2013
Edition / 6th edition,7th edition
Book Website
Recommended Textbooks: /

1-  Robert M .Kliegman (2011) ,Nelson text book of pediatric.ELSEVIER .,12 edition

2-  Nicki L. Potts and Barbara L. Mandleco(2012).pediatric nursing ,caring for children and their families , Delmar CENGAG learning 3rd edition

Student Responsibilities and Academic Conduct:

There are a number of expectations to achieving the goals of this course and successfully passing the Adult Health Nursing I. They include:

A. Attendance: Your success in this class will depend on regular attendance and punctuality.

1.  Attendance is expected at every class, for those who miss more than 15% of lecture hours with or without acceptable excuse will be dismissed from the course.

  1. If class is missed, students should get missed information from lecture from a classmate. Instructors will not provide missed information.

3.  In the case of a critical life event, homework, quizzes, and exams may be made up, at the discretion of the faculty.

B. Reading:

1.  Reading of textbook assignments should be done before the topic is presented in class to ensure a basic understanding of the topic before lecture.

C. Active Participation in class discussions:

1. Active participation is important to successful learning. You will be encouraged to join in on class discussions, share relevant experiences, and ask questions. Emphasis is placed on practicing English in order to promote English fluency.


1.  Meet the course teacher at the posted office hours or by appointment.

2.  Avoid cheating, academic misconduct, fabrication, and plagiarism. Such behaviors will lead to disciplinary action as described in the students’ handbook.

3.  Cell phones are required to be turned off during class time.

4.  Students are expected to participate in an orderly manner. Students whose behaviors distract from the learning process will be asked to leave for the day and will count as an absence. This includes talking during class time


Issue Date: May 2015

Revision Date: