Natural Resources Conservation Service

FHB Building, Suite 301

400 Route 8

Mongmong, Guam 96910



Technical Guide Notice Number 40

Date: February 19, 2003

Subject:TCH –Updates to FOTG Section IV – Standards

Purpose: To transmit updated Pacific Basin Practice standards

Effective Date:When received

Background:To maintain technical consistency and provide additional tools within Field Office Technical Guide in order to facilitate and support conservation planning within the Pacific Basin Area


File this notice behind the Tab: Sec. IV: ADS1 in FOTG Section IV. Document this action in the FOTG Register Directives Tabulation Sheet.


  • Remove current Section IV FOTG Directives Tabulation Sheet
  • Remove the current Pacific Basin Area Conservation Practice Standards Table of Contents.


Three new Conservation Practices Standards, an updated Table of Contents and Section IV Directives Tabulation Sheet are available on the PBA eFOTG site for printing.

  1. Print Section IV Table of Contents. Print the Table of Contents so the second page is on the back of the first page. Place each final double-sided page in a plastic document holder. Insert the Table of Contents into the front of FOTG Section IV binder.
  2. Print the following new Section IV standards. For standards with multiple pages, print the standards front to back (page 2 on the reverse side of page 1, and so forth). Select the print odd pages function with your printer, flip the page and then print the even pages or use your office copy machine.
  • Water Well (642)
  • Spring Development (574)
  • Water Facility, Solar Distiller (900 - PBA)
  1. Print or create labels for three new tab dividers.
  2. File the standards alphabetically within the Section IV binder.
  3. Offices may elect to place the standards into separate plastic page-protectors to avoid punching holes in the standards. The use of plastic page protectors is the preferred method of filing and maintaining conservation practice standards.
  4. Print and place the Directive Tabulation Sheet behind a separate tab but in the front of the Table of Contents. Confirm the dates and changes on the DTS and initial to record the action(s) taken.

  5. District Conservationists and the Resource Conservationist shall review all changes with their office staff.


Director, Pacific Basin Area

Distribution: All Field Offices (electronically)

Original, file in PBA FOTG, Resource Technology Library

All SWCD’s (hardcopy)