NCCL Representative Council Meeting

November 1-3, 2012

Holiday Inn Express, 3477 Algonquin Road, Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008


Thursday, November 1, 2012 – Feast of All Saints

Prior to 4:00 pm – Arrival – Getting settled

Holiday Inn Express, 847.259.6600

Free shuttle – Reserve with Registration

4:00 PM Representative Council Orientation

v  All New Members (participation requested) – Arlington (Officers: Bill, Enedina, Linda, Joanie)

v  Veterans are welcome to participate

4:00 PM Committee Chairpersons Orientation

v  All Committee Chairpersons (participation requested) – Palatine [Lee, Michael W, Karen]

5:30 PM JOINT - All Saints Day Liturgy – Elk Grove

v  Music, Frank Zolvinski

6:15 PM JOINT – Reflection on the Synod – Peter Murphy- Arlington

v  Peter Murphy, Executive Director of the USCCB Secretariat on Evangelization and Catechesis, who served as an official observer, appointed by Pope Benedict XVI, at the Synod on the new Evangelization, will join us via electronic media to share his thoughts, observations and reflections on the Synod itself.

6:30 PM JOINT - Dinner - Tiki

v  Welcome, Bill Miller, NCCL President and Carrie Sallwasser, NPCD President

v  Invitation for Table Conversation – Lori Dalhoff and Lee Nagel

v  Initial discussion on the Synod for the New Evangelization

7:30 PM JOINT - Evening Session - Arlington

v  Evening Prayer

v  Presentation of Evening Agenda – Lori Dalhoff and Lee Nagel

v  Q & A – Skype Fr. Frank Desiano, observer at the Synod on the New Evangelization

v  To enhance your participation, you are invited to read the following piece prior to the Rep Council meeting. Perspectives on the Synod for the New Evangelization: A View from the United States, (http://www.pemdc.org/ee0612-synodreflections/) authored by Fr. Frank DeSiano, CSP. If you so desire, Fr. Frank will be at the Synod and will be writing a regular blog which you could also read in preparation for our discussion. You can sign up for the blog at http://www.pemdc.org/ or you can go directly to Fr. Frank’s Blog at http://www.synod2012.org/.

9:15 PM JOINT Free Social Hour - Tiki

v  Beverages and snacks provided

Friday, November 2, 2012 – Feast of All Souls

6:30 – 8:45 AM Breakfast – Holiday Inn Express

8:00 AM NPCD Morning Session – Inverness

8:30 AM NCCL Board Session - Arlington

9:00 AM NCCL Morning Session – Arlington

v  Opening of the meeting –( Bill Miller)

v  Morning Prayer – (Enedina Saucedo)

v  Minutes – (Linda Stryker)

v  Financial Report including Audit – (Joanie McKeown)

v  NCCL National Office Report, (Lee Nagel)

v  Report on the collaborative conversations with NPCD Executive Committee (Bill and Board)

10:15 AM Morning Refreshment Break

10:30 AM NCCL Morning Session – Arlington

v  Three most pressing issues facing you/your parish/your diocese in catechesis (Peter)

v  Relationship to Strategic Plan – What would be helpful in addressing these issues? (Lee)

v  Preparation for Member Check In (Gina) (Trial Members and New members)

11:30 AM Celebration of the Eucharist – Elk Grove

v  Music, Frank Zolvinski

12:00 PM NPCD Executive Committee concludes their meeting

NPCD Executive Committee may join us for Mass

12:15 PM JOINT - Buffet Luncheon – Tiki

v  Member Check-in

U  You will need your cell phone!

v  Board Meeting - Inverness

1:45 PM Afternoon Session - Arlington

v  Member feedback from Trial Members/New members

v  Member Feedback in relation to the 3 most pressing issues (Peter)

v  Review of PowerPoint Selection of At-Large Members – (Brian)

v  Discussion on Proposal of Selection of Officer Slates/PowerPoint and the Review/Suggestions from LDC – (Brian)

3:00 PM Break

v  Afternoon Refreshments

3:30 PM Fourth Session - Arlington

v  Consultation on the FCH Application for Federation Status (Enedina)

v  BIG ISSUES – Discussion and prioritization from the Question: Rank your top five Big Issues that you would like a speaker to address at your diocesan/province gathering of catechetical leaders. Look for relationships between three most pressing issues, member feedback and the big issues and their relationship to the Strategic Plan (Karen)

Big Issues (Check the website for additional issues added under Other)

●  Need for Professional formed and informed leaders

●  Dwindling practice of the faith

●  Dogmatic vs. pastoral theology

●  Connecting evangelization and catechesis

●  Discerning accurate Catholic information on-line

●  Privatization of religious experience & personal piety vs. social gospel

●  Understanding of traditions of the church

●  Re-proposing the Gospel

●  Crisis in credibility

●  Religious liberty

●  Media culture-the challenges how to catechize in this culture

●  Being people in the story

●  21st century education’s impact on faith formation programs

●  Catechizing parents and children, families

●  Enculturation of the church

●  Womb to the tomb - lifelong faith learning

●  Catechesis and the Seminary

●  Catechetical homilies

●  Universal call to holiness and mission

●  Bring back 2/3 of the population to church

●  Other: Developing Hispanic leadership

●  Other: Inculturation – what it is and what it isn’t. Need an accurate understanding.

●  Other: Dr. Tom Walter’s research on DREs is very informative

●  Other: Competition with youth programs from other denominations.

v  Quick plus/info about a Committee (Lee)

v  Choosing to serve on a committee

5:15 PM Committee Meetings

v  Identify Meeting Areas – Arlington, Elk Grove, Inverness, Tiki area

6:30 PM Buffet Dinner - Tiki

7:45 PM Evening Session - Arlington

v  Committee Reports

U  Editorial Committee - Feedback to these questions regarding the bi-monthly magazine Catechetical Leader (Dan Thomas)

o  What types of articles do you desire in Catechetical Leader?

o  What topics would you like addressed within the next 1-2 years?

o  Which of the following regular columns/features do you find valuable in the magazine?

§  President’s Column

§  Executive Director’s Column

§  Technology Column

§  Diocesan Directors’ Column

§  Book review

§  Notable resources

U  Annual Conference 2013 – Cleveland – (Ann Pinckney)

U  Product Development – (Elaine Robertson)

v  Directions for Forum meetings (Bill Miller)

v  Evening Prayer – (Bill Miller)

8:30 PM Forums

v  Parish Catechetical Leaders – Inverness (Dan Thomas)

v  Diocesan Staff – Elk Grove – (Michael Wagner)

v  Diocesan Directors – Arlington (Sr. Margaret Kuntz)

9:30 PM Social

v  One Hour Open bar and snacks

Saturday, November 3, 2012

6:30 – 8:45 AM Breakfast Buffet – Holiday Inn Express

9:00 AM Morning Session - Arlington

v  Morning Prayer – (Michael Westenberg)

v  LDC Process for the calling forth of names for At-Large membership (LDC, Michelle Tomshack, chair)

U  The LDC leads a discussion during which the Rep Council identifies

U  Current make-up of the Board

U  The needs of the conference

U  The skills and qualifications needed by new members of the board to meet those needs

U  Individuals who have those skills and qualifications

10:15 AM Break

10:45 AM Mid-morning Session - Arlington

v  Kick-off of the Annual Campaign for Moving Expenses (Joanie and Bill)

v  Decision on dates for the Fall 2013 Rep Council Meeting (Mary Jo)

v  New York Document – Catechetical Leaders for the Third Millenium (Catherine Cornue)

v  Alliance and Accreditation (Lee and Gary Pokorny)

v  Transforming Adolescent Catechesis (Lee)

v  Strong Catholic Families, Strong Catholic Youth (Lee)

12:00 Noon Buffet Luncheon - Tiki

1:15PM Closing Session - Arlington

v  Comments and Report from Episcopal Advisor, Bishop Leonard Blair

v  Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis, Dr. Michael Steier

v  Catechetical Sunday Theme for 2013 – Open the Door of Faith

2:30 PM Break

v  Reports from other organizations

v  Awards

U  Catechetical Award (Linda)

U  Distinguished Service Award (Mary Jo)

U  New Wineskins Award (Michael Westerberg/Elaine Robertson)

v  Strategic Plan Updates (Lee and Committee Chairs)

v  Other Business

v  Announcements

U  Spring Meeting 2013 – Cleveland – Sunday, May 19, 2013, 12:00 Noon

U  Fall Meeting 2013 – Chicago – TBD

v  Other Business, Summary, Closing, NCCL President, Bill Miller

4:00 PM Celebration of the Eucharist – Elk Grove

v  Bishop Blair, presiding

v  Music, Frank Zolvinski

5:00 PM Free Evening

v  Dinner on your own (Shuttle will drop off/pick up people within a 5 mile radius)

Thank you for being actively engaged and consciously participating in this meeting.

May we all have a safe journey home!
