MINUTES of the MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 7 November 2011 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.


Chairman: Cllr D Liddell

Councillors: R Brocklehurst, J Charlesworth, Mrs P Gallamore, P Handley, R Leech, Mrs M Liddell, and R Stier.

In attendance: 1 resident, Ward Councillor Hand-Davis and the Parish Clerk.


A resident advised that a drain on the Cone Lane banking had been overflowing and he had reported it to Barnsley MBC. The Clerk advised that this had been reported to Yorkshire Water and that a few other residents had also contacted Barnsley MBC and Yorkshire Water on the matter.

Cllr Stier advised that the Yorkshire Water works on going in Silkstone Common Recreation Ground are nearing completion. He stated that the contractors on site had been very helpful, polite and neighbourly. It was agreed that a letter of thanks would be sent to the contractor.


RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr P Smith who is on holiday. Cllr Handley advised that he would need to leave the meeting at 8.30pm.


RESOLVED to note Cllr Stier’s declaration of a prejudicial interest in the payment to the Parish Council’s handyman under agenda item 13 (this item was approved on mass with other payments).


Len Carr addressed Parish Council on the completed Woodlands Management Plan. He stated that he had met with the Clerk and two Councillors to discuss requirements; he then inspected the woods and drafted Aims and Objectives and then prescriptive maintenance and safety. He advised that objectives should be prioritised with the onus being on the removal of dangerous trees/branches. Litter removal and footpath maintenance also need to be considered

Cllr Gallamore commended Len Carr on a well laid out document.

It was recommended that a tree surgeon carry out inspections of the woods every 2 years. Since woodland works are budget reliant it was suggested that the trees at the sides of footpaths and along boundaries should be the first to be inspected with areas deeper in the woods investigated as funds are available. Also recommended that trees are inspected when in leaf so late spring would be the ideal time. He had also received a response from South Yorkshire Archaeological Service that there are no listed structures in the Parish Councils woodland.

Cllr Stier advised that Japanese Knotweed has virtually been eradicated from Orchard Wood so the annual treatment from Barnsley MBC appears to be working.

11-106 MINUTES

Silkstone Parish Council - RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 3 October 11 as a true and accurate record.



RESOLVED to approve the following comments on planning applications received since the last Parish Council meeting:

2011/1249 – 11a Moorland Place, Silkstone Common
Erection of front single storey extension, side single storey extension, installation of two dormer rear windows and alterations to roof and erection of detached triple garage with living accommodation above.
-  No comment -
2011/1191 – 53 South Yorkshire Buildings, Silkstone Common
Erection of rear single storey extension to dwelling
-  No comment -
2011/1297 – 6 Mayberry Drive, Silkstone
Erection of rear and side extensions and erection of attached side/rear garage and store extension and rear decking area (Amendment to application 2011/0815 on which Silkstone PC had no comment)
-  No comment -
2011/1292 - The Vicarage, 12 High Street, Silkstone
Fell sycamore tree (T1) within TPO 3/2008
-  No comment -
2011/1287 - Noblethorpe Hall, Noblethorpe Lane, Silkstone
Alterations and improvements to existing field access to form new drive and access
-  No comment -



RESOLVED that Parish Council meetings will continue to be held at the Silkstone Pavilion during 2012. All dates were approved with the exception of the November 2012 date which will be changed to 12th November 2012 so that the meeting does not fall on Bonfire night. An updated list of dates will be forwarded to Parish Councillors and included in the next Parish Newsletter and on the website. An article will also be included in the newsletter to encourage residents to attend the Parish Council meetings.


RESOLVED that the Parish Council will send Christmas cards this year and that the Chairman and Clerk will agree the Christmas Card list.


RESOLVED that the NALC Standing Orders 2011 as amended be adopted by Silkstone Parish Council.


RESOLVED to approve a grant to Silkstone Church Bell Ringers of £300 towards refurbishment and repairs to Silkstone Church bells; also Silkstone Brownies of £175 for the transport to their Christmas panto.


Cllr Brocklehurst updated members on progress of the Parish Plan. Cllr Brocklehurst and the Clerk had met to fill in the Awards for All grant application. The Clerk will obtain an estimate of costs to print, analyse and deliver the questionairres.It is hoped to hold the first meeting of the Parish Plan working party in February. Cllr Brocklehurst advised that Mick Clapham has agreed to join the working party.



RESOLVED to approve the Bank Reconciliation for the period 1 July 11 to 30 September 11.


RESOLVED to approve the Budget Monitor for the period 1 July 11 to 30 September 11.


RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 7 November 2011. Payments listed below, full details available from the Clerk on request.

Payee / Net / Vat / Total / Cheque
Aitkens Sports turf / 404.80 / 61.76 / 466.56 / 300298
John Whitmore Ltd / 80.00 / 16.00 / 96.00 / 300299
PCC of Silkstone Church / 65.00 / 13.00 / 78.00 / 300300
SLCC / 135.00 / 0.00 / 135.00 / 300301
Parish Clerk / 900.00 / 0.00 / 900.00 / SO
Parish Clerk / 116.38 / 0.00 / 116.38 / 300302
HM Revenue & Customs / 223.85 / 0.00 / 223.85 / 300303
SY Pensions Authority / 211.81 / 0.00 / 211.81 / 300304
Viking Direct / 74.08 / 14.82 / 88.90 / 300305
Came & Company / 202.85 / 0.00 / 202.85 / 300306
Parish Clerk expenses / 59.93 / 0.00 / 59.93 / 300307
Old Silkstone Band / 400.00 / 0.00 / 400.00 / 300308
Grounds man / 482.50 / 0.00 / 482.50 / 300309
SUJFC under 13’s / 275.00 / 0.00 / 275.00 / 300310
Handy man / 948.75 / 0.00 / 948.75 / 300311
Barnsley Timber / 76.00 / 15.20 / 91.20 / 300312
7 November 11 Schedule totals / 4,655.95 / 120.78 / 4,776.73




RESOLVED to note that the MUGA is now covered on the Parish Council’s insurance policy.

Cllr Liddell advised Members that the MUGA launch had been a success in spite of the wet weather. A post installation inspection had been completed by BMBC and the contractor will return to make good the grassed areas around the footpath and deal with the ponding issues in the tarmac.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact the Police to enquire about the availability of the Community Payback team to litter pick the car park and MUGA area at the rear of the Silkstone Co-op. Cllr Hand Davis agreed to raise the issue of litter in the area at the next PACT meeting.

·  Boundary Ownership

RESOLVED to note that the Clerk has spoken with the solicitor for the Recreation ground transfer and unfortunately they do not have the original. The Clerk will contact the other parties solicitor to see if they have a copy of the transfer document so that a copy of the attached plan can be obtained.

·  Quotation for 7No Hand Dryers

There is an on-going problem at the Pavilion with hand towels being flushed down the toilets which causes blockages in the drainage incurring cost to the Parish Council to have the drains jetted. In order to eliminate this expense a quotation has been sought for hand dryers from the Parish Council’s preferred electrical contractor.

RESOLVED that the Parish Council approve the purchase of 7No hand dryers for the Pavilion. The Parish Council favour the more robust metal design at a cost of £1,990. This will be relayed to the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee at their meeting on Monday 14 November 11 following which an order will be placed with J Whitmore Electrical Contractor.

·  New Community Building to replace Scout Hut

Cllrs Gallamore and Charlesworth reported on the last Community Building meeting.

RESOLVED to note that the group have so far raised £15,000 towards the new Community building. A Christmas fair at Broad Close Farm is planned to raise funds also. The group are applying for grant funding from Asda and Co-op Community Funds, The Big Lottery, Freemasons and Village SOS. Building quotes are being obtained for both modular and traditional buildings.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will write to the contact at the Community Building Committee to advise that any changes to the terms of the existing scout hut lease will need to be approved by the Parish Council. The footprint location will also need to be approved by the Parish Council as land owner. Also that consideration should be given to the location of drainage and the use of existing drainage bearing in mind the problems experienced recently with the drain outside the scout hut.

Cllr P Hand-Davis and Cllr Handley left the meeting.

·  Health and Safety issues

RESOLVED to note that there have been bread trays and trolleys found in Conroyd Wood and returned to the Co-op. The banking set fire next to the cricket field was put out by a parent from the scout hut who is involved with SUFC. Glass bottles have been broken on the cricket side of the Pavilion under the canopy.


The lease is now signed and the Clerk has a copy. The handyman will tidy up the area prior

to Remembrance and will level the grassed area and reseed next Spring.


RESOLVED to note the crime figures as follows :

Silkstone / Silkstone Common
September 11 / 3 / 1
October 11 / 5 / 1



Cllr Charlesworth – has spoken with Jim Ritchie from Roggins regarding the Stocks project and continues to attend Scout Hut meetings.

Cllr Liddell has not yet spoken with the Old Silkstone Band but will do so soon.


The Silkstone Common Good Companions are holding their 50th Anniversary celebration on 7th December 11 at Silkstone Lodge and have invited the Chairman, Vice – Chairman and Clerk to attend. The honorary freeman certificate for Terry Daniel will be presented on this date.

Cllr Charlesworth and Cllr Gallamore had attended the last meeting of the new Community Building committee.

Cllr Liddell has attended YLCA and NALC meetings and has been elected as Chairman for the YLCA South Yorkshire Executive. He also attended the National Village Halls Forum and will feedback some of the information from this meeting to the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee.

Cllrs Brocklehurst and Charlesworth left the meeting.


RESOLVED to note the following correspondence

Co-op bank – Reinvestment letter – noted
NALC - Legal Briefing on the Future of Standards of Conduct of Members of Local Authorities in England Update.
Mr C Bower – Outlining all the projects in the Parish that CARE have carried out.
Ms J Garside – Advising of condition of Orchard Wood steps –repair works were completed last week.
Mr S High (SUJFC under 13’s) – advising that the SUJFC under 13’s has folded since no-one has stepped forward to replace the manager.
Mr Evans – Headteacher Silkstone Common Junior & Infant School – Thanking Parish Council for works carried out in Orchard Wood at the school boundary
Mr Evans – Headteacher Silkstone Comon Junior & Infant School – advising that the School’s Music teacher Mrs Smith has been selected by Classic FM as this year’s national overall ‘Primary School Music Teacher of the Year’ winner. The editor of the Parish Newsletter will contact Mrs Smith to do a ‘celebrity interview’ for the December issue of the newsletter.
Resident Fall View – Regarding the recent road works on Fall View. The Clerk has spoken with an officer at BMBC to clarify their actions to progress the matter. The road will be sweeped again this week but any remedial work will be dealt with after the winter.


RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be on Monday

5 December 2011 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm.

Chairman’s Signature / Date

SPC Minutes 7 November 11