Dickens Fellowship Web-Links

Websites of buildings associated with Dickens

The Charles Dickens Museum
48 Doughty Street
London WC1N 2LX
England /
  • Dickens's home from 1837 to 1839
  • Head Office of the Dickens Fellowship

Charles Dickens Birthplace,
Old Commercial Road
England /
  • Where Dickens was born on 7th February 1812
  • His parents' first marital home
  • Now a museum
The Dickens House Museum
2 Victoria Parade
Kent CT10 1QS /
  • Once the home of Miss Mary Pearson Strong, on whom much of the character of Miss Betsey Trotwood in David Copperfield was based.
Restoration House
Crow Lane
England /
  • Model for Miss Havisham's Satis House in Great Expectations
  • Beautifully restored by current owners
St James' Church
Main Road
Kent ME3 8DG /
  • An inspiration for the opening scene of Great Expectations

Featured on the website of the Churches Conservation Trust

Websites of Fellowship branches

Bristol and Clifton
England /
  • Founded 1902
  • Organisers of the 2003 Dickens Fellowship Conference
Chatham, Kent
Canada /
  • Founded 2004
  • Founded 1905
  • Founded 1984
  • Organisers of the 2009 Fellowship Conference
Denmark /
  • Founded 2004
Eastbourne /
  • Founded 1919
The Netherlands /
  • Founded 1956
  • Organisers of the 2006 Dickens Fellowship Conference
Japan /
  • Founded 1970 (as Tokyo Branch)
/ wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/dickens/index-e.html
Australia /
  • Founded 1904
  • Organisers of the 2004 Dickens Fellowship Conference
New South Wales
Australia /
  • Founded 2004
New York City
  • Founded 1905
The Friends of Dickens New York
  • Founded 1998
  • Organisers of the 2001 Dickens Fellowship Conference
North East England /
  • Founded 2002
  • Organisers of the 2008 Dickens Fellowship Conference
Palo Alto
  • Founded 1975
  • Founded 1907
  • Organisers of the 2007 Dickens Fellowship Conference
  • Founded 1925
Canada /
  • Founded 1905
  • Founded 1932

A member's website

Dickens-and-London /
  • Guides to walks in the London of Dickens, created by Sue Gane, a member of the central group.

Other Useful Sites

The English Association /
  • over 100 years at the forefront of English

Major Reference Sites

Professor Matsuoka's
Dickens Pages
Nagoya University, Japan /
  • A first-class reference site, with numerous links
  • Professor Matsuoka also runs the Japan Branch site
Professor Matsuoka's
Hyper-Concordance /
  • A very useful resource for scholars and students
  • Other Victorian authors covered
Ritva Raesmaa's(Finland)
Dickens Pages /
  • A very comprehensive site, covering all aspects of Dickens's life and works.
David Purdue's
Charles Dickens Pages /
  • Another very comprehensive site, including an A-Z of every Dickens character.

Other Sites on Dickens and his Works

Dickens Journals Online /
  • Details of the project based at the University of Buckingham to put Dickens's Household Words and All the Year Round online by 2012.
Charles Dickens - Gad's Hill Place /
  • An informative and friendly site on a variety of topics related to Dickens.

Other Literary Societies

Charles Dickens-Gesellschaft Deutschland e.V. /
  • Founded in 2008
The Wilkie Collins Society /
  • Wilkie Collins (1824-89) was Dickens's most important literary collaborator.
The Trollope Society /
  • Anthony Trollope (1815-82) was a friend of Dickens but also one of the most severe critics of his works.