St. Edward Finance Council


Meeting Date: March23, 2015

Attendees: Father Brendan, Randy Redwitz, Donna Upton, Stephanie Espinosa, Frank Cincotta, Bill Ryan, Barbara Belavic and Liz Jensen and Catherine Muzzy.

Missing - None

  1. Opening Prayer – Fr. Brendan lead the opening prayer
  1. Review and approvalof Minutes – February Finance meeting minutes accepted and approved.
  1. Review of church renovation project timeline and related costs – Reviewed financials worksheets for the church renovation. Received updates on potential ADA improvements that may need to be done as required by the city of Dana Point. Received over $45K in donations for the church renovation.

Fr. Brendan reported that most comments that he got from parishioners on the renovation was that it made the church warm and simple, majority of comments very positive.

The glass in the reredos was not competed in time for church opening. It won’t be completed until sometime after Easter, scheduled for sometime in May. After completed the Bishop has offered to come back and bless it.

  1. Lawsuit on renovation - The court date is set for May 21st.
  1. Review of School budget for 2015-2016. The school budget was presented for next year. There were few issues discussed that needed to be adjusted and with those adjustments the budget would be approved. There will be tuition increase between 5% and 8%. Enrollment for next year for TYKES program through 8th grade and the preschool program both look strong
  1. Review of Parish and School Financials for the month of February 2015. Since the budget part of the meeting took up a good portion of the meeting the review of financials was limited to any major items.
  1. Church – Sunday collections were off significantly for February, part of the reason was still in the tent for the month. Expenses have been kept in line so overall the net operating income for year to date is very close to budget.
  1. PSA – numbers were still preliminary had just over $50K pledged so far.
  1. Ministry/Custodial Programs (Faith Formation, Youth, Liturgy, Music) – No large or unusual items to discuss.

Next Meeting – April 27th